The strongest peasant city

Chapter 468 The Shouter in the Crowd

Chapter 468 The Shouter in the Crowd

"Yes! Uncle, this is my mother, the head of Xingfu Village!"

Lin Zhi stood up and said.

"Hmph! Is something wrong? After this incident happened, I went to Xingfu Village to investigate. Their village head is a man named Zhang Erniu, but you said your mother is the head of Xingfu Village. Please, Do more homework when you come out to cheat in the future, don't be so full of loopholes and treat others as fools!"

Xie Ting said with some disgust.

"This... I am Zhang Erniu, the former village head of Xingfu Village! Due to work needs, she is indeed the current village head!"

Er Niu said.

Xie Ting looked at Erniu coldly and said, "Since you said you are Zhang Erniu, well, show me your ID card."

Zhang Erniu hurriedly took out his ID card and handed it over with both hands.

I thought everything would be cleared up, but Xie Ting looked at the ID card and said with a smile: "Okay, this is a lot of money! Even the ID card is forged."

After finishing speaking, he threw his ID card on the table in disdain, and said coldly: "Fake, you can't fool me!"

Er Niu was completely dumbfounded. Once this person has a prejudice against someone or something in his heart, it is difficult to change his attitude.

Er Niu looked a little impatient, and said angrily, "It seems that you think we are liars?"

Xie Ting sneered and said: "Do you need to be recognized? You are! Hurry up and spit out all the money you cheated the college students, otherwise I will immediately call up those college students who were deceived by you. If you can't control it and something happens, don't blame us!"

Er Niu straightened his suit, straightened his body, and said, "Okay! Just call them here and let them identify and identify, so that we can be innocent!"

Looking at Erniu who seemed a bit stubborn, Xie Ting nodded and said, "Okay, okay! You can do it! If that's the case, I have nothing to worry about!"

As he said that, he took the microphone and shouted to the recruitment hall on the first floor through the loudspeaker: "Attention all applicants, please pay attention to all applicants. It is suspected of fraudulent activities under the banner of Xingfu Village recruitment in this talent market three days ago." The person has been caught, please come to the second floor to identify the victim."

As soon as Xie Ting finished speaking, the entire first floor exploded like an atomic bomb!All kinds of discussions sounded at the same time, almost overturning the entire talent market.

After a while, the stairs leading from the first floor to the second floor immediately gathered a crowd of people.

Xu Yan ran in the front.

Xu Yan is a recent graduate of a university in BJ.It's been a few months since I graduated, and seeing my classmates being accepted by good employers one by one, Xu Yan's heart seems to be on fire!Of course, the reason why she couldn't find a job for a long time was not because she was too bad. She could only be blamed for her delicate appearance. The directors of the personnel departments of various companies always looked at her with a hunting style. Yan Yan's gaze made her feel uncomfortable, and some good jobs were rejected by her just like that.

Three days ago, when she came to this talent market again, she looked up and saw a huge red banner with a line of words written in glittering gold—Happy Village is looking for talented people from all over the world!These nine golden characters touched her heart in less than three seconds.

Thinking of working and living in a picturesque place in the future, Xu Yan signed up without even thinking about it, and managed to squeeze out [-] yuan from her little remaining food.

But what she never expected was that she met a liar for the first time.After paying the money, the other party immediately disappeared.

Thinking of her pain in the past three days, Xu Yan felt a burst of blood rushing to her brain, and rushed upstairs recklessly, just to step on those nasty liars.

"Where is the liar? Where is the liar?" Xu Yan yelled as she rushed into the security room.

Looking at the turbulent crowd, Xie Ting wanted to see the pale face of Er Niu and others frightened, but to his surprise, Er Niu's face was very calm at this time, and it could even be said that Gu Jing was not Bo, it seems that the scene in front of him has nothing to do with him.

Xie Ting gritted his teeth, and cursed secretly in his heart: "Liars nowadays are really incredible, and the quality of their hearts alone is amazing."

"Everyone, everyone! Don't be restless! Liars are shameful, but they also have human rights and are protected by the law. We can't break the law because of them. It's not worth it!"

Although Xie Ting hated Er Niu in his heart, to be precise, he hated those liars, but his professional ethics still required him to remain rational at this time.The furious job seekers finally quieted down.

Lin Fang quietly breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at the posture just now, it was hard to say whether these people would swarm up and tear them to pieces.

"Everyone, everyone is the victim of that day. I called everyone here just to let everyone identify them, let them reveal their true colors, and they can no longer deny it!"

Xie Ting said loudly.However, Xu Yan frowned, muttering in her heart, these people are definitely not the liars of the day, she can be sure of this.But she was not sure if these people were another group of liars, so she chose to remain silent for the time being.

Er Niu's face didn't change color and his heart didn't jump. Not only did he not intend to avoid it, but he took a step bravely, looked at the crowd and shouted loudly: "Look, was it me who lied to you three days ago?"

"That's right. It's him! These hateful liars dare to come a second time after being cheated once, they are really audacious!"

There was a sudden roar from the crowd, causing Er Niu to almost fall to the ground and pass out on the spot.

Er Niu's eyes searched the crowd, but it was really difficult to find one person out of hundreds of people.

"Hmph! You have nothing to say, a liar! Thanks to you, you can still behave so calmly, it's really hard to be admired! Fortunately, I have been in this industry for many years, otherwise I would really be fooled by you!"

Xie Ting proudly pointed at Er Niu and said, as if he had caught some unforgivable murderer.

Er Niu didn't expect such a scene to appear, and shouted loudly: "Whoever identified me as a liar just now, you might as well stand up and let me see!"

After hearing this, Xie Ting roared angrily, "Why, why do you still want to take revenge? I have seen many villains in my life as a security guard, but this is the first time I have seen someone as arrogant as you!"

Er Niu was almost driven crazy by Xie Ting, and said angrily, "I mean to confront him face to face!"

"Yes! After the confrontation, you will write down his appearance, and you will find him for revenge when you have a chance in the future, right? Hmph, you have a wishful thinking, but how can I let you succeed?"

Xie Ting's self-righteousness made Erniu a little admired, and said helplessly: "But...but I am really not the liar you said!"

"You still dare to quibble? I can guarantee that he was the one who took my money back then! I am very impressed with him!"

The somewhat shrill voice in the crowd sounded again, and Er Niu looked furiously for his reputation, but he still saw faces full of innocence.

"Bastard, stand up for me if you have the ability! What kind of ability is hiding in the crowd?" Er Niu was a little angry. He was recruited happily today, but he never expected to encounter such a block Depressed things.

His heart was already full of anger, plus this person hid behind his back and shot sniper shots, it was a miracle that he could endure until now.

"Hehe... You've become angry from embarrassment! You hateful liar, you actually cheated money from people like us who don't even have a job, you are really hateful!"

The voice in the crowd resounded sharply.

Xu Yan frowned. She had never seen Erniu before, but the voice seemed familiar, as if she had heard it somewhere before.

After thinking about it, Xu Yan decided to stand up, at least she felt that Er Niu was much better than the one who was hiding in the dark and shooting cold arrows!So he said crisply: "I am also one of the deceived, but I can guarantee that these people are definitely not liars, at least not the ones who lied to us that day! Mister hiding in the crowd, can you speak up?"

Xu Yan's words made Erniu, Lin Fang and the others feel excited, and they all looked at her gratefully.

Xu Yan waved her hand and said coldly: "You don't have to look at me like that, I just don't want those real liars to go unpunished! In addition, I would like to advise you, if you really have the same idea as those liars, you'd better leave it at that Stop! Because the way of heaven is so clear, no matter how clever the deception is, there will always be a day when it leaks, I hope you can do it yourself!"

Hearing Xu Yan's words, Er Niu couldn't laugh or cry. At such a great age, he was taught a lesson by a little girl like Xu Yan in the end.

However, what Xu Yan said was measured and carried a lot of weight. If they were really liars, they really had to think carefully.

The voice in the crowd was silent for a while, and then suddenly rang out again: "What scammers? I think you are also with them, right? You are a child among job applicants, in order to encourage more people to be fooled I was deceived, and now I ran out to rescue the scene when I saw the matter was exposed, am I right?"

Xu Yan's face turned cold, and she shouted crisply: "Is this true? You know best! You have been hiding in the crowd and dare not show your face. Could it be that you are the real liar?"

"Hahaha...that's so ridiculous! I heard that Zhu Bajie can beat you upside down, but I didn't expect you, a beautiful big beauty, to be able to do this! It's useless, this kind of clumsy way of diverting everyone's attention by talking nonsense and biting people indiscriminately It is impossible to succeed by tricks! You should admit it obediently!" The other party did not accept Xu Yan's tricks at all, and laughed loudly.

In this way, Xie Ting was fine, and he was already confused.He looked at Xu Yan for a while, and glanced at the crowd for a while, with hesitation on his face.He opened his mouth and said to the crowd: "Sir, please come out for a while, don't worry, we will guarantee your personal safety!"

The voice in the crowd seemed to hesitate for a while before replying, "No need, I'm just testifying... ouch!"

As the man was talking, he suddenly let out a scream, and then a thin, monkey-like middle-aged man stumbled out of the crowd, clutching his butt, his face full of pain.

Then a tall and burly young man pushed aside the crowd and followed, his voice sounded like thunder: "I was also one of the victims that day, but why didn't I remember that there were people like them among the liars? "

(End of this chapter)

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