The strongest peasant city

Chapter 515 Pan Song

Chapter 515 Pan Song
"How do you bring so many saplings?" Zhou Zongnan asked worriedly.


At this moment, Li Shuang suddenly screamed out, Zhou Zongnan and the others turned their heads to look at her, only to see Li Shuang pointing at Li Xiaogang with a horrified expression on his face, the four of them immediately turned their heads and saw a bundle of saplings in good condition , was touched by Li Xiaogang a few times and then disappeared out of thin air.

This extremely weird scene made the four of them involuntarily yell out, and the extremely penetrating voice could almost penetrate the dome of the laboratory.

Li Xiaogang was startled by their shouts, turned his head nervously and asked, "What happened?"

Seeing the five people seemed to be looking at a monster, each of them was stunned and looked at him with straight eyes. Li Xiaogang suddenly realized what happened, and couldn't help but smiled bitterly and said: "Don't be surprised, don't be surprised! It's just a little It's just magic, hehe... just a little magic."

"Little magic? Do you think we are fools? That's a big bundle of saplings. What kind of little magic can kill them? Come on, let's get to the bottom of it. What's going on?" Qin Qin stared at it dissatisfied. Li Xiaogang's eyes kept asking.

Li Xiaogang coughed a few times, frowned and said: "This, actually... it's actually a high-tech product, that's because of it!"

Seeing that Li Xiaogang couldn't hide it, he simply stretched out his hand and let them see the simple and dignified Nuwa ring on his finger.

From time to time, there will be streaks of purple light shining from the depths of the ring, passing by in a flash.

"Wow, what a beautiful ring!"

Li Shuang and Qin Qin's eyes sparkled a little, and women never lacked interest in shiny things.

Two pairs of beautiful big eyes were immediately attracted.

Li Xiaogang smiled bitterly and said: "Its beauty is not only because of its beauty, but more importantly, it is actually a huge storage space, which can store more things than you can imagine."

"What!? You mean, this little ring is actually used to store things, is that possible?"

Zhou Zongnan asked in disbelief, "How does it work?"

"By a spell!"

This sentence was answered by Li Xiaogang in his heart. If he really told Zhou Zongnan and the others like this, these scientists would go crazy.

Frowning, Li Xiaogang replied in a serious manner: "Well, everyone knows that everything is made of molecules, and the working principle of this ring is to disrupt the molecules that make up objects, and then recombine them to make them smaller. ……Right, that is it."

Zhou Zongnan and others stared blankly at Li Xiaogang, Li Shuang asked in confusion, "Is that really the case?"

Li Xiaogang nodded with some guilt and said, "Yes, that's it, and it's actually not a big deal! Hehe..." Zhou Zongnan said in amazement: "To be honest, Li Xiaogang, I don't understand you more and more. Why is it related to you? Things are always so mysterious and incomprehensible. I almost have some doubts about science!"

Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "Okay, okay, let's stop discussing this, the helicopter will come soon!"

After finishing speaking, he stuffed all the remaining saplings into the ring at the fastest speed, and said: "Let's go! I have heard the sound of the plane." After finishing speaking, he hurriedly walked outside go.

Looking at Li Xiaogang's fleeing back, Qin Qin said quietly: "I think he must have something to hide from us. This guy is becoming more and more dishonest."

Li Shuang giggled and said, "I don't think he's being dishonest, but sister, you care more and more about him. You must be in love with him, right?"

Qin Qin didn't feel embarrassed at all, and said heartily: "Yes, I love him from the beginning, and I even confessed my love to him!"

"Ah!? That's the case, what's the result?" Li Shuang asked with eyes widened in unprecedented surprise.

Qin Qin pouted and said, "Didn't you see it all, and he rejected it, hey!"

Hearing Qin Qin's long sigh, Li Shuang said with some annoyance: "Is this guy a man after all? He can refuse even a delicate beauty like you, sister?"

Qin Qin shrugged his shoulders and said, "He is an extraordinary real man!"

Li Shuang looked Qin Qin up and down and giggled coquettishly, "It seems that his refusal not only didn't make you retreat, but inspired your fighting spirit, didn't it?"

"You two, hurry up, Li Xiaogang is already waving to us!"

Li Xiang behind couldn't help urging the two of them to speak.

The two girls looked up and saw that the helicopter had arrived. As expected, Li Xiaogang was standing anxiously in front of the helicopter, waving at them non-stop, signaling them to hurry up. Li Shuang and Qin Qin stuck out their tongues at each other, Quickened the pace.

On the helicopter, Shi Qiu stepped down.

Seeing Shi Qiu, Li Xiaogang was stunned for a moment, and said with a wry smile: "Uncle Shi, you think you value this helicopter too much, so you have to send it here yourself? I have already said that if your helicopter is damaged, I will accompany you." You are in a fight."

Shi Qiu laughed and said: "Okay, I will burn incense every day when I go back and pray for him to die soon, hehe..."

Li Xiaogang smiled helplessly and said, "You are really an out-and-out profiteer."

Shi Qiu said: "Actually, I came here today to tell you something.

The corner of Li Xiaogang's mouth twitched and said: "I knew it, you came here because of something, so tell me, what's the matter?" "

Shi Qiu said: "I think so, you're right! Since Yuyao can't come back, then her mother and I will go! Didn't you say you can escort us? I'll borrow some bodyguards from you. You You won't say no to it?"

Li Xiaogang asked curiously: "Didn't you still disdain my bodyguard yesterday, why did you come to my door today? Did someone say something to you?"

Shi Qiu was extremely embarrassed, and said with a dry smile: "No, no, it's just that I feel that I am going abroad for personal reasons, so I should equip myself with bodyguards. I don't want to cause trouble for the country, hehe..."

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Understood! You wait for a few days. After I come back from the desert, I happen to have something to go to Yiguo. We will go together."

Shi Qiu hurriedly said: "No need, no need! Just give me a few bodyguards, and there is no need to trouble you to accompany us!"

Li Xiaogang smiled wryly: "But I haven't seen my girlfriend for a long time, and I want to see her too.

Besides, if my bodyguards are not restrained by me, you may not be able to restrain them, so don't be polite to me!See you in three days! "

After speaking, Li Xiaogang boarded the plane.

Shi Qiu sighed several times in his heart, regretting Meng Lang and his recklessness even more.

But right now there is no room for turning around, seeing Li Xiaogang already sitting in the cabin, he can only wait until Li Xiaogang returns.

Li Xiaogang got into the cockpit, and in the pilot's seat of the helicopter sat a healthy young man with a vigorous appearance, wearing a pair of aviator sunglasses, very cool.

Li Xiaogang asked with a smile: "Hi, I'm Li Xiaogang!"

The pilot turned his head when he heard the sound, and with a smile, two rows of shiny white, shining like diamonds, "Hello, I know you without introduction, and now your photogenic rate in China is too high, no I'm afraid there are not many people who know you! Hehe..."

Li Xiaogang smiled bitterly and said: "Every time I go on camera, I encounter bad things. Even if I am famous, I am afraid it is notorious!"

"You must not say that, in fact, in the eyes of most people, you are the hero of China.

We also expect you to win glory for our country in the international financial circle, suppress the arrogance of those foreigners, and let them have a taste of the power of our Chinese people! "

The young pilot was very talkative, and he was somewhat different from the stern-faced soldier in Li Xiaogang's impression. This made Li Xiaogang full of affection for him, and he seemed to talk more.

" haven't told me your name yet!"

Li Xiaogang said with a smile.

"My name is Pan Song. Everyone says that I am a descendant of Pan An. Do you think I look like me?" Pan Song blinked at Li Xiaogang and asked narrowly.

Li Xiaogang nodded seriously and said: "It's so interesting, I'm afraid Pan An is nothing more than that!"

Pan Song was very proud of hearing this, and couldn't help laughing: "Okay, I'll just say this to you, I will accompany you to the end of this journey of death!"

"Death trip?" Li Xiaogang frowned and said, "It's not so scary, is it? Isn't this the most advanced helicopter we're riding, specially designed for desert areas? You don't need to make such a posture of treating death as home Bar?"

Pan Song smiled wryly and said, "The most advanced helicopter? That may be true, but no matter how advanced it is, it is ridiculous and insignificant in front of the ever-changing and incomparably powerful nature. The reason why I say this is not to alarmist, but all the facts.

I don't understand why you must go to such a terrifying desert, but I still want to advise you, when you get to the desert, everything must follow my command, if you want to save your life, it's best to do this! "

Seeing the seriousness on Pan Song's face, Li Xiaogang nodded and said, "Since you are driving the plane, of course we want to listen to you. You don't have to be polite, just give orders when the time comes."

The staff loaded a large amount of drinking water, food, tents, communicators, fuel and other equipment onto the helicopter one by one. The space that was originally spacious suddenly became crowded. Li Xiaogang wanted to put all these miscellaneous things into It was collected in Nuwa God's Ring, but because Pan Song was present, he was an outsider after all, so he couldn't be too ostentatious, so he gave up in the end.

"Pan Song! I handed them all over to you. After three days, you have to bring them back to me in their original form. If something goes wrong, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Shi Qiu yelled at Pan Song with some anxiety.

Pan Song gave a military salute gracefully, and said in a loud voice: "Please rest assured, Chief, I promise to complete the task." After speaking, he controlled the plane and slowly rose into the air.

(End of this chapter)

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