The strongest peasant city

Chapter 517 Encountering a Tornado

Chapter 517 Encountering a Tornado
"Could it be that the weather is really so hot?" Li Shuang finally couldn't stand it anymore, and complained loudly.

Pan Song comforted: "Don't be angry! The more angry and excited you are, the hotter you will feel. It's natural to be calm, hehe..." After listening to Pan Song's words, Li Shuang sat down with a pout, and unscrewed a bottle The mineral water was poured again.

Li Xiaogang frowned and said, "Drinking so much water will be bad for your stomach, so it's better to take it easy!"

Li Shuang waved his hands and said, "It doesn't matter, even being strangled to death is more comfortable than being burned to death!"

Li Xiaogang frowned and asked, "Is it really that hot?" As soon as Li Xiaogang said that, several pairs of eyes looked at him at the same time. When everyone saw that in such hot weather, Li Xiaogang didn't even sweat They didn't come out, and they were all surprised, as if watching a monster, they kept watching around Li Xiaogang.

Li Shuang pointed at Li Xiaogang and said with some resentment: "You!...What a monster! You're almost exhausted from sweating, but you're fine! Could it be that you can't feel the heat naturally?"

Li Xiaogang smiled triumphantly, and said in his heart: "As far as my cultivation is concerned, let alone a few tens of degrees, even if I put it in a furnace, it may not make me sweat!"

But seeing that everyone was sweating all the time, especially when they were either old people or young girls, Li Xiaogang couldn't bear it. The entire helicopter was wrapped up, blocking the heat wave abruptly.

The temperature in the helicopter suddenly dropped by more than ten degrees, as if suddenly entering an air-conditioned room from a sauna room. The annoying heat that surrounded everyone suddenly disappeared, and they were surrounded by a cool and refreshing breath.

Everyone couldn't help shivering incomparably comfortably.

"Pan Song, did you turn on the air conditioner?" Li Shuang asked Pan Song with a smile on his face.

Pan Song was also wondering why the oven-like cabin suddenly cooled down. Hearing Li Shuang's question, he smiled wryly and said, "This is a helicopter. I haven't heard of anyone installing an air conditioner in a helicopter!"

"How did that happen? Why did you cool down all of a sudden?" Li Shuang asked, looking at Li Xiaogang suspiciously.

Li Xiaogang sat up a little more, and said lightly: "Maybe... Maybe everyone's hearts suddenly calmed down, so you feel cooler, haha..." Li Shuang and Qin Qin glanced at each other, and then turned to each other with malicious intentions. Coming up together, Qin Qin looked at Li Xiaogang seriously and asked, "Why, in your eyes, are we all idiots?"

Li Xiaogang smiled wryly and said, "I really don't know what happened..."

"Then what happened to that snapping of your fingers? Why did you suddenly cool down after snapping your fingers? How do you explain this?" It was Qin Qin who was careful and grasped the key issue.

Li Xiaogang was taken aback by the question, coughed loudly, and said in a loud voice: "What snapping fingers? What does this have to do with snapping fingers? I...I don't even know what you are talking about! Hehe..."

Seeing that Li Xiaogang was forced so hard, Li Xiang couldn't bear it and said: "Okay, who doesn't want to have a little secret these days? Li Shuang, Qin Qin, just let Xiaogang go, don't you just let Xiaogang go when it's cool?" Okay!"

Qin Qin and Li Shuang glared at Li Xiaogang together, and Li Shuang said even more indignantly, "Then he has too many secrets, right? Everywhere is so mysterious, and no one is allowed to figure it out. It's very sad!"

Qin Qin also echoed: "Yeah, he knows everything about us, but we don't know anything about him. Isn't that too unfair?"

Li Xiaogang smiled helplessly and said: "There are too many injustices in this world. Well, when I feel that I can let you know everything about me, I will naturally tell you that what is hard for others is not a virtuous and gentle woman. A child can do it."

Hearing that Li Xiaogang had raised the seriousness of the problem to such a high level, Qin Qin could only stop pursuing it no matter how reluctant he was.

Li Xiaogang played a trick to cool down the cabin, eliminating the torment of the heat, and the laughter returned.

However, when Li Xiaogang and the others were laughing and making noise, they didn't notice that Pan Song's face was turning serious, and he looked up at the sky from time to time, his eyes filled with worry.In the sky, a cloud that doesn't seem very thick in the distance is drifting over little by little.

Pan Song, who is accustomed to the nature of the desert, clearly knows that in this desert, even a small piece of inconspicuous cloud may cause a devastating disaster.


Although Pan Song kept praying in his heart, something he didn't want to see broke out.

Just now, the cloud, which was slow and seemed extremely comfortable and calm, suddenly changed color in the next second, and suddenly became extremely thick, and the color also changed from pure white to pitch black.

Just when Pan Song exclaimed, a thin black line suddenly appeared under the clouds, about the thickness of a pencil from a distance.

Once the black line was formed, it seemed to be inflated, and it expanded rapidly, becoming thicker and longer, and soon turned into a black dragon rushing straight to the sky, wandering between the sky and the earth.

With the current route of Pan Song and the others, it was as if they were embracing the tornado.Pan Song didn't care about the warning, and suddenly pulled the control feeling, and the helicopter immediately turned 180 degrees.

Li Shuang, Qin Qin and others were caught off guard, screamed, and their bodies began to rotate with the helicopter.

Li Xiaogang was not prepared at all, and his body turned somersaults involuntarily, but after all, his cultivation was as high as the sky, and he quickly stabilized his figure, holding Qin Qin and Li Shuang firmly in front of his chest with both hands, and his feet As if nailed to the deck, the helicopter flipped violently.

Li Xiang, Zhou Zongnan, and Zhou Keqing fixed themselves in their seats from the very beginning, and this flip made them dizzy, but they didn't get bumped.

Otherwise, if five people rolled around in the cabin at the same time, even Li Xiaogang would have to panic for a while.

"What's wrong? What happened? Is it going to crash!"

Li Shuang was hugged tightly by Li Xiaogang, and she shouted in a terrified voice, the voice was full of fear and tension, Li Xiaogang hugged her even tighter, and comforted her repeatedly: "It's okay, it's okay, there is I am here, you are safe!"

I don't know whether it was Li Xiaogang's words or his strong and safe chest. After a while, Li Shuang finally calmed down, pressed his head tightly against Li Xiaogang's chest, and listened to his strong heartbeat while carefully listening to his heartbeat. Tasting the masculine breath that penetrated into his heart through his nose.

Qin Qin was not much better, although she didn't yell like Li Shuang, her heart was already in her throat, her little face was even paler, her hands tightly grasped one of Li Xiaogang's arms, like It's like grabbing a life-saving straw.

The plane turned over several times in a row, and finally recovered its stability. Li Shuang and Qin Qin, who were a little shocked, still clung to Li Xiaogang's arms and refused to leave.

Li Xiaogang comforted them in their respective seats with coaxing and deceit, and after fixing their bodies with seat belts, he looked at Pan Song and asked, "What happened just now?"

Pan Song said with a bitter face, "We're in big trouble this time, look what's behind us?"

Li Xiaogang looked out through the porthole at the tail of the aircraft. When he saw the black dragon-like tornado rushing towards them, he couldn't help being shocked by the irresistible force of nature. He was stunned on the spot, not knowing what to do. What to do.

Others also noticed this astonishing tornado one after another, and they all trembled in their hearts.

"Pan Song, speed up, we are about to be overtaken!"

Li Shuang stared at the tornado in fear, while reminding Pan Song loudly.

Pan Song said in a deep voice: "Now it's the fastest speed! We have brought too many things, the plane can't fly fast!"

"Then...then what should we do? A tornado of this magnitude would tear us apart in a second!"

Qin Qin looked very nervous, and asked with a trembling voice.

"We must reduce the weight of the plane! I open the door, and you throw out everything except fuel and water. The weight reduction will make the plane fly faster!"

After finishing speaking, the hatch of the cockpit was slowly opened, and a gust of wind immediately blew in, blowing everyone off their feet.

"No! These are the necessary instruments and equipment for us. Without them, our trip to the desert would be in vain!"

Zhou Zongnan objected.

"Old professor! It's useless this time, we can come again next time, but if you lose your life here, no matter how much equipment you have, it will be useless! Listen to me, throw it away? The tornado is about to catch up Alright!" Pan Song persuaded.

"Professor! Pan Song is right, we can no longer hesitate, throw it away!"

Qin Qin bit her lip and said decisively while unfastening her seat belt.

Li Xiaogang held her down and said, "I'll do it! I'll put them all in my ring, so as not to make the plane too heavy, and keep them!"

By now, Li Xiaogang couldn't care less about keeping the secret anymore, so he said loudly.

Thinking of Li Xiaogang's incomparably miraculous ring, Zhou Zongnan and others' eyes lit up, but Pan Song was very puzzled and couldn't help asking: "What ring?" Li Xiaogang just smiled without explaining.

Leaning over to install the equipment, the plane suddenly began to shake violently. It turned out that some sand and soil from the periphery of the tornado had already spread to the helicopter. Pan Song shook his hand, which made the plane shake so badly.

But it didn't matter this moment, the things in the cabin immediately slid towards the open hatch.

First oil and water, and finally even instruments and equipment were not spared.

Seeing this scene, Li Shuang and Qin Qin all screamed and frantically unbuckled their seat belts, trying to stop those devices.

But this seat belt intentionally made trouble for them, the more urgent it is, the more difficult it is to untie it, seeing that everything will fall out, not to mention Qin Qin and Li Shuang, even Zhou Zongnan and the others are in a hurry There are stars in my eyes.

Li Xiaogang frowned when he saw this, and rushed towards the equipment without thinking.

His hands danced like phantoms, and the purple divine light suddenly lit up, then quickly went out, and then lit up again... It was so weird in the wind and sand all over the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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