The strongest peasant city

Chapter 522 Chizawa's Trick

Chapter 522 Chizawa's Trick

Gu Feitian's lungs were about to explode, and the two rows of steel teeth were clenching loudly, but the opponent's firepower was so fierce that he couldn't even raise his head when he was suppressed, how could he fight back?It was the first time in Gu Feitian's life that he could not fight back when he was beaten, and he cursed his mother in anger.

"Prisoner, what should we do? If they attack us, we will be finished!"

A middle-aged prison guard frowned and asked Gu Feitian.

Gu Feitian gritted his teeth and said: "Well, you lead everyone here and shoot into the sky to attract their attention. I will lead a few people around to their side from the right, and when you see us firing, you fire again! Helping the son of a bitch, wasting the country's food for so many years!"

After finishing speaking, he ordered three capable prison guards and rolled to the right side of the dune.

The middle-aged prison guard Kai led the rest of the group, shooting wildly at the sky.

The prison guards, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly burst into gunshots, and all the prisoners unconsciously fell to the ground.

Chi Ze looked contemptuously at the prisoners lying all over the floor, and shouted angrily, "You're a fucking coward! Stand up and shoot!"

Chi Ze kicked the ass of the round head next to him. The round head suffered from pain, screamed and jumped up from the ground, and shot wildly with the gun.

In fear of Chi Ze, the lying prisoner stood up again and moved forward.

Chi Ze yelled at Sha Dun angrily: "Gu Feitian, come out, you are not trying to kill me, I am right here, come out and kill me!

"Son of a bitch! Since you want to die so much, I'll give you a ride!"

Gu Feitian suddenly appeared from their right side, and the grenade in his hand flew towards Chi Ze.

Chi Ze was shocked when he saw this, and instinctively fell to the side.

With a loud bang, three or four prisoners who reacted slowly were immediately sent to the sky.

At the same time, three other prison guards who turned around opened fire at the same time, and the bullets slanted among the prisoners with their anger, and several prisoners fell down.

Hearing the gunshots from this side, the middle-aged prison guards were no longer polite. All the prison guards jumped up at the same time, firing wildly with the submachine guns in their hands.

This sudden scene immediately stunned all the prisoners, they didn't know which direction to fight back, and nearly half of the original twenty or thirty prisoners were knocked down in an instant.

Seeing this, Chi Ze gritted his teeth and shouted loudly, "Get down, get down!"

Chi Ze kicked the round head next to him, which was completely covered in beating, to the ground, and then fell down himself.

All the prisoners followed suit, either lying down or looking for cover, so the casualties did not continue.

"Son of a bitch, bastard!"

Chi Ze hid behind a sand dune, roaring angrily.

"Brother Ze, what should we do? Can such a small number of people still be able to kill them?" The round head asked Chi Ze worriedly.

Chi Ze said angrily: "How the hell do I know?" The round head started to sob when he heard it, and Chi Ze, who was so noisy, was so annoyed that he grabbed his neck and shouted: "If you cry again , I will throw you out, and be beaten into a sieve by Gu Feitian!"

Only then did Round Head stop crying and regain his composure.

Chi Ze frowned tightly. Now that the prisoners have lost their advantage in numbers, as far as individual soldiers are concerned, they are no match for well-trained prison guards.

When the number of prisoners is about the same, the prisoners are like a dish, and it will be a matter of time before they are eaten by the prison guards.

Originally, he wanted to use these prisoners to strengthen himself, but looking at it now, this is simply a group of mobs!Chi Ze turned his head to Yuantou and said in a deep voice: "Before I come back, you confront the cop, they don't fire, and you don't fire, if they charge up, you beat them back! In short, you must persist Come back to me!"

When the round head heard that Chi Ze was about to leave, he asked anxiously, "Where are you going?"

Chi Ze laughed grimly and said, "I'm going to find a trump card that can control Gu Feitian! With this trump card, we have an [-]% chance of winning!"

When the round head heard it, he asked in a nasty way: "What trump card? Brother Ze, you don't mean to use us as cannon fodder and go for a walk by yourself?" Chi Ze's face suddenly became extremely stern when he heard this, and he clasped it with one hand. Rubbing the neck of the round head, he said angrily: "If I want to take a walk, can you stop me? Huh?
The round head shuddered, and said: "Brother Ze, Brother Ze, I didn't mean that. What I meant was that I can't live without you. No matter where you go, you must take me with you!"

Chi Ze snorted coldly and said, "If you want to follow me, you have to listen to me! Don't make me unhappy! Stay here obediently."

After finishing speaking, Chi Ze cautiously moved towards the direction of the prison.

Half an hour passed, and the desert became so quiet that it was terrifying.

Gu Feitian frowned a little bit. Based on what he knew about Chi Ze, Chi Ze was definitely not a patient person. During the past half an hour, Chi Ze must have been on the move, but what exactly was he doing? But Feitian couldn't figure it out.

"Director, it's been more than half an hour, shall we rush up?"

Gu Feitian shook his head and said: "Their firepower is very fierce. Comrades who rush forward rashly may die. We have already sacrificed several comrades, and no one else can be sacrificed."

"But it's not a solution to stay on hold all the time?" the prison guard said again.

Gu Feitian shook his head and said, "Don't be afraid! This is a desert, and they can't escape without supplies and means of transportation. Now let's compare with them to see who has more patience."

Just as Gu Feitian was talking, the phone in his pocket rang. Gu Feitian was startled, and hurriedly took out the phone. After seeing that the number was Lao Zhang, the deputy warden, he answered the phone. Gu Feitian asked urgently: "Old Zhang , how is the family, nothing happened? What are the other prisoners doing?"

Lao Zhang said with a thick smile: "Old Gu, don't worry, everything is normal at home. The rest of the prisoners are very peaceful. It's just that a fire broke out out of nowhere just now, but now the fire has been put out by our prison guards with all our strength, and the loss is not big. !Old Gu, how is your side, do you need me to send someone to support you?"

"Fire? Why did it suddenly catch fire?" Gu Feitian asked with a shock in his heart.

Lao Zhang said: "The reason is still unclear. Comrades are investigating, and I believe there will be results soon."

Gu Feitian nodded and said: "That's good! I don't need any more people here. Those rioting prisoners have been trapped by us, and the battle will be resolved in a short time! Your task is to try your best to maintain the stability of your home. Allow new riots to happen." After finishing speaking, he closed the line.

But Gu Feitian's brows still did not stretch, they were tightly wrinkled together.

"How could there be a fire for no reason?... Tune the tiger away from the mountain?!"

Gu Feitian's whole body trembled violently, and a chill ran down his spine all the way to his head, causing his scalp to tingle.

Gu Feitian dialed Lao Zhang's number with trembling hands, and said anxiously: "Quick! Take someone to the family area, Chi Ze is there, hurry up!"

After finishing speaking, Gu Feitian suddenly jumped out of the bunker, roaring in his mouth, "You bastards!"

While frantically pulling the trigger, the prison guard beside him was horrified when he saw this, jumped up without thinking, and forced Gu Feitian's body to the ground. The place was hit by more than a dozen bullets, stirring up sand all over the sky.

Gu Feitian thumped the ground resentfully, his iron fists sank deeply into the yellow sand, and shouted repeatedly: "I'm so stupid, why didn't I think this would happen! Idiot, idiot!"

Looking at Gu Feitian who looked crazy, the prison guard asked eagerly, "Director, what's the matter? You're talking!"

Gu Feitian gritted his teeth and said, "That bastard Chi Ze, he's not here anymore!"

"Ah? What?" The prison guard looked at Gu Feitian in confusion and asked.

Gu Feitian said in pain: "Chi Ze used these prisoners to attract our attention, but he himself quietly returned to the prison." "He went back again? Does he really have such courage?" The prison guard seemed not Dare to believe repeatedly asked.

Gu Feitian said in a deep voice: "Chi Ze is different from other desperadoes! He is cruel and cunning, even in a desperate situation, he is still as calm as a fox.

That's why I insisted on keeping him locked up in Area X!But I didn't expect that even so, he still caused such a big storm.

Just now, he set a fire in the prison, which attracted the attention of the prison guards. He himself may have entered the family area now! "

"What!?" Several prison guards were stunned.

There are not only the family members of the prison guards but also the family members of the prisoners living in the family area, but they are all old and weak women and children who are helpless. Facing a murderous criminal like Chi Ze, it is like a tiger like a tiger like a sheep. No wonder Gu Feitian would feel so sad.

"Bang bang bang..." Gunshots continued to come from the direction of the prison, and the hearts of Gu Feitian and others immediately tightened.

The gunfire lasted for a few minutes and then stopped. "Could it be that Chi Ze has been shot to death?" Gu Feitian hoped so, but he knew that the possibility was very slim. There is one person who can kill him, and that can only be himself.

Although Lao Zhang is also a seasoned fighter, he is not enough to kill Chi Ze!
Sure enough, the matter was expected by Gu Feitian again, and then Lao Zhang called and told him the bad news.

Gu Feitian's wife was injured, and his ten-year-old daughter was taken hostage by Chi Ze. He was currently moving towards them with the obvious intention of blackmailing Gu Feitian with Gu Feitian's daughter.

Hearing the bad news, Gu Feitian's body shook a few times, and for the first time, this iron-clad man showed sadness on his face.

Guilt grew wildly in his heart like weeds.

If he hadn't wasted half an hour in vain and continued to attack, maybe he would have discovered Chi Ze's plot, maybe his wife wouldn't have been injured, maybe his daughter wouldn't have been Chi Ze's hostage .

The more Gu Feitian thought about it, the more he felt that all this was caused by himself, and the more he thought about it, the more guilty he felt. The steel submachine gun kept creaking and creaking in his hand, as if it would be crushed at any moment.

(End of this chapter)

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