The strongest peasant city

Chapter 525 A Bitter Life

Chapter 525 A Bitter Life

Hearing that there was a prison nearby, everyone was a little stunned.

Li Xiaogang glanced at the surprised expressions of everyone, and said with a smile: "There is nothing to make a fuss about, there are many secrets in China that no one knows! However, this way, we won't have to worry about no one planting trees for us, haha... ..."

"You mean, those prisoners in the prison? But, will the prison agree?" Li Xiang asked with a brow.

Li Xiaogang said: "You don't have to worry about this, I have already negotiated with them. Let's go, let's not get exposed to the wind and sun here, go visit the prison deep in the desert, come for a sightseeing trip, isn't it more good?"

"Visiting a prison? It's the first time I've lived a long time. Come on, let's see!"

Zhou Zongnan patted the wind and sand on his body, and said with a smile.

"But...but what about our supplies?" Pan Song glanced at the mountain-like supplies behind them and asked.

Li Xiaogang smiled and said, "This is easy!"

After speaking, point the hand wearing the ring to the supplies, and each piece of supplies seemed to have grown wings, wrapped in a purple light, and disappeared strangely into Li Xiaogang's Nuwa god ring, and finally even the huge straight He didn't let go of the plane, and was put away by Li Xiaogang.

All this made everyone dumbfounded, even after seeing it many times, they still couldn't help being surprised.

Li Xiang asked anxiously: "Is this also the power of science?"

"What! He was fooling us. I wouldn't believe it if he killed him. That ring was developed by a certain scientist." Li Shuang pouted and said very dissatisfied.

Li Xiaogang shrugged his shoulders quite complacently, as if you could think whatever you want, I just don't say anything, so that everyone can only see it in their eyes and feel angry in their hearts.

But I can only be angry in my heart, want to be tough?They were also afraid that Li Xiaogang would put them into the ring on a whim.

This unusual prison has experienced this turmoil, and it looks a little dilapidated and a mess.

Some prisoners who behaved better on weekdays were doing cleaning work under the command of the prison guards. The scene looked busy.

Gu Feitian's wife was just as Li Xiaogang said, she was just scratched and bled a little, but it was not a serious problem.

This is all thanks to Gu Feitian's first-class reaction. Even though Chi Ze's plot was expected, and Zhang Ziqiu, the deputy warden, acted decisively and swiftly, the brutal Chi Ze did not succeed. But after thinking about it, everyone Can't help but break out in a cold sweat.

"Ziqiu, come, let me introduce you." Gu Feitian excitedly pointed at Li Xiaogang, and said to Zhang Ziqiu, "This is Li Xiaogang who saved us at our most critical moment, Mr. Zhang!"

Li Xiaogang smiled modestly and said: "Hello! Don't listen to Brother Gu, the matter is not as suspenseful as he said!"

Zhang Ziqiu is also a straightforward person, he laughed and said: "Okay, Mr. Zhang, don't be too modest. Based on my understanding of Chi Ze, although I was not there at the time, I knew that the situation was extremely dangerous! I want to be good. Thank you for saving my brother's life!"

It can be seen that the relationship between Zhang Ziqiu and Gu Feitian is very harmonious and deep. They are not brothers, but they sound like brothers.

Looking at other people, even between prison guards and prisoners, the relationship looks good.

It's no wonder that in such a place where it is strange to see a mouse, if the relationship between each other is not compatible, how sad it will be, and I am afraid that it will drive a healthy person crazy!

Since this is a desert, not a single blade of grass grows, so the supply in the prison is completely dependent on the outside world.

However, the desert is ruthless, and the bad weather changes in an instant. If a plane wants to fly in, it has to bear a huge risk. Therefore, the supply here is usually replenished by one person at a time.

As for fresh vegetables, they may be available in the first few days of a month at most, and most of the rest of the time, they are dry goods, or vegetables that are not easy to deteriorate such as potatoes, cabbage, and radishes.

Therefore, it is unlikely that you will be able to host a fancy dinner party here.Looking at the shredded potatoes, radish sticks, cabbage clappers, and various pickles on the dining table, Gu Feitian looked very embarrassed and said, "Well, this is the condition we have here, so you should pay attention to it.

Originally, there was still some meat this month, but due to the relative concentration of prisoners and prison guards celebrating their birthdays this month, all of them were used up.I can only entertain you with these, Mr. Zhang, please don't take offense.

strange?Now Li Xiaogang is only touched in his heart, so there is nothing to blame.

Under such a difficult environment, these people have no complaints or regrets. If it is not because of their infinite respect and love for the country, who can do it?When I think about it, on the plane, my remark about patriotic ambitions should be considered noble and enlightened, but compared with people like Gu Feitian, Li Xiaogang suddenly feels that he is really empty.I can't help but feel a little ashamed.

Just when Li Xiaogang was so moved that he didn't know what to say, Gu Yan over there suddenly vomited, looking very sad.

But in the face of all this, Gu Feitian and everyone seemed to be used to it. They just took a look and then looked away. Only Gu Feitian's wife Wan'er was left gently patting Gu Yan's thin back. , so that she can vomit more comfortably.

Li Xiaogang looked at Gu Yan full of doubts and asked Gu Feitian: "What's wrong with Yan'er?"

Gu Feitian was stunned, and then said with a wry smile: "This child is too delicate and picky. The doctor said there are some signs of mild anorexia, but it will be fine soon!"

Li Xiaogang couldn't help feeling sour when he heard this, and said in a deep voice: "I eat the same food every day, not to mention children, I am afraid that adults will also suffer from anorexia, especially what they eat every day is all these unnutritious things. "

Gu Feitian sighed a long time and said: "There is no way! This is a desert, and there is no human habitation within five hundred miles around.

As far as the lighting we use now, it is also generated by a diesel generator, which can only be used for lighting, and the power can't even drive a TV, let alone a refrigerator.

It is impossible to preserve those fresh vegetables, and even the meat must be marinated and dried before it can be preserved.These are all things that can’t be helped, if you overcome them, you’ll get through it! "

"Overcome? An adult can overcome it, but how can a child overcome it? Now is the time when Yan'er grows up, and her need for nutrition is very high. If this happens for a long time, it may affect her whole life!"

Li Xiaogang frowned and said worriedly.

Having said this, Gu Feitian's face was full of guilt, and he fell silent, while Wan'er looked at Gu Yan and wept secretly.

Li Xiaogang shook his head, stood up and said, "We brought some food when we came here, I'll look for it."

"Mr. Zhang, no need, that is your supply, how can we..." Gu Feitian wanted to get up to stop Li Xiaogang, but was stopped by Pan Song, and said: "Brother Gu, let Brother Gang go , No one can stop what he is going to do!"

Gu Feitian stomped his feet honestly and said: "But...but why are we so embarrassed?" Not long after, there was a loud cheer outside the room, like a huge wave, as if it was going to overturn the entire prison.

Gu Feitian was taken aback for a moment. Normally, such a scene would only happen when the transport plane arrives. What is it today?Gu Feitian and others rushed out immediately.

The scene in front of them shocked Gu Feitian, Zhang Ziqiu, Wan'er and the others. In the center of the venue, surrounded by dozens of prison guards, was a pile of supplies like a hill.

Large slices of fresh pork, all kinds of vegetables, everything, no wonder the prison guards are so excited.

"Mr. Zhang, this..." Gu Feitian held Li Xiaogang's hand, not knowing what to say.

Li Xiaogang patted his hand and said: "Order the kitchen to make all of these, everyone let go of your stomach and eat!"

Gu Feitian nodded heavily, and shouted: "Kitchen, fry all these dishes for me, and stew all the meat for me. Today, not only the prison guards, but also the prisoners, all have extra meals! In addition, I can't bear to eat. Bring those bottles of wine, I'm going to have a few drinks with my guests today!"

Amid the cheers, the meat and vegetables were sent into the kitchen, and after a while, the wounds of the prison wafted a tempting aroma.

Smelling the fragrance caused quite a commotion among the prisoners, as if it was New Year's Eve, a lively scene.

Li Xiaogang took out a piece of chocolate from his bosom, handed it to Gu Yan with a smile and said, "Come on, Yan'er, take this, it's so sweet!"

The little Yan'er took the chocolate, looked at it again, smelled it again and again, but in the end she was still reluctant to eat it, and carefully put it in her small pocket.

Li Xiaogang asked with some doubts: "Why don't you eat it, don't you like it?"

Yan'er nodded lightly and said: "I like it, but I want to save it for brother Zhi. He is sick and needs it more than me!"

When Li Xiaogang heard this, he felt sore in his heart, and asked anxiously, "Who is Brother Zhi?"

At this time Zhang Ziqiu came over and said: "He is my son, named Zhang Zhi. He is sick now and has a high fever all day long. Now his mother and Dr. Liu from our prison are taking care of him. It's just that Dr. Liu said that Zhier's The disease is not serious, and the medical conditions in the prison may not be able to cure it. Hey!"

"Why not send it to a big hospital?" Qin Qin asked with some doubts.

Li Xiaogang sighed and said: "There is no village in front of this place, and no shop in the back. If you want to go out, you can only rely on the planes that are donated every month."

Zhang Ziqiu said bitterly: "Yes! It's just that the plane won't arrive until three days later. The child was sick and born at an inopportune time!"

Gu Feitian patted Zhang Ziqiu on the shoulder and said: "Ziqiu, don't worry, Zhi'er has always been well-behaved, and nothing will happen! Look at you, you have so many gray hairs in just a few days, hey! "

Seeing Gu Yan clutching the chocolate tightly as if he had found a treasure and refusing to let go, Li Shuang felt very distressed. He dug out all his pockets and found another piece of chocolate, and said to Gu Yan, "Come on, take this piece." Son. Give the piece from Uncle to Brother Zhi, and you can eat the piece from Auntie, okay?"

The young Gu Yan finally couldn't resist the temptation from the chocolate, nodded, carefully tore open the package, and took a small bite, feeling the sweetness of the chocolate, Gu Yan's immature cheeks were full of satisfaction smile.

But such a smile in the eyes of adults makes people have mixed feelings.

(End of this chapter)

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