The strongest peasant city

Chapter 548 Stop Pretending

Chapter 548 Stop Pretending
With the help of the [-] million US dollars left by Li Xiaogang, plus the membership fees paid by members, and the ubiquitous Chinese scattered in country M, the economic power of the Chinese Federation is increasing day by day, and it keeps creating economic myths one after another.

Slowly, even without relying on members' dues, the Chinese Federation can easily pay for all the daily expenses of the federation, and form a strong financial backing to support the financing needs of members at any time and help them beat their competitors.

The people of country M do not want such a huge alien power to appear in the society they dominate.But when they found out, it was too late.

The Chinese Federation cannot be wiped out in its infancy, and the people of country M can only choose to appease them as much as possible and win over such a soft policy.Fortunately, the ancient oriental civilization, 5000 years of cultural accumulation has given the Chinese people a gentle and peaceful charm.

The leaders of country M were pleased to find that the emergence of the Chinese Federation not only did not bring instability to the society, but instead restrained most of the Chinese in the United States, and the social order was changing for the better at an extremely fast speed.

Slowly, country M gradually relaxed its vigilance and surveillance of the Chinese Federation, and the Chinese Federation ushered in its golden age.

Today's Hong Tao is no longer the young man wearing jeans and eating in Uncle Lao's restaurant, but a calm, capable, wise man who is shrewd and successful.

He has been selected by major media magazines as one of the most influential public figures in country M, the idol in the hearts of all girls, the person who is most likely to change the history of country M, and some media even claim that he is very likely to become the history of country M The first Chinese president in the world.

Here, we cannot but let people sigh once again for Li Xiaogang's ability to know and employ people.

Such a piece of natural jade was dug out.

Uncle Lao was holding a newspaper in his hand. On the front page of the newspaper, it was the famous commentator from country M who published a short but sharp and offensive comment.

Slowly raising his head, Uncle Lao looked at Hong Tao and said quietly, "You asked someone to write this comment?"

Hong Tao shook his head and said: "I wrote every word of this comment, but only signed a foreigner's name.

I just want to let the people of the country see what kind of person they are in the eyes of the people of country M!It's not deafening enough, but it should do the trick.This is the last thing we can do for Brother Gang! "

"I don't believe he's really going to die!"

Wen Yu stood up suddenly, and said somewhat firmly.

Hong Tao and Uncle Lao thought that Wenyu was unwilling to accept such a reality, Hong Tao said deeply and melancholy: "Wenyu, we know your mood now, and our mood is the same as yours, but I have watched that video Oh, Brother Gang, he...he really died! Before he died, he didn't even see the power of the Chinese Federation..."

"You guys... Forget it, I'm too lazy to bother you. Hong Tao, Uncle Lao doesn't know, don't you know how high his martial arts are? A small bullet can end his life? Kill me. Do not believe!"

Even if Wenyu was convincing Hong Tao and Uncle Lao, she was convincing herself at the same time.

"But if a person wants to die, even a small toothpick is enough to understand himself..." Hong Tao shook his head.

Wen Yu glared at Hong Tao bitterly, and said full of dissatisfaction: "Okay! Since you don't believe me, I can't help it, but I have a way to force him out. Just wait and see!"

After finishing speaking, Wen Yu ran back upstairs.

Uncle Lao glanced at her worriedly, and said to Hong Tao: "This girl, you usually see her as cold, but her heart is warm, and she is most concerned about feelings.

You have to watch her carefully these few days, and don't let her have any accidents.

Hong Tao nodded and said, "I know."

After a while, she slowly accepts this reality, and she will be fine!Tomorrow is Brother Gang's memorial service. Although I can't go back to attend in person, I have already had people prepare wreaths and elegiac couplets, and I personally sent someone to send them back. "

Uncle Lao frowned and said, "Is there really no way to go back? Xiaogang's kindness to you is comparable to your parents' kindness to giving birth to you. You should send him this last journey anyway."

Hong Tao said with a sad face: "Tomorrow, the president of country M has made an appointment with me. This meeting is likely to affect the interests of all Chinese in M. I have to go.

Also, because of the relationship with Chinatown, the Chinese in Jiushan stubbornly keep their own small group and refuse to join our Chinese Federation. I have to find a way to convince them as soon as possible, what a headache! "

Uncle Lao sighed and said, "Then you can decide for yourself."


On Li Xiaogang's memorial day, the sky was clear and the sun was shining brightly.

God does not seem to understand people's feelings at this time.

Scar carefully prepared a grand memorial service for Li Xiaogang, with high specifications and a large scale, it was simply the funeral of a hero and an emperor.

Thousands of white elegiac couplets fluttered in the wind, and thousands of wreaths lined up for several kilometers.

Countless golden chrysanthemums gather together to form a golden ocean, which makes people look relaxed and happy, smell refreshing, and almost fall into the bursts of fragrant wind.

The vermilion coffin lay quietly behind the chrysanthemums, which separated the coffin from the crowd far away, making people only able to see from a distance but not up close.

In the center of the mourning hall hangs a huge portrait of Li Xiaogang, with a warm and mysterious smile on his face, a pair of shining eyes, exuding infinite spirit.

People can't help but sigh for a while when they see it.

In front of the mourning hall, thousands of Lightning Brothers wearing black suits, white shirts, and black ties stood silently and neatly into two factions. Looking down from the sky, it seemed like two black straight lines running through the for several kilometers.

Forming an aisle, the aisle is full of chrysanthemum petals, as if it is a golden road leading the soul to heaven.

What makes people laugh and cry is that Scar was in the mourning hall arranged for Li Xiaogang at this time, and then Li Xiaogang called.

Li Xiaogang who only listened to the phone seemed a little dissatisfied, and blamed: "Scar, you are too extravagant! The ancient emperors did not die with such grandeur. Aren't you wasting money?"

Scar smiled wryly and said, "Brother Gang, you finally died once, so let me be filial."

Li Xiaogang couldn't help digging his ears, and muttered: "Why do I feel a little awkward hearing what you said?"

Dao Scar laughed and said: "Don't feel awkward, don't worry, I will definitely make your funeral a splendid one, so that you will have more face when you die!"

Li Xiaogang coughed and said, "Boy, you should understand, I'm not dead yet!"

Scar was stunned for a moment, and said with some embarrassment: "That...that I was too involved, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, hehe..."

Li Xiaogang sighed helplessly and said: "Whatever you want, you can do whatever you want. Anyway, I want to take this opportunity to have a good rest. I'm all thanks to Dong Feifei. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have thought of it. Such a great idea.

Alright, let me know what happened over there immediately. Only you can know this number. If you let others know, then I will come back and hold a funeral for you that is ten times grander than the current one! "

Dao Scar smiled and said, "Don't worry, Brother Gang! It's not that you don't know me, I keep my mouth shut, and I promise to keep my mouth shut. You can just take a restful vacation and cultivate yourself..."

Dao Scar still wanted to chat with Li Xiaogang, but suddenly heard footsteps behind him, he hurriedly put away the phone, and began to cry loudly.

"Okay, stop pretending, it's me!"

It turned out that the person who came was Shanshan. Seeing Scar's appearance, she said with a smile.

Scar looked back and saw that it was Shanshan, so he stopped crying, blew his nose vigorously, wiped his hand on the coffin, wiped his nose clean, and said, "Really, I thought it was Shanshan." Who? Don't take you so scary!
Shanshan looked at Scar's movements, and said angrily, "Hey, are you mistaken? This is Brother Gang's coffin. You actually blow your nose into it, isn't it too outrageous?"

Scar glared at her and said, "Brother Gang's coffin, here is a dead dog I picked up on the road! Those guys treated Brother Gang like that, I want them to bow and see off a dead dog This can be regarded as a bad breath for Brother Gang." Hearing Dao Scar's words, Shanshan was stunned, then couldn't help giggling, and said: "No wonder Brother Gang asked you to take over Lightning, you really It's not just bad!"

Scar laughed and said: "If I'm not bad, how can you fall in love with me? Hehe..." Shanshan slapped Scar's claws away, and scolded softly: "Okay, be honest, don't worry, don't worry about it." If there is a flaw at the time, Brother Gang will blame you, but no one will help you to intercede!"

Scar waved his hand indifferently and said, "Don't worry, those idiots won't see anything!"

"By the way, there are already quite a few people outside to attend the memorial service, should we let them in?" Shanshan asked.

Scar nodded, whispered a few words to the big men in black, word of mouth spread the news, and soon the news reached the ears of the brothers who were in charge of guarding the entrance of the memorial service. They began to let them pass, and the memorial service officially began.

Countless reporters were the first to pour in.

Scar glanced at them with some disgust, but was surprised to find that all these reporters were wearing press cards that could represent their identities, but none of them was holding a video camera, microphone, or even a camera.

I saw them consciously lined up in a row, walking to Li Xiaogang's coffin one by one, facing Li Xiaogang's coffin from a distance across the chrysanthemum, laying flowers and bowing.

His expression was lonely and sincere, not like a fake one.

Looking at the scar, he was amazed and puzzled, as if it was just one night, and then all the reporters suddenly changed their nature.

Scar had even secretly prepared a group of thugs, and when these reporters asked him all kinds of ridiculous questions like mad dogs, he would teach them a good lesson for Li Xiaogang in front of Li Xiaogang's mourning hall.

(End of this chapter)

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