The strongest peasant city

Chapter 552 Energy Expert He Yiqing

Chapter 552 Energy Expert He Yiqing

The elegy with super infectious power quickly infected everyone.Long Ling'er, Hu Rong, Li Xiaoshui, Xin Ran, Li Li, Lin Chaoran, Gao Liguo and his wife, Liu Changhe, etc. almost all of them couldn't help singing along softly.

The monophonic solo became a small chorus, and the small chorus became a large chorus.

As more and more people joined, the tear-jerking elegy became more and more low-key.The voice spread leisurely to the distance, and the reporters who came earlier joined in, followed by the police, and after that, the people who came to watch the ceremony couldn't help singing.

Countless voices gathered together, whether it was the listener or the singer, everyone was infected by this atmosphere, and tears were streaming down their faces unconsciously.

All kinds of feats Li Xiaogang did flashed in everyone's minds along with the flowing singing.When more and more people realize that what they have lost is not just a successful businessman, but a remarkable, great young man who is about to win unprecedented achievements for China and a world-renowned reputation. The mixed emotions of grief surged silently in everyone's hearts, making the elegy a lot lower in an instant.

Sitting on the cloud, Li Xiaogang quietly listened to this continuous, meaningful and long-lasting elegy, feeling extremely complicated in his heart.

He thought he was hated and abandoned by the world, but now he realized that he was wrong.Perhaps it was a kind of love that the world treated him so harshly.

Jade cannot be crafted without being cut, and similarly, a person will never become a master without experiencing difficulties.Thinking back, if it wasn't for these pressures, he wouldn't have grown so fast.

Thinking of this, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but smiled wryly. He thought he was very mature, but sometimes he was still like a child. Growing up, he still has a long way to go...

On the day when Li Xiaogang held the memorial service, Shi Qiu was accepting the award ceremony in BJ.Looking at the new yellow epaulettes on the military uniform, Shi Qiu was still immersed in deep joy.

A soldier who does not want to be a general is not a good soldier. This general epaulet is undoubtedly the greatest affirmation of his military career.Looking at himself in the mirror, he was tall and straight. Although his temples were graying and the corners of his eyes were wrinkled, his eyes remained unchanged.

He is very satisfied with this, as long as he has such bright eyes, he will not lose his fighting spirit for a day, and his life has not gone downhill.

He was about to leave BJ and return to the station, Shi Qiu thought that he still had an old friend to meet.Otherwise, one day in the future, he knew that he came to BJ but did not go to his door, and the possibility of rape and murder by that guy could not be ruled out.

Shi Qiu didn't want to take the risk, so he went out and bought some sugar cane, and walked to his old friend's house.

When seeing an old friend, he brought only a few sugar canes. It wasn't that Shi Qiu was stingy, but that his old friend had a love for sugar cane that surpassed ordinary people. Like a rabbit gnawing on carrots, he can chew a piece of sugarcane into a pile of dregs every once in a while, and then wipe his mouth contentedly, as if what he just ate was not sugarcane, but a full banquet, his face was full of satisfaction .

Walking on the street, among the crowd, Shi Qiu was stunned for a moment, he vaguely heard Li Xiaogang's name popping out from the mouths of passers-by around him from time to time.

Shi Qiu gave a wry smile in his heart, and said to himself: "I don't know what earth-shattering event this kid has done, so I must ask him carefully when I go back this time!"

Shi Qiu's old friend is also a great master.

He Yiqing, one of the top energy experts in the country, enjoys the same international reputation as Zhou Zongnan. He thinks that the current world energy shortage, people pay more attention to the discovery of new energy than the discovery of new plants, so it can even be said that , He Yiqing's reputation is greater than Zhou Zongnan's.

Zhou Zongnan often feels dissatisfied with this, complaining that the world today is too realistic.Fortunately, relying on Li Xiaogang, he found a series of little-known new plants and a few papers, which made his name slightly overshadow He Yiqing, which was a bit of a sigh of relief.

When they came to He Yiqing's house, he and Zhou Zongnan lived in the same community.

Living together and working together, it's no wonder that the two would fight like bulls in heat on weekdays.

It was He Yiqing's wife Zhu Shan who opened the door for Shi Qiu.Although he has entered his later years, he has a dignified body, which clearly shows the demeanor of his youth.

That era was not like now, beautiful women love talented people.Whenever Shi Qiu loses the upper hand in an argument with He Yiqing, he will use this to attack He Yiqing, which often makes He Yiqing very annoyed.

"Oh, it's Ah Qiu. You haven't come here for a long time." Seeing that it was Shi Qiu, Zhu Shan smiled like a flower blooming on her face.

Shi Qiu laughed and said, "Let me see if that old guy is still alive? Haha..." Shi Qiu shook the sugarcane in his hand and laughed loudly.

Zhu Shan blinked at him lightly and said, "You came at the right time, that old bastard, he's been messing around these days. You just happened to help me cure him!"

After speaking, he turned his head and shouted towards the room: "Yiqing, it's Aqiu who is here."

Shi Qiu smiled at Zhu Shan: "Really? It seems that I came here by coincidence! Look at it, I will definitely help you vent your anger!"

After speaking, under Zhu Shan's guidance, he entered the room and came to the living room.

He Yiqing was sitting on the sofa with great determination, and saw that Shi Qiu didn't even lift his butt.

Seeing He Yiqing's appearance, Shi Qiu knew that what Zhu Shan said was right, this old bastard was being stubborn again.

"One clear!"

Shi Qiu suddenly let out a sad cry, his eyes were full of concern, which made He Yiqing startled.

Shi Qiu rushed to He Yiqing's body in a few steps, leaned over and groped He Yiqing's legs, and said sympathetically, "Yiqing, I never thought that you would become disabled after a few years of absence. God fools people! Come on, tell me, since when did your legs stop standing up?"

Only then did He Yiqing realize that Dare Love Shi Qiu was teasing him, and he snorted fiercely and said, "Dung beetle (Shi Qiu's nickname, He Yiqing's exclusive use), which eye of yours saw that I was disabled? Are you looking for it purely? Not here, is it?"

Shi Qiu froze for a moment, and said, "You are not disabled, why don't you stand up to greet me when you see me?"

He Yiqing curled his lips, glared at him and said, "Stand up to meet you? You should stop dreaming. It's enough to give you face that I didn't lie down and greet you!"

Shi Qiu twisted on He Yiqing's leg, and He Yiqing howled in pain.

Shi Qiu said viciously: "Old man, I came all the way to see you. If you dare to lie down to meet me, I'll put you in the coffin directly!"

He Yiqing bared his teeth and rubbed vigorously the place Shi Qiu pinched, and shouted angrily, "You're sick! You're completely disabled even if you don't have one, bastard!"

Seeing two old men who are not young, one baring his teeth and shouting pain, and the other smiling happily, Zhu Shan saw it in his eyes and felt happy in his heart.

He Yiqing has been depressed for many days, and Zhu Shan is really afraid that he will suffer from some kind of illness if he holds back like this.Seeing Shi Qiu appear at this time, I am really happier than anything else.Hehe smiled and said: "You two old fellows, let's make a scene. I'll go and prepare some dishes for you, so that you two can have a good drink." After speaking, he happily walked to the kitchen.

He Yiqing was relieved of the pain, glanced at the epaulettes on Shi Qiu's shoulders, and said, "Not bad, you finally got the title of general.

Do you have no regrets? "

Shi Qiu touched the epaulette carefully, nodded seriously and said: "Yes, I don't have any regrets anymore."

"Then why don't you die!?" He Yiqing immediately said something, which made Shi Qiu stunned for a moment, then smiled wryly, and said angrily to He Yiqing: "You old boy, you are very old. You have no tolerance at all for such a grievance, and you are a world-renowned scientist!"

Taking advantage of it, He Yiqing seemed complacent, and even his mood seemed to improve a lot all of a sudden.

Shi Qiu stared at him helplessly and said, "By the way, I heard from Zhu Shan that you seem to be in a bad mood. Tell me, what happened this time? Did you have an affair or met a third party?"

He Yiqing gave him a hard look and said, "Only you will be upset by these boring questions. I'm all because of my research!"

Shi Qiuman sneered nonchalantly, and said, "Okay, okay, it's business, okay?"

He Yiqing said relentlessly: "What do you mean by forgetting, it's what it is!"

Shi Qiu curled his lips and said, "I'm just annoyed by your petty intellectuals, why are you so serious about being serious?"

"Smallness? Old thing, this is related to the reputation of a lifetime. Can I not care about it? Unlike you, who have a corrupt private life, treat it as a trivial matter!"

He Yiqing argued loudly.

Hearing He Yiqing's words, Shi Qiu almost spit out the tea he had drunk into his mouth, and roared at He Yiqing with grief and indignation: "He Yiqing, is there anyone who slanders the innocence of a comrade general like this? If you let I heard that, will you let me live?"

He Yiqing let out a long sigh and said, "By the way, I also forgot that our general comrade is still a bronchitis, haha..." He Yiqing laughed loudly, as if he couldn't laugh if he didn't laugh loudly. He couldn't show his contempt for Shi Qiu.

Shi Qiu looked at him coldly and said, "Laugh, laugh, only a loving wife is afraid of her, I am willing to suffer from tracheitis, what do you care about?"

He Yiqing stopped laughing and said, "I don't care, I don't care, and I don't want to! I wish you could have a washboard waiting for you every day when you go home. Haha..."

Shi Qiu curled his lips, glanced at the sugar cane he brought, threw the sugar cane into He Yiqing's arms, and said, "I hope this can shut your mouth!"

He Yiqing picked up the sugar cane, put it in front of his nose and smelled it carefully, inhaled the refreshing smell from the sugar cane into his stomach, closed his eyes and enjoyed it for a while, and then put the sugar cane on the coffee table beside him superior.

(End of this chapter)

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