The strongest peasant city

Chapter 555 Super Powerful Experiment

Chapter 555 Super Powerful Experiment

Seeing the researcher put the plywood boards in front of the energy converter, He Yiqing suddenly frowned and said, "Don't use plywood boards, replace them with steel plates!"

He Yiqing's words surprised everyone, and they looked at He Yiqing in puzzlement.

He Yiqing's complexion changed, and he asked with dignity: "What are you looking at? Didn't I say it clearly enough? Repeat again, remove the plywood and replace it with steel plate! The thicker the better!"

"Old He, are you exaggerating too much? Do you think it is an atomic bomb test?" Guo Qihua looked at He Yiqing and said.

He Yiqing said flatly: "I don't want my laboratory to become a ruin from now on! Unless you are the dean, the funds will never run out!"

Guo Qihua gave a wry smile, and said a little dissatisfied: "Okay, I want to see how much energy this small stone can release!"

Soon, the front of the energy converter was replaced by a five-inch thick refined steel plate instead of plywood.

To penetrate this layer of steel plate, heavy armor-piercing bullets must be used.

Therefore, everyone present, including Guo Qihua, felt that He Yiqing was making a fuss out of a molehill.

However, He Yiqing's international reputation did not come out of thin air. Although everyone felt that it was a bit too much, no one had the courage not to follow He Yiqing's words.

Everything was ready, He Yiqing put on the sunglasses, and the lights in the laboratory were also turned off, and the whole space was plunged into darkness.

He Yiqing said calmly: "Start!"

As his voice fell to the ground, there was a slight sound of the machine turning, and the energy converter was activated.

As time went by second by second, He Yiqing's mood gradually became tense, and his eyes were firmly locked on the instrument.

Under his gaze, a purple brilliance slowly appeared, at first it was just a touch, and then it became stronger and more brilliant.

That glistening purple light was definitely the most beautiful, most gorgeous, and most eye-catching color He Yiqing had ever seen in his life.

Not only He Yiqing, but everyone in the laboratory couldn't help but shut their mouths tightly and held their breath because of the color.

He stared blankly at it condensing a little bit, becoming thicker and thicker.

"What a nice view!"

I don't know who made a heartfelt exclamation, which caused a gasp in the entire laboratory.

The purple light is still gathering, and it can be seen that the energy converter is releasing the energy contained in the amethyst, but it can be seen that the speed of connecting the converter is very slow.

In the past, it only takes three to five seconds at best to release the energy of other energy sources of the same volume.

However, under the attention of everyone at this time, the time has passed silently for a minute, and the purple light is still becoming stronger, but there is no movement at the muzzle of the energy converter.

This made everyone's hearts tighten a little bit.

According to theoretical experience, there are only two possibilities for such a situation.

One is that the molecular structure that constitutes this energy is very stable, so it will be very difficult for the energy converter to cut into it and open a channel to release energy, and it will naturally take a long time.

Another situation that He Yiqing and others do not want to see is that the energy contained in the energy source is too large, and the energy converter cannot estimate the total energy, so naturally it is impossible to determine the percentage of released energy.

The smart chip installed on the energy converter thinks it cannot calculate and malfunctions, which may cause the energy converter to burn out, or cause an energy explosion, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

After another minute, the purple light was still growing stronger, but there was still no energy overflowing from the muzzle.

Guo Qihua lost his composure and said, "Old He, let me see if the experiment should be suspended. If this continues, I'm afraid something will happen!"

He Yiqing frowned and kept silent, just staring at the energy converter closely.

Guo Qihua said with a bitter face: "Okay, Lao He, I admit that what you said is correct, the energy contained in this little purple gemstone is beyond people's imagination, I admit defeat, can you give up the experiment? Didn't you say that you don't want your lab to be a ruin? Let me tell you, I'm a pauper now. If you really ruin this place, I won't give you a penny reconstruction……"

"Enough! Don't you think you are very wordy?" He Yiqing yelled at Guo Qihua impatiently.

Guo Qihua gritted his teeth, and said bitterly: "You old bastard, I'm doing this for your own good, but you don't appreciate it! Well, I'll see what you want before I give up!"

He Yiqing ignored his complaints but murmured: "Don't you feel that the power contained in this amethyst is as gentle and peaceful as the sea, not full of cruelty and blood like those destructive powers. I'm confident in it, just wait!"

Hearing He Yiqing's words, Guo Qihua's heart was shocked, and he felt the traces of purple light carefully. As He Yiqing said, these purple brilliance are full of a breath of life, and when they shine on people, they seem to be Under the warm sunshine and bathed in the warm spring breeze, every pore on the body will relax, and every part of the body will be filled with a sense of comfort and comfort.

"This... this energy is really strange..." Guo Qihua murmured.

At this moment, He Yiqing's breathing suddenly became rapid, and Guo Qihua hurriedly looked at it, only to see that the purple brilliance finally separated and approached the muzzle of the energy converter.

"It's released!"

He Yiqing exclaimed, a purple beam of light shot straight from the muzzle, and only heard a light pop, the purple beam passed through the steel plate without any hindrance, and shot directly at the back of the steel plate.

After the energy was released, the energy converter stopped working, and the excited purple light immediately became dim.

"Turn on the lights!"

He Yiqing yelled, and then slowly took off his sunglasses.

The lights in the laboratory were turned on again, and now it could be clearly seen that what appeared on everyone's face was a kind of surprise from the bottom of their hearts, even shock.

Such super-intensive energy is something they have never seen before.

This is only one percent of the energy released, maybe less than that.

However, its power has far exceeded a hundred times or even a thousand times that of traditional energy sources such as oil.

All the people present were experts in energy, and they immediately realized the great prospects of the small amethyst.

They couldn't help but feel trembling for it.

How excited He Yiqing was, probably only he knew.

Carefully took the amethyst out of the energy converter, the purple light was still strong, not dimmed at all because of the loss of [-]% of the energy, on the contrary, it seemed a little stronger.

He Yiqing wasn't sure if it was his own psychological effect, or if amethyst had the superpower of automatic replenishment, which is said to be only possessed by the purest energy spar.

Energy spars can automatically absorb energy from the sky and earth to supplement their own energy consumption. Because of this feature, although the number of energy spars is extremely limited, the usable space is [-] times wider than other energy sources.

Holding the amethyst in his hand, He Yiqing couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

Guo Qihua tried his best to resist the shock in his heart, walked to the steel plate, and carefully stroked the extremely well-proportioned and neat holes on the steel plate.

The edge of the small hole is unusually neat and smooth, as if it was penetrated at the same instant.

How much power is contained in this little amethyst, so that Guo Qihua has seen the world like this, and people who have experienced wind and rain can't help being shocked.

"Everyone, come and see here!"

At this moment, another exclamation erupted in the silent laboratory, and a researcher pointed to a small hole in the wall and yelled.

Guo Qihua came back to his senses and strode over. On the wall made of huge blocks of extremely hard granite, there was actually a small hole that was in the same straight line as the small hole in the steel plate. .

"This... this is terrible, it's only one percent! If it's ten percent, 20.00%, what kind of situation would it be like?" Guo Qihua couldn't help being surprised as he touched the small hole that was perfectly round. asked aloud.

"Our laboratory will be bombed to the sky!"

He Yiqing came back to his senses and replied calmly.

Guo Qihua subconsciously felt his throat dry, remembering that he had walked around the gate of hell just now, he couldn't help but licked his lips, and gulped down a few mouthfuls of saliva.

"Old He, where did you get such a terrifying thing?" Guo Qihua asked in surprise.

Even if this amethyst is not used in the space shuttle, it is used in the military and the manufacture of weapons is earth-shattering.

Thinking that the Huaxia people are equipped with such sharp weapons, who else would dare to lightly stroke Huaxia's tiger's whiskers on the international stage? Country M's hegemony has been rampant for a long time, and imperialism will suffer heavy losses because of the emergence of these new weapons powered by amethyst.

"Now is not the time to talk about this, let's test the other properties of this amethyst!"

He Yiqing said wisely.

Then under his command, everyone started a series of tests on Amethyst in various aspects.As the test progressed, everyone's confidence in Amethyst continued to increase rapidly.In terms of stability, Amethyst's performance made them even more tongue-tied.

Whether it is under the temperature that can melt steel, gold and silver, or the freezing point that can freeze everything into popsicles, amethyst has shown its great stability.

This is a prerequisite for amethyst to be used as an energy source in space shuttles.The environment in which the space shuttle operates is space. The temperature difference in space is extremely high, constantly changing between high and low. If the stability of the energy source is not enough, it is extremely easy to cause the loss of power of the space shuttle. In the vast universe In this case, once the space shuttle loses power, it is tantamount to death.

Every time the amethyst passed a test, an excited roar erupted in the lab.

When Amethyst passed all the indicators with satisfactory results, the whole laboratory completely boiled.

When the world's most advanced space shuttle is still using liquid fuel, Huaxia Space Shuttle took the lead in launching the technology of using solid fuel as power, which not only filled the gap in the world of this technology, but also brought China's aerospace The technology has been pushed to the top ranks in the world, so it can be seen how great the appearance and application ceremony of amethyst is!

(End of this chapter)

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