Chapter 557
At the entrance of Qiyun Mountain, Dong Feifei got out of the car.

Li Xiaogang was a little stunned, thinking that Dong Feifei came to worship Buddha, and he felt relieved.

Sure enough, Dong Feifei took the cable car all the way to the ancient temple, knelt down in front of the Buddha statue, closed her eyes, clasped her hands together, and muttered something, Li Xiaogang listened carefully, and her heart sank. His death was all on him, and every word and sentence was filled with deep guilt and full of apology.

From her few words, Li Xiaogang could tell that because of his death, she had become extremely negative towards life, even a little disgusted.

This made Li Xiaogang very uncomfortable.

In fact, the reason why Li Xiaogang faked his death was partly due to Dong Feifei, but more of the reason was Li Xiaogang's intention.

One is to get rid of the pressure of public opinion, chase, and turn from the front of the scene to the back of the scene again, so that he will no longer be the focus of everyone's attention, so that his actions will not be restrained in any way.

The second is for himself.

When a person carries so many burdens, he will always feel tired.

Li Xiaogang has been exhausted by this seemingly never-ending task and never-ending problem since a long time ago, complaining endlessly, because of his super strong willpower, he can barely survive until today. .

In other words, although Dong Feifei hurt Li Xiaogang, Li Xiaogang also used Dong Feifei in turn.

The two seem to owe nothing to each other.

However, at this time Li Xiaogang's goal has been achieved, and now he is relaxed after throwing everything away, and even his breathing seems to be a little easier than before.

But as for Dong Feifei, she was being crushed by the confession from the heart, looking at her sad and desperate expression, thinking that he had imposed all this on her, this time it was Li Xiaogang who felt guilty.

Looking quietly at Dong Feifei, burning incense and worshiping Buddha, listening to her words of hope for Li Xiaogang's resurrection and his forgiveness, Li Xiaogang fell silent...

After worshiping the Buddha, Dong Feifei didn't just go down the mountain, but walked slowly up the mountain along a plank road.

At this time, Dong Feifei was like a walking dead who didn't feel tired at all, her eyes were fixed on the front, and her footsteps didn't stop.

Look at the wheezing men beside her who are tortured by the steep plank road that goes straight into the sky, look at Dong Feifei's expressionless face, her face is not red, her heart is not beating, and Li Xiaogang's brows are wrinkled. Is it the power of grief?

"Is he going to the back mountain!?" Li Xiaogang was shocked when he saw Dong Feifei's orientation.

The ancient temple is only one of the major scenic spots in Qiyun Mountain. There is another scenic spot in Qiyun Mountain that can attract a large number of tourists, and that is the cliff at the back of the mountain.

This cliff will definitely put most other cliffs in the world to shame.

Not to mention the height of the cliff, what is even more amazing is that the section of the cliff seems to have been cut off with a knife, and then polished with sandpaper. There is no slight bulge, and the section is smooth and smooth. .

Standing on the edge of the cliff and looking down, even people who are not afraid of heights will feel dizzy and frightened.

Li Xiaogang's guess was right, Dong Feifei came to the cliff without stopping.

The whistling mountain wind blew her hair up, like a misty fairy who descended from the sky, leaning on the railing to stand quietly.

A kind of deep resentment and sadness kept impacting the hearts of the surrounding tourists through her back. The surrounding beauty was eclipsed at this moment, and the good fortune of the world could only retreat obediently in front of Dong Feifei.

Surrounding cameras, the cameras were aimed at Dong Feifei almost at the same time, and the bursts of flashes kept lighting up, proving that Dong Feifei was the focus of people's pursuit no matter where she went.

"What does she want to do?" Li Xiaogang couldn't help asking himself, relying on his super keen six senses, Li Xiaogang felt Dong Feifei's heart.

Her heart seemed to be a piece of stagnant water right now, with all life lost, full of despair, guilt, sadness... and all the negative emotions.

It wasn't until he felt Dong Feifei's heart that Li Xiaogang realized how much embarrassment he had caused Dong Feifei.

Dong Feifei whispered in Li Xiaogang's ear: "I killed him, I am an out-and-out evil spirit...Dong Feifei, can others forgive you, can you forgive yourself? Huangquan Road He must be very lonely, very lonely, no matter how much he hates me, I should accompany him through the end of Huangquan Road..."

"Dong Feifei is here to seek death!?" Li Xiaogang's ominous premonition was confirmed by Dong Feifei's whisper.

This made Li Xiaogang not only surprised, but also shocked.

How much courage is needed to die, let alone people like Dong Feifei who have a more perfect life than most people, Li Xiaogang really doesn't believe that there is still power to make them give up such a life automatically, choose Dark death.

Is this the power of love?Love can make people give up everything, and it can also make people see through life and death and transcend life and death. Because of this, love is considered so sacred by people, right?But Li Xiaogang didn't want Dong Feifei to die, because Dong Feifei's death would make him feel guilty all his life.


An old man among the tourists, who probably had an insight into Dong Feifei's business, yelled hastily.

Dong Feifei turned her head in a daze and looked at the old man.

The old man said slowly in a wise tone after the vicissitudes of life: "Girl, death is just an escape, except to make more people sad. It can't solve any problems. When you reach my age, you will think about it again." Thinking of what you did today, you will find it funny..."

Dong Feifei said indifferently: "Old man, do you think I'm going to die? No, I'm going to meet someone who is waiting for me there, waiting for me to beg his forgiveness..."

With that said, Dong Feifei slowly stepped one leg out of the guardrail.

In the strong mountain wind, Dong Feifei's body lost its balance and shook violently, causing all the people present to scream in surprise, and cold sweat oozes from their foreheads.

"Girl, wait a minute, listen to me... how do you know that person is still blaming you, maybe he has forgiven you now, and is praying that you can live a good life?" The old man said anxiously.

Dong Feifei was stunned for a moment, and murmured: "No, I hurt him so deeply, he must hate me to death, and he will never forgive me..." After finishing speaking, Dong Feifei said another One leg stepped over the railing.

"Fool, idiot!"

Seeing this, Li Xiaogang couldn't help cursing a few words.

"Girl! Don't be impulsive, think about those beautiful things, things worthy of your nostalgia, and you will find that life is really happy..." The old man tried his best to dissuade.

"Beautiful things?" Dong Feifei stood there in a daze. In her mind, all the memories were released, but what made her feel the happiest was the time in Xingfu Village. She was driven mad by Li Xiaogang's anger, but now that she thinks about it, there is sweetness everywhere.

But this kind of sweetness is like the rushing Yellow River, gone forever.

Thinking of this, Dong Feifei became even more hopeless.

"Instead of living a lifetime full of guilt and loneliness like this, it's better to end it sooner!"

Dong Feifei let out a long sigh, and straightened her body, heading down the cliff.

"Girl!..." The scene that everyone didn't want to see happened, the old man ran to the railing with a cry of surprise, and immediately there was chaos on the cliff.

Dong Feifei jumped down and was in the air, facing the fierce mountain wind blowing her hair high.

At this moment, Dong Feifei's heart was completely relaxed, she no longer felt guilty, on the contrary, thinking about seeing Li Xiaogang soon, she felt a little more joy and yearning in her heart.

Like a bird spreading its wings, Dong Feifei slowly opened her arms. At that moment, Dong Feifei really felt that she was flying. Not only was her body flying, but her soul was also released at the same time. Flying in the sky, with the fierce mountain wind, flying farther and farther...

However, the strong wind faced by the rapid fall penetrated directly into Dong Feifei's bones, as if it was about to freeze together with her blood and bone marrow.

"It's so cold..." Just when Dong Feifei was about to lose her spiritual consciousness due to the cold, she suddenly felt her waist tighten in a haze, and there seemed to be a pair of powerful arms around her waist, which were also a strong body. , the warm and somewhat familiar chest was tightly attached to her back. At this moment, the cold disappeared all of a sudden, and what was left was only comfort and warmth.

Sticking to this chest, Dong Feifei was extremely satisfied, and now she couldn't tell whether it was in a dream or in reality.

At this moment, everything ceased to exist, only herself and this broad mind remained.

"Go to sleep, have a good sleep, when you wake up, everything will be fine..." Li Xiaogang's voice was like a lullaby, softly penetrated into Dong Feifei's ears, and flowed to the her heart.

Dong Feifei was like a well-behaved child, and slowly closed her eyes amidst the gentle voice that made her sink.

She hadn't slept peacefully for a long time, and soon fell asleep, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, with a sweet and comfortable smile, as if she was having a sweet dream, maybe the protagonists were her and Li Xiaogang, otherwise why would she be so happy?While controlling his figure to fall slowly, Li Xiaogang watched Dong Feifei in his arms.

Seeing Dong Feifei twitching her lips and twitching her small and delicate nose from time to time, Li Xiaogang realized that the girl in her arms was simply a fairy who fell from the sky.

A tide of strong feelings kept hitting his heart, making his god-like resolute heart tremble for a while.

Li Xiaogang shook his head vigorously, and said with a wry smile: "Li Xiaogang, Li Xiaogang, didn't you choose to die just to escape all of this? What's going on now? Could it be that you are going to raise your hand and surrender in just one day?" Shaking his head, Li Xiaogang let out a clear whistle, lifted his body, and disappeared without a trace like the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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