The strongest peasant city

Chapter 570 The Leaker

Chapter 570 The Leaker (2)
Dao Scar patted Shanshan's back and said, "No! The bad thing is Long Ling'er and the others. I have long known that these women are very cunning. If you stay with them, it is impossible to The one who kept the secret! It was me who didn't think carefully, so I don't blame you..."###Chapter 574 Deception
"Scar, do you hate us that much?" Li Xiaoshui led the girls out from a secret corner.

Scar looked at the past with cold eyes, and said leisurely: "If I really hate you, you are already dead now! I don't know if you are here, why do you want to do that?"

Li Xiaoshui was not afraid of Scar's eyes at all, he went straight to meet him, and said loudly: "We want to know the whereabouts of Li Xiaogang!"

"Brother Gang is dead! Do you know where his grave is!" Dao Scar said coldly.

"Scar, don't lie to us, Shanshan has already told us that Brother Gang is not dead!"

Long Linger said excitedly.

Scar smiled and said, "Oh? Brother Gang is not dead? Why don't I know? Shanshan, since Brother Gang is not dead, why don't you take them to find him?"

"Scar, do you still want to deny it? We heard the conversation between you and Shanshan just now. You have already admitted that Brother Gang is not dead. Would you like to listen to your recording?" Hu Rong took out a The recording pen, said with some pride.

Seeing Hu Rong take out a recording pen, she was furious, turned her head to look at Shanshan, and shouted angrily: "Shanshan! You are working together with them to plot against me!?" Shanshan could tell that Scar this time He was really angry, and a heart immediately rose to his throat.

Hastily explained: "Brother Scar, you... don't get me wrong, I..."

"say no more!"

Before Shanshan could finish speaking, she was cut off sharply by Dao Scar: "Shanshan, you are too much! I can bear how you spoke to and helped your good sisters in the past! But I I can't stand you and them working together to plot against me! Now I understand that in your heart, I am not as important as these good sisters of yours!"

Scar's hoarse roar filled Shanshan's heart with bitterness, and she stood there blankly, speechless.

"Scar, don't wrong Shanshan, this is our idea, it has nothing to do with Shanshan!"

Li Xiaoshui saw that Shanshan was implicated, and felt guilty in his heart, and said to Dao Scar.

Scar yelled angrily: "Enough! What are you guys doing here today? Tell me quickly, and get out of here!"

Li Xiaoshui said helplessly: "We know that Li Xiaogang is not dead, and now only you can contact him. We hope... hope you can tell us his contact information, or..."

"I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about! Brother Gang is dead. If you want to contact him, you should go to a ghost! You have nothing else to do. You can go. I'm very busy and I don't have time to chat with you!"

Scar turned his back to them coldly and arrogantly.

"Dao Scar, how can you be so capricious when you are a majestic man? Just now you clearly admitted that Li Xiaogang is not dead, so are you going to be an insincere villain?" Long Ling'er said to Dao Scar angrily.

Scar snorted coldly and said: "For, Brother Gang, even if I lose this life, I won't frown, let alone be a villain! Let me tell you, you don't want to be on my body anymore!" What a waste of time! I want to get news from Brother Gang from me, dreaming!"

"Brother Scar, Sister Xiaoshui and the others are really in pain, just tell them!" Shanshan couldn't help but said to Scar.

Turning around with scars, staring at Shanshan with icy cold eyes, he said in a word: "Zhang Shanshan, from now on, if you say another word, I will pretend that I have never known you before!"

Scar's eyes were red, his breathing was short of breath, and the veins on his forehead were bruised, which was very different from his usual amiable face, causing Shanshan to take several steps back in shock.

Scar sighed deeply, and said with some seriousness: "You go, go with them!"

After finishing speaking, Scar waved his hand, and a dozen big men in black rushed over from all directions, surrounding Li Xiaoshui and others.

"Let them go!"

Scar said lightly.

"Brother Scar!"

Shanshan looked at Scar's back and cried out in tears, but Scar didn't turn around again, just stared deeply at the vast sea in front of him, without saying a word! "Brother Scar, don't want me?" Shanshan burst into tears.

Scar's body trembled several times, and he said slowly: "Shanshan, now, these good sisters of yours and I are at odds with each other, you have to make a choice between me and them. Now, You choose!"

Shanshan was stunned, and looked at Li Xiaoshui anxiously.

Li Xiaoshui frowned, and said: "Scar, what do you mean? What do you mean by being incompatible? Is there really such a big hatred between us?"

Dao Scar turned around and shouted: "Yes! Of course! It was you women who forced Brother Gang to death. I didn't throw you into the sea to feed the fish. You should thank Brother Gang for his kindness!"

"But... But Li Xiaogang is not dead at all, you know it!"

Hu Rong argued loudly.

Scar couldn't help looking up to the sky and laughing, the laughter against the waves was filled with deep sorrow.

"Hahaha... Haven't you heard that there is nothing more sorrowful than a dead heart. When a person's heart is dead, there is no difference between being alive and being dead..."

Scar's words shocked all the girls, Long Ling'er shook his head and said, "Impossible, no way. Li Xiaogang has experienced so many storms, nothing can break him..."

"So you're going to do everything possible to torture him and challenge the limit he can bear, right!?" Dao Scar took over Long Ling'er's words and asked loudly.

This question was like a hammer hitting the hearts of all the girls, and all the girls were stunned, speechless.

Scar snorted coldly, turned to look at Shanshan, and asked, "Have you made your choice?"

Shanshan looked at the scar for a while, and then at Li Xiaoshui and the others. She couldn't let go of either side, and couldn't help crying.

Scar sighed and shook his head, waved at his subordinates, and said, "Drive them away!"

More than a dozen men in black immediately rushed forward, pushing and shoving the girls away from the pier.

"Brother Scar..." Shanshan cried out sadly, but Scar never looked at her again.

"Scar, you keep saying that you are Xiaogang's good brother, but now you are destroying the foundation established by Xiaogang with your own hands, do you understand?" Li Xiaoshui yelled at Scar.

Scar frowned, turned around and shouted at her: "What nonsense are you talking about!?"

Li Xiaoshui broke free from the shackles of the big man in black, looked at the scar and said, "I'm saying you're a villain who says you don't mean anything!"


Dao Scar was like an enraged wild lion. He couldn't help but raised his head to the sky and let out a long howl. He looked at Li Xiaoshui with tears in his eyes, and shouted, "Don't think that you are Brother Gang's sister, so you can talk nonsense! If you don't Tell me why, and I will never forgive you!"

Scar's ferocious expression at this time made Li Xiaoshui swallow involuntarily, and tried to calm himself down. Li Xiaoshui slowly took out a round and crystal amethyst from his pocket, which was given to Long Ling'er by Li Xiaogang. .

Asked, "Do you know what this is?"

Scar glanced at it, frowned, and said, "A purple diamond? I haven't seen it before, but it's nothing unusual!"

Li Xiaoshui shook his head and said, "This is much more precious than diamonds, it's called amethyst."

Scar looked impatient, "What is it, does it have anything to do with me?"

"It has nothing to do with you, but it has a lot to do with Li Xiaogang. If there is not enough amethyst, then the desert plan that Xiaogang worked so hard on will be completely ruined!"

Li Xiaoshui said leisurely: "Now you should understand how important the relationship with this amethyst is?"

Scar frowned and asked, "So what?"

Li Xiaoshui said: "How is it? I think you are so loyal to Xiaogang, you shouldn't let his plan go bankrupt and his career suffer?"

Scar gritted his teeth and said, "Stop talking nonsense, where are these amethysts? I'll get them!"

"Hmph, do you think it's coal? You can dig it out just by digging? These amethysts are the most precious gift from nature to us humans. Only Xiaogang can find them in the whole world! If you can contact Xiaogang , I hope you can tell him this matter so that he can come forward to solve it. No matter what we did wrong before, no matter how much he hates us, I don't want him to give up his career because of this!"

Li Xiaoshui said.

Scar said with a disdainful smile: "Do you think your tricks can fool me? Brother Gang has already arranged everything properly before leaving! If this amethyst is really important to him , I believe he must have left enough amethysts, and the situation you mentioned will never happen!"

Li Xiaoshui shook his head and said helplessly: "This world is always changing faster than planned! He has left enough amethysts, but if he takes out half of these amethysts and distributes them to others, it will not be enough !..." As he spoke, he told about Guo Qihua's request for amethyst from Nongke through Shi Qiu.

After listening, Scar fell into deep thought.

After some deep thinking, Scar was unable to find any loopholes in Li Xiaoshui's words, subconsciously, he already believed them a little.

Seeing that Scar was lost in thought, Li Xiaoshui said quietly, "You don't doubt my words, do you?"

Scar came back to his senses, waved his hand and said, "Let them go!"

Li Xiaoshui panicked, and shouted loudly: "Scar, what do you mean? This matter is very important to Xiao Gang, don't ruin his event just because you are dissatisfied with us!"

Scar snorted coldly and ignored her.

"Brother Scar, do you really want to drive me away?" Shanshan cried out.

Scar looked back at her, and said slowly: "In your heart, your sisters will always come first. If that's the case, why should you stay by my side?"

"No, no...Actually, I..." Shanshan shouted anxiously.

Dao Scar's eyes lit up suddenly, he stared closely at Shanshan's eyes, and asked, "How about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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