Chapter 572

"Ruirui, quickly show the notice to your branch secretary!"

The village woman pushed the girl and said.

The girl hurriedly took out a neatly folded notice from her pocket, and handed it to the old farmer.

The old farmer received it excitedly, opened it, and saw that there were five block letters written on the top of the notice—admission notice, signed by Southern University.

"Hahaha...Ruirui, you really did honor to the whole village. Our village also has college students. It's great!"

The old farmer's extreme excitement reflected his extreme desire for knowledge, which made Li Xiaogang sigh.

"Village chief, my Ruirui has been admitted to university, does what you say count?" the village woman asked.

The old farmer frowned deeply, and said gruffly: "This... the second daughter-in-law of the Tian family, it's not that I don't count what I say, but the village has no money, let alone two thousand, I'm afraid I can't even get one thousand now. come out……"

As soon as the old farmer's words came out of his mouth, the faces of the village woman and the girl were immediately covered by a layer of deep haze, especially the girl's eyes filled with tears, which made people feel sad.

"Village Chief, so the reward of 2000 yuan is gone?"

The old farmer said bitterly: "There are indeed difficulties in the village. Can you think of a way for yourself?" The village woman let out a mournful cry, hugged the girl and cried, "Ruirui, Mom is sorry for you. You have finally been admitted to the university. , but mom has no ability to provide for you, mom is sorry for you..."


The girl let out a mournful cry, and the two hugged each other and cried together.

The old village party secretary who watched also wept sadly.

"Second daughter-in-law of the Tian family, don't worry, isn't it still some time before Ruirui starts school? superior!"

The village woman cried even more fiercely and said: "Who can have spare money at this time? I have borrowed from everyone who can, and now I am still short of more than 3000 yuan. The ones who are waiting for the children to talk to the school when they start school, see if they can take it easy, now... now everything is over!"

Li Xiaogang couldn't help but said: "That's not right! Now the grain is ripe, won't you make money if you sell the grain?"

The old farmer said sadly: "Young man, do you think that selling grain is as simple as it used to be, just take it to the grain station and weigh it? Now the world has changed, and everything must be based on the market.

Now the weather is good and the weather is good, and the grain harvest is bumper every year.But the more grain is harvested, the lower the grain price will be.In the past few years, fortunately, let’s keep it low, and you can always sell it if you suffer a little loss.

But in the past few years, the national family planning has been done well, and there are fewer people eating.With the improvement of people's living standards, people's appetite is now smaller.Now the old grain from three years ago has not been eaten, and no one wants the new grain that has been harvested now!Where do you want us to sell? "

"What about the country? Isn't the country buying it too?" Li Xiaogang asked again.

The old farmer said: "The country? The country is not easy enough, almost all the country's grain depots have been filled with grain.

There is not even a place to put food.But even so, the country will still collect our grain, but it will have to wait a few months later, when the market can't digest it, and then it will take away the remaining unsold grain in our hands.

This far cannot quench the near thirst, so every year when the grain is just ripening, it is precisely the time when our farmers are the tightest! "

Li Xiaogang said in a daze: "It turns out that it is not easy for the country, and it is even more difficult for farmers! Since ancient times, there has never been a case of farmers worrying about the bumper harvest in history. I really don't know whether it is worth being happy or sad."

The old farmer sighed and said: "The second daughter-in-law of the Tian family, although the village is in difficulty, there is still about 1000 yuan left, and I will give all of it to Ruirui. I will take another [-] yuan personally, and then I will set up a village committee at night to let the team The people in the village are collecting five hundred, so there will be two thousand."

The village woman was very touched when she heard this, and hurriedly said: "How can this be done? Who doesn't know, the village head's family is the most difficult in the village, how can I ask for your money, you are already hard enough for you to worry about everyone's affairs every day, Let you take the money again, even if we Ruirui won't go to this school, we can't ask for your money!"

The old farmer shouted loudly: "What nonsense!? The child must go to school! Ruirui now not only represents your family, but also the honor of our entire village. If someone mentions it in the future, our village will be admitted to a college student , but gave up because I had no money to pay the tuition, I, the village party secretary, will be pointed at my spine and scolded to death!"

The village woman said: "No matter what, we can't ask for your money! Then, I... Let's go back and find a way to see who else can lend it to us!"

"Okay, don't fool me! Think of a way, what can you think of? Now every family is short of money, if you can use food to pay for school fees, then I can lend you a few cars! Don't be too strong, the child goes to school Important! I'm a lonely old man, it's useless to ask for money, it's better to give it to my baby to go to school!"

The old farmer said firmly.

"How can you say it's useless, old village chief, everyone knows about your low back pain. You don't want to eat or wear clothes. Isn't it just to keep the money for medical treatment? If we take your money for medical treatment, Are we still human?"

The old farmer smiled honestly and said: "My waist is fine. When it hurts, I will smoke a bag of shisha, and the pain will disappear after I smoke it!"

He raised the hookah in his hand and said, "This stuff is much better than taking medicine! Besides, I lent it to you. When Ruirui graduates from university and finds a lucrative job in the city, Just give it back to me!"

The simple and honest words of the village chief combined with his sincere and simple smile made Li Xiaogang feel sour in his heart.

Not to mention the village woman and girl, they were all teary-eyed, looking like they didn't know what to say.

Li Xiaogang said slowly: "Old man, if you are sick, you should hurry up and treat it. If there is a delay, the consequences will be serious."

"How can my body be more important than my children's going to college? Besides my own body, I understand that it will not be a problem to persist for another four or five years!" The village chief said firmly.

Li Xiaogang said: "This disease must be cured, and education must be done!"

After speaking, Li Xiaogang took out a thick stack of banknotes from his body and said: "Here is 1 yuan, which is enough for her first year's tuition and living expenses. Now that she is in college, as long as the first year's expenses are paid, the rest will be It's easy to say!"

Seeing Li Xiaogang handing out 1 yuan, this is simply unbelievable for this small village head whose annual household income is less than [-] yuan!The village chief was stunned for a moment, staring blankly at Li Xiaogang, his lips moved, but he couldn't make any sound.

The village woman and the girl named Ruirui looked at Li Xiaogang in surprise at the same time, with their mouths open.

After a long time, the village woman waved her hands in fear and said, "No, no, we don't know you before, how can we take so much money from you all at once? We...we can't ask for it." It can be seen that the villager The wife is full of longing for the money, after all, the money carries her hope for her daughter.

But the simplicity of the farm family prevented her from asking for the money.

The old village head also said: "Young man, thank you for your kindness. But we are very poor here. Once you lend us the money, we will not repay it in a few years. I am afraid that it will delay your future use of the money." ,forget it?"

Li Xiaogang said with a chuckle: "No one asked you to pay it back. I gave it to you. It is enough for me to contribute to the country's education cause!"

After finishing speaking, she stuffed the money into Ruirui's hand and said, "Girl, take it. Go to college, study well in college, and use the knowledge you have learned to make this beautiful village rich as soon as possible after you come back. The village chief’s grandfather is cured.”

Ruirui tightly held the 1 yuan, not only holding money, but also a bright future.

"Ruirui, return it to others. We can't just take other people's money." Hearing that Li Xiaogang refused to let them pay it back, the village woman was even more disturbed, and said to Ruirui.

Ruirui glanced at the village woman reluctantly, and cried out sadly, "Mom..."

The village woman said plainly: "You child, why are you so ignorant! Your big brother's money didn't fall from the sky, it was also earned by hard work. How can we take other people's money for nothing if we have hands and feet? Money?" Ruirui pouted a little aggrieved, and handed the money to Li Xiaogang with some difficulty.

Li Xiaogang frowned, moved by the simplicity of these villagers, and shook his head at their stubborn helplessness, Li Xiaogang said: "Well, since you insist on not wanting it, then this way, the money will be my deposit for buying your rice." , is this always okay?"

Li Xiaogang's words made the village woman stunned, and said in a nasty voice, " you really want to buy our rice?"

Li Xiaogang smiled and said, "Could it be fake? You'll go back and harvest your rice. I'll send someone to pull it soon."

"But rice is not worth much now. All the rice in our family is not worth 1 yuan even if we sell it twice. If you are kind enough to help us, how can we make you suffer?" After speaking, the village woman counted out 3000 yuan, The remaining 7000 yuan was handed back to Li Xiaogang and said: "Our rice is only worth 3000 yuan, you can take it back."

Li Xiaogang touched his forehead helplessly, and said, "Auntie, going to college is not just a matter of collecting tuition fees. Once you get to college, you need money for food, clothing, housing, transportation, and daily necessities. Ruirui is admitted to college. It's not easy anymore, don't you want her to go to school to suffer?"

The village woman's face darkened, and she said with some guilt: "It's all because of our incompetence as parents.

But even so, we can't cheat a kind person like you!The child's father has already gone out to work, and we will figure out the future expenses ourselves.

Sir, you bought our family's food and helped our children pay for the school fees. We are very grateful for this!We can never ask for more money from you! "

(End of this chapter)

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