Chapter 578
Zhu Mingyan said gruffly: "I've seen the news of the hurricane raging in South Asia on TV, but is it really as serious as you said?"

George shook his head and said, "Mr. Ambassador, I have been old friends with you for many years. Would I still lie to you? You don't know how painful it is to be chased by people every day. If there was food, I would have opened a warehouse to release food.

Even me, the largest grain merchant, has no grain to sell, and the rest of the small grain merchants are even more so.So, you have to trust us, we are not black-hearted businessmen, there is really nothing we can do. "

Looking at George's sad face, it didn't look like it was faked.

Zhu Mingyan sighed and said, "But the situation in Iraq is really dangerous now. If the war that has just subsided is revived because of the food shortage, how many people will die?"

George said helplessly: "I can only deeply regret this. But I will do my best to get as much food as possible, and I will do my best to prevent the outbreak of war."

Zhu Mingyan sighed and said, "What can you do? It's really sad that the food lifeline of a country is in the hands of a few grain merchants. If Yiguo doesn't want to be self-sufficient in food, The country of Yi may forever be reduced to a pawn in the hands of others."

George hurriedly said: "Mr. Ambassador, what do you mean? I have absolutely no ambition to dominate Iraq!"

Zhu Mingyan said with a chuckle: "Don't I understand Mr. George's personality? I'm not talking about you! Well, I have completed the task assigned to me by President Duy. Is the Iraqi country going to peace, or is it falling into a crisis again? Zhan Luan, it's all up to you!"

George smiled wryly and said, "Mr. Ambassador, don't put so much pressure on me, I will be overwhelmed!"

Zhu Mingyan said with a smile: "That's impossible! Anyone can collapse, but you can't collapse! If you collapse, who will solve the belly problem of the people of Iraq?"

Just as George was about to speak, Li Xiaogang called.

Seeing the number on the phone, George felt like weeping with joy. He turned to Zhu Mingyan excitedly and stammered, "Save...the savior has finally appeared!"

After finishing speaking, ignoring Zhu Mingyan's full of confusion, he couldn't wait to connect the phone, and shouted into the microphone: "Li, I want food, give me food!"

Li Xiaogang was caught off guard, his eardrums buzzing from George's yelling, and he quickly moved the phone away to feel better.

Li Xiaogang smiled bitterly and said, "George, why are you so excited?"

George's Huaxia dialect was not very good at first, but now he was very excited, let alone uneasy, he hesitated for a long time, but Li Xiaogang didn't understand why.

Finally, George simply shoved the phone into Zhu Mingyan's hand, and said eagerly, "Li...Li Xiaogang, you ask him for... food!"

When she heard that it was Li Xiaogang, Gao Yuanyuan couldn't help being excited, she looked at the phone eagerly, and couldn't wait to talk to Li Xiaogang, and asked him why he didn't come to see her for so long.

Zhu Mingyan picked up the phone and said "hello", which made Li Xiaogang stunned for a moment before he smiled and said, "Uncle Zhu, so you are here?" Zhu Mingyan smiled and said, "Yes, you boy! Since you left After that, I never had authentic fried dough sticks and soy milk again, I miss it so much!"

Li Xiaogang said with a chuckle: "It's easy to handle. Next time I go to bring you enough food for you to eat for a lifetime!"

Zhu Mingyan said, "Okay! Then you can send a million and 80 tons first."

Li Xiaogang said with a sneer: "80 million tons? Have you eaten yet?"

Zhu Mingyan said: "I can't eat, and the people of Iraq can help me eat. What's the matter, according to George, you seem to have food in your hand? Why don't you hurry up and bring it over? If you don't, there will be a food shortage in Iraq!"

Li Xiaogang said: "It turned out to be such a thing! You reassured George that the fleet has been loaded and will start sailing tomorrow, and it will arrive in Yiguo in less than a week. I called to let him prepare for the supply of food. "

Zhu Mingyan was overjoyed when he heard that, and smiled at George, "The food will arrive in a week!"

George was overjoyed, he kept making crosses in the air with his hands, and murmured: "Great, I can finally push for a while."

Zhu Mingyan chatted with Li Xiaogang for a few words, and seeing Gao Yuanyuan scratching his head anxiously, he laughed and said, "Forget it, I, an old man, won't talk to you anymore, I'll hand over the phone to Gao Yuanyuan, you guys..."

Before Zhu Mingyan could finish speaking, Gao Yuanyuan grabbed the phone.

Some delicately asked: "Dead man, how long has it been since you came to see me?"

Li Xiaogang's heart warmed up, no matter how much grievance he encountered, as long as he heard Gao Yuanyuan's voice, everything seemed to disappear.Li Xiaogang said with a chuckle: "My wife, I just saw you yesterday, didn't you see me?"

Gao Yuanyuan frowned, curled her lips and said, "Liar! When have you seen me? What did I do yesterday? Tell me!"

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "I saw you in my dream last night, you were my beautiful bride in my dream..."

Li Xiaogang's words made Gao Yuanyuan feel ashamed and happy, her face was flushed with redness, and she spat softly, "I don't want to talk to you!"

As a result, Li Xiaogang smiled up to the sky, and Gao Yuanyuan, who laughed straight away, was very coquettish and stomped her feet repeatedly.

The two were whispering on the side, talking about the sweetest and most endless love words between a man and a woman.

George has receded from the excitement just now, and recovered the loneliness and sadness at the beginning.

Zhu Mingyan asked puzzledly: "Now the food problem has been solved. What else do you have to worry about?"

George smiled wryly and said, "The problem at hand is solved, and it can be done later. Yi people don't only eat one meal in their life, where will they get food in the future?"

Zhu Mingyan gave a wry smile, and said in a low voice, "I didn't expect you to be quite far-sighted on this kind of issue!"

George said in a nasty voice, "I was also forced to do nothing..."

"Mr. George, Li Xiaogang wants to talk to you!"

Gao Yuanyuan suddenly handed over the phone and said.

George answered the phone and couldn't help asking, "Li, how is Huaxia's grain harvest today?"

Li Xiaogang said: "I'm about to tell you about this! Huaxia's grain harvest has been bumper for several years in a row, the market is completely saturated, and a large amount of grain is unsalable and cannot be sold. I would like to ask, can you develop Open up the markets of Iraq and several neighboring countries on the Arabian Peninsula, and help Chinese farmers digest this batch of grain?"

When George heard it, he couldn't help jumping up, and said repeatedly: "Is what you said true? You are not lying to me, are you?"

Li Xiaogang didn't know that George was enduring "inhuman" treatment in Yiguo, so he asked a little puzzled: "Why should I lie to you? Everything I said is true."

George said excitedly: "Okay, okay, no problem, if China's food can be shipped to Iraq, then the food crisis in Iraq can be solved! This is really great!"

Li Xiaogang's expression also perked up, and he asked anxiously, "What, is there a food crisis in Iraq?"

George sighed: "Isn't it? Iraq is a net importer of food, and 80.00% of the food needs to be imported. Once the world's major grain exporting countries fail to harvest, there will be a food crisis in Iraq. This year is like this, South Asia, M China and Brazil suffered disasters one after another, and the food crisis in Iraq is becoming more and more serious. Li, you can buy food in China freely, I want as much as I have!"

Li Xiaogang said: "That's good! I'm in charge of purchasing and transporting, and you're in charge of selling. Let's take this opportunity to control the grain market in Iraq. One is to find a good market for China's grain, and the other is..."

There is no doubt about George's shrewdness, otherwise he would not have achieved such great achievements in Iraq. Following Li Xiaogang's words, he said tentatively: "Secondly, can he control the political situation in Iraq?"

Li Xiaogang smiled bitterly: "George, you and I are both businessmen, not interested in politics!"

George pondered and said: "If you are not interested in politics, you are interested in Iraq's oil? Li, I want to remind you that the people of M country attach great importance to Iraq's oil resources. Although I am not a patriot, I I am worried that your attempt on oil will arouse the dissatisfaction of the authorities of country M, which in turn will affect the business cooperation between us. To borrow an old Chinese saying from you, I hope you will think twice before acting!"

Li Xiaogang smiled wryly and said: "Mr. George is thinking too far, that's something for the future, we'll talk about it later.

Alright, let's stop here today, and I'll call you later. "

After finishing the call with Li Xiaogang, George said to Zhu Mingyan with a serious expression: "Mr. Ambassador, is Mr. Li a very important person in your country?"

Zhu Mingyan was stunned for a moment, and asked in a puzzled way, "George, why do you ask such a question?"

George waved his hand and said, "Mr. Ambassador, please answer my question first."

Zhu Mingyan nodded and said: "That's right! Don't look at Li Xiaogang. He is young, but he has made great achievements. The major business groups under him are all the top leaders in China's economic circles! To tell you the truth, even our leader and The Prime Minister also has a lot of love for him and has high hopes for him. It can be said that he is indeed a remarkable young man."

George continued his words and said: "I think he is still a very ambitious young man!"

"Ambition?" Zhu Mingyan looked at George in surprise.

George smiled bitterly and said, "Didn't you find out? Li, he wants to use food to control Iraq's oil, and then control Iraq's evidence. Perhaps his goal is the entire Arabian Peninsula!"

Zhu Mingyan said nah, "No way? Can he do it?"

George shook his head and said, "It's very difficult! At least the government of country M will not watch such a thing happen. No matter how strong Mr. Li is, he is only one person. How can he compete with the only superpower in the world today?" If you have a chance, I hope you can persuade him that businessmen can make huge profits, but they cannot be restrained by politics. In that case, any businessman will fall badly!"

Zhu Mingyan said indifferently: "Nation M is very powerful, but Li Xiaogang may not be fighting alone. Don't forget, behind him is our entire Huaxia!"

George frowned sharply, and looked at the old friend in front of him in surprise, which he thought he was familiar with. In his eyes, George suddenly found a gleam of elite coldness, which was quite different from the Zhu Mingyan he knew before. The two couldn't help gasping, and murmured in their hearts: "Could it be that Li Xiaogang inspired his fighting spirit?"

(End of this chapter)

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