The strongest peasant city

Chapter 594 Picking Up Girls

Chapter 594 Picking Up Girls
Lightning put his face in front of Shi Yuyao, and said with a smile: "You kiss me first, and I'll tell you later!"

Shi Yuyao's face turned red, and Gao Yuanyuan shouted in dissatisfaction: "Lightning, you are taking advantage of the fire to rob, isn't it a gentleman?"

Lightning shrugged his shoulders and said: "What's so good about being a gentleman, I just want to be a villain, what's wrong?"

Shi Yuyao didn't say anything, but blushed and kissed Lightning's cheek, which made the happy face of Lightning bloom.

"Okay, stop laughing, tell us about Uncle Shi and Auntie, are you really going to kill your family Yuyao?" Gao Yuanyuan couldn't see the behavior of the villain who succeeded in the scheme of Lightning, and urged repeatedly.

Lightning said cheerfully: "Of course I can't bear it anymore. Just wait!"

After speaking, he ran out in a hurry.

Just when everyone was puzzled, Lightning held Shi Qiu with his left hand and Mrs. Shi with his right hand, and the three slowly appeared in front of Shi Yuyao together.

At that moment, Shi Yuyao burst into tears again, staring at the three of them in a daze, as if it was the most beautiful and touching picture scroll in the world.

"Yuyao..." Mrs. Shi couldn't help it first, looked at her daughter whom she hadn't seen for a long time, and blurted out a call full of affection and maternal love.

Shi Yuyao could no longer hide the excitement in her heart, like a baby swallow returning home, shouting "Mom!"

Get into Mrs. Shi's warm and soft arms.

He buried his head deeply in it, and refused to leave for a moment.

Mrs. Shi hugged Shi Yuyao tightly in her arms with tears in her eyes. At that moment, Mrs. Shi felt that she was holding half of the world.

The scene where the mother and daughter met was touching, and Gao Yuanyuan couldn't help feeling sore in her heart. At this moment, she missed her parents and Li Xiaogang more than ever, and there were tears in her eyes.

Zhu Mingyan quietly turned to Gao Yuanyuan, Lightning winked, and the two of them left the place with him knowingly, leaving the space for the reunited family of three.

After a long hug with Mrs. Shi, Shi Yuyao came to Shi Qiu.

The father and daughter couldn't avoid an affectionate hug. Shi Qiu looked at Shi Yuyao with a smile and said, "Well, you've grown beautiful again, but you've lost some weight. Baby girl, have you suffered a lot here?"

Shi Yuyao smiled with tears in her eyes: "It's not hard, it's not hard, there are so many colleagues who care about me, it's not hard at all, but I always miss you..."

Sitting outside, listening to the laughter of the Shijia family from time to time in the room, Gao Yuanyuan was really envious. She held her cheeks and listened quietly while recalling the little things when she was with her family. Bewitched.

Suddenly, a strong scent of roses filled her nostrils. Gao Yuanyuan was aroused by the scent. When she came back to her senses, she suddenly found that what was in front of her eyes was a mass of flame-like red. The seductive olfactory offensive, Gao Yuanyuan couldn't help but lose his mind for a while.

It took a long time to wake up slowly, and looked up Rose, only to see a strange man looking at her with a smile.

Gao Yuanyuan looked at him in surprise and asked, " are..."

"Li Liang? Why are you here?" Lightning walked in from the outside, seeing Li Liang in Li Xiaogang's disguise standing in front of Gao Yuanyuan holding a large bouquet of red roses, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

Li Xiaogang said with a chuckle: "There is such a beautiful girl in the embassy, ​​if I don't come, I will regret it forever?" Slowly said: "This beautiful goddess, thank you for stepping down to the mortal world and meeting me. Please accept this bouquet of roses in my hand full of my heart and hope."

"This..." Gao Yuanyuan was a little dazed, since she left the campus, she hadn't received flowers for a long time, let alone flowers to show her love.

Lightning watched from the sidelines, first stunned, then angry, this guy actually blatantly wanted to poach Li Xiaogang's corner, is that okay?Lightning coughed loudly, and said: "Li Liang, I think you are showing a wrong expression, I advise you to stop using your brain, otherwise, I will make your death ugly!"

Li Xiaogang made a surprised expression and said, "Why, is this beautiful lady already married?"

Gao Yuanyuan shook her head and said, "No, no. But I have..."

Before Gao Yuanyuan finished speaking, Li Xiaogang interrupted her and said: "Since you are not married, everything else is not important.

Please accept my bouquet of roses first. "

Gao Yuanyuan shook her head and said, "I'm sorry, I already have a boyfriend, so I can't accept your flowers, please forgive me!"

Lightning let out a long sigh of relief. He knew that among these women, Li Xiaogang liked Gao Yuanyuan the most. If Gao Yuanyuan was snatched away from his territory, he wondered if Li Xiaogang would be angry. Next, peeled off his own skin.

Li Xiaogang was not discouraged. He looked down at the rose in his hand and frowned and said, "Well, that's right! These flowers are no longer fresh. How can I please a beautiful girl like you? Just wait, I'll give it to you." Make a magic trick." After Li Xiaogang finished speaking, he took out a handkerchief from his pocket, and gently covered the rose petals.

"Beautiful lady, may I take the liberty to ask you to blow on this handkerchief?" Li Xiaogang said with a smile.

Gao Yuanyuan didn't know what he was going to do, she was full of curiosity, she couldn't help doing what Li Xiaogang wanted, and lightly blew on the handkerchief, Li Xiaogang closed his eyes and said in satisfaction: "It smells so good..." Gao Yuanyuan blushed at Li Xiaogang's words, and was afraid to look at him.

Li Xiaogang chuckled and said, "Look carefully, something miraculous is about to happen..." After finishing speaking, Li Xiaogang took off the small handkerchief violently, revealing the rose under the handkerchief.

It doesn't matter, Gao Yuanyuan exclaimed all of a sudden, fixed her eyes on the bouquet of roses, and couldn't move an inch.

I saw that the roses, which were originally extremely bright, were even more eye-catching and crystal clear at this time.

A layer of faint, curling white clouds and mist lingered on it, condensed and never scattered, making this bouquet of roses more ethereal and holy, as if they had just been picked from the imperial garden of the Queen Mother.

Gao Yuanyuan never imagined that there are such beautiful roses blooming in this world, it is so romantic, so bright, it immediately grasped Gao Yuanyuan's heart tightly.

Seeing that the expected effect had been achieved, Li Xiaogang did not hide his pride, and said with a smile: "How about it, beautiful lady, can I use this bouquet of roses in exchange for your name?"

Gao Yuanyuan said with some coyness: "My name is Gao Yuanyuan." Then he snatched the rose from Li Xiaogang's hand, put it to his nose and smelled it carefully, and immediately there was an elegant, refined, blue fragrance that pierced through the valley. into her nostrils.

Afterwards, she said to Li Xiaogang rather coquettishly: "Although I accepted your flowers, you don't want to think about me! I already have a favorite, and he is the best man in the world. However, we can To be friends, having more friends is a good thing after all!"

Li Xiaogang felt complacent for a while, anyone who didn't feel complacent after hearing such an evaluation from his girlfriend must have a sick mind.

Li Xiaogang made a sad look, and said: "Hey, why is my life so hard? Why did the beautiful girl I met either get caught up first, or was already a famous woman! God, where did I offend?" You, you want to punish me like this!"

Seeing Li Xiaogang's exaggerated expression, Gao Yuanyuan couldn't help but giggled. The longing and melancholy for her family that had been evoked just now faded away.

Li Xiaogang sighed, and said, "Forget it. Just be friends as friends. Then friend Gao Yuanyuan, may I have the honor to invite you to dinner?"

Gao Yuanyuan glanced at the rose in her hand, and said with a coquettish smile, "Since you gave me such a beautiful rose, I will make an exception and promise you once, but this is no exception. Just wait, I'll go change clothes!" "

After speaking, he walked out cheerfully holding roses.

As soon as Gao Yuanyuan left, Lightning immediately appeared in front of Li Xiaogang fiercely, grinning his teeth and said to him: "Be careful, you kid, you'd better stay away from Gao Yuanyuan, otherwise, I'll tear you apart. Throw it into the Persian Gulf and feed it to the bastard!"

Li Xiaogang glanced at him sideways, and said with disdain: "Why are you being so lenient? Isn't she your girlfriend?" Lightning gritted his teeth and said, "She's not my girlfriend, but she is my boss's daughter." Friend. Offending our boss is offending me, do you understand? If you want to leave Yiguo alive, I advise you to play it safe!"

Li Xiaogang made a frightened look, and said in a trembling voice: " it so serious?" Lightning folded his arms and said, "What do you think? So I advise you to think clearly before taking action, so as not to even yourself. I don't know how I died!"

Li Xiaogang scratched his hair and said: "Yeah, if you have to risk your life to pick up a girl, it's not worth it. Forget it, let me give it up..."

Li Xiaogang frowned and continued, "I heard that in addition to Gao Yuanyuan, there is also a beautiful woman in the embassy, ​​who seems to be Shi Yuyao or something. Yes. Well, since your boss can't afford to mess with her, then I'll let Gao Yuanyuan go, and from now on, I'll just love Shi Yuyao!"

When Lightning heard this, his eyes suddenly widened, almost popping out accidentally.

Grabbing Li Xiaogang by the neck, he lifted him up from the ground violently, spitting and scolding: "You dare! If you dare to call Yuyao, I will pick you!"

Li Xiaogang was startled, and he said in a trembling voice: "I...I'm not glass, should go and pick up other men." Lightning was stunned for a while, Looking back, it was because I was excited that I said the wrong thing just now.

There was also a bit of embarrassment on his face, and he said angrily: "Damn it, I should have thrown you down when I was in the sea, so that you don't have to be a mother to harm people now!"

(End of this chapter)

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