Chapter 603
Lightning frowned, and said in a loud voice, "Why don't you hurry up?" As soon as Lightning finished speaking, Sterry broke in without treating himself as an outsider.

Because of Lightning, Sterry became good friends with almost everyone in the Huaxia Embassy, ​​and no one was surprised to see him here.

Today, Sterry did not greet other people in a friendly manner like in the past, but aimed at Lightning from the beginning, took out a crumpled printing paper from his pocket, handed it to Lightning, and said: "First check it out!"

Lightning took the printing paper, and jokingly said: "I said Sterry, why don't you just join us as a Chinese citizen? Like you, you always show us the top information of the M team. If you are found out, you will It's over! Hahaha..."

Lightning was still in the mood to joke, but it could be seen that Sterry was not in the slightest interest, but said impatiently: "You'd better talk about it after you have seen it!"

Sterry is a person who likes to joke very much. If he stops joking with you, it can only mean that something big has happened!Lightning hurriedly looked at the printing paper in his hand.

There are only a few short lines typed on the printing paper.

But these few lines seemed to possess some kind of mysterious magic, draining all the strength from Lightning in the blink of an eye, Lightning's body shook for a while, and almost fell to the ground.

After being stunned for a long time, Lightning came back to his senses and punched the wall again. A dent the size of a fist appeared on the originally smooth wall in front of him, and he shouted angrily, "What the hell is going on? Will it happen? Why are the people of M country so clear about my sky thorns? Could it be that there are traitors in the sky thorns? Impossible!"

Hearing that the matter was related to the Skythorn, Li Xiaogang hurriedly took the printing paper in Lightning's hand and looked at it. After seeing this, he was secretly surprised. On this small printing paper, the Skythorn was introduced in detail. all situations.

Including the number of people in the sky, the tree-rooted relationship map, the weapons used, the most commonly used tactical coordination, and various actions that have been carried out in the Arabian Peninsula over the past year.

What made Lightning even more horrified was that it also recorded in detail the dignitaries and royal families of the countries in the Arabian Peninsula that the Sky Spike had assassinated over the past year.

Many of them are rich and powerful families in their own country. If they see this list, Lightning is not afraid of their crazy explosion. What he is afraid of is that this year's hard work may come to naught because of this list!
Seeing such a thing, the first thought that flashed through Li Xiaogang's mind was like lightning, that is, there are traitors in the sky thorn, but he quickly ruled out this idea.

The sky thorns are all trained and selected strictly, and their loyalty is absolutely indisputable.

What's more, Li Xiaogang couldn't think of anything else that could buy the sky thorn, and it was worth the sky thorn's betrayal.

Lightning looked at Sterry sharply, and asked coldly: "What's going on, where did you get this thing?" Sterry didn't rush to answer Lightning's question, but asked quietly Said: "So, everything recorded on this thing is true?"

Lightning gritted his teeth and said, "Exactly!"

Sterry frowned immediately, and said: "This item was secretly sent to General Philip, the chief officer of the Iraqi M State Base not long ago. I took advantage of his unpreparedness and made a copy of it. portion."

"What! This thing is in Philip's hands? Has he seen it?"

Sterry nodded and said, "I've seen it! But he hasn't submitted it to the Pentagon yet. This makes me very surprised!"

Sterry said slowly.

Lightning snorted coldly and said, "Philip is so overjoyed. He will never give up such a good opportunity. The people of country M have long coveted the transportation channel we opened, but they are just struggling to take our sky thorns." There is no way.

Now they have finally found our handle, Philip will definitely use this handle to blackmail us severely, grab huge benefits for the government of country M, and then repay the credit and receive the reward! "

Sterry thought for a while, felt that Lightning's words were very likely, nodded and said, "Then what should we do now?" Sterry still used "we" at this time, obviously he did not intend Abandoning the sky thorn at the right time is enough to show his loyalty.

Lightning pondered for a while and said, "I'm not worried about Philip, he won't bother me before he has figured out how to exploit me. What I'm worried about is the guy who secretly betrayed us, if he doesn't hurry up It takes time to find him out, who knows if such a thing will happen again? It took a year of painstaking efforts for the Sky Spike to achieve today's results and situation, we can't afford to lose!"

Lightning unconsciously looked at Li Xiaogang. Li Xiaogang's expression was as calm as water, and there was no slight emotional fluctuation on his face, which seemed a little mysterious and unpredictable.

"Then...what do I need to do?" Sterry said obligingly.

Lightning smiled gratefully: "We are already very grateful that you can give this item to us at this time. After all, you are from country M, and we can't make it too difficult for you!"

Following the example of the Huaxia people, Sterry punched Lightning's chest, and said in his not very fluent Chinese dialect: "You don't treat me as a brother! It's not you Huaxia people who are stabbing your brothers. beloved?"

Lightning laughed loudly and said, "You think we Chinese people are all masochists, who like to stick knives in our ribs!"

Sterry said with a chuckle: "But I like the way you Huaxia people treat your brothers. It doesn't involve any interests at all. It's very clean, very pure and great!"

Lightning nodded and said: "In that case, Sterry, I want you to keep a close eye on Philip's every move after you go back. If he decides to send this information back to country M, you must try to notify us so that We responded in a timely manner, in short, such information must not be allowed to appear in the Pentagon of M country!"

Sterry nodded heavily and said, "No problem, leave it to me!"

After sending Sterry away, Zhu Mingyan, who had already known the whole process, had a surprisingly serious expression on his face.

Because this is no longer just a problem with the team of Sky Spike, it has even affected the image of China as a whole.

Once this information is revealed to the world, regardless of whether the Sky Spike has a direct relationship with the Huaxia government, the Huaxia government will bear the disgraceful title of a conspirator. By then, China will finally establish a good image in the Arab countries , It is very likely that with the leak of this information, it will be wasted.

"Lightning, how are you going to deal with this difficult matter? In the hands of the M country, this information is a trump card that can kill us. If one is not handled properly, it will not only be a thorn in the sky, but even our entire country may be destroyed. Fall into an extremely unfavorable situation!"

Zhu Mingyan said worriedly.

Lightning frowned and said, "Please rest assured, the ambassador, I will definitely handle this incident perfectly. The most urgent thing is to find out the bastard who betrayed us! But... who is this person?"

"Do you even need to think about it? It's likely to be Maihadi." Li Xiaogang snorted coldly and said quietly.

"Mahadi!?" Lightning's eyes lit up, and he said angrily, "Yeah! Who else would know about Skythorn in such detail? This bastard actually played double-faced swords with me! You wait , I will destroy him and his Samantang!"

"Lightning, calm down!"

Li Xiaogang shouted loudly.

Lightning turned to look at Li Xiaogang and said, "Our year-long hard work is about to be ruined in the hands of this bastard, how do you let us calm down?"

Li Xiaogang glared at him and said, "Is this what you call a perfect solution to this incident?"

Lightning felt aggrieved for a while, and said nah, "Then what should I do? I can't swallow this breath in my heart!"

Li Xiaogang said coldly: "If you can't swallow it, you have to swallow it. Do you think that Maihadi will admit it if you rushed to the door rashly like you? If you use force to level Samantang, it is indeed not difficult, but from then on From now on, the sky thorn will bear the notoriety of the devil, which can never be washed away.

The people of country M can even designate the Sky Spike as a terrorist organization, and then summon all the forces of the whole world to eradicate you!Lightning, do you think the Sky Spike has grown to the point where it can compete with the entire army of country M and even the whole world? "Lightning was speechless after being refuted by Li Xiaogang, and his handsome face turned red.

"Li Liang is right, the more you can't be impulsive at this time!" Zhu Mingyan said slowly.

Lightning let out a long sigh, clenched his fists, and said angrily: "It's unreasonable, is it so cheap that Mehadi can't do it?"

Li Xiaogang sneered a few times and said: "Of course not! Lightning, Samantang shouldn't be Maihadi's family hall, right?" Li Xiaogang's sudden question made Lightning stunned for a moment, and then quickly reacted, Hastily said: "Of course not! Salmen Church is a new church co-founded by the upper echelons of Yi who oppose the True God Church and are unwilling to submit to the Democracy Church.

Among them is the division of factions.

He, Mehadi, was able to secure this position, and it was only because of the power of my lightning that he suppressed his powerful competitor!I didn't expect him to avenge his kindness today, it's really hateful! "

Li Xiaogang said quietly: "Today's Iraqi country is full of waste and opportunities are everywhere. Anyone can become the new master of this country.

Similarly, such a country is extremely easy to create new dictators one after another.The wheel of history has turned to this day, and dictators are no longer able to adapt to today's trends.

If there is a new dictator in Iraq, it will not be good news for the world or us.And the best way to curb the emergence of dictators is balance.

In order to maintain this delicate balance and prevent Iraq from becoming a cradle of dictators, the Salmon Church, as the only sect that can compete with the Democracy Church, cannot be eliminated.For now, the only way is to find a way to force Maihadi to step down, and then slowly deal with him! "

(End of this chapter)

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