Chapter 613
"Oh, I'm really sorry, Mr. Mehadi, for keeping you waiting. You don't know, I have endless troublesome things to deal with every day, and I have a headache from being busy from morning to night!" Philip smiled at Mehadi Said.

Mehadi smiled slightly and said: "General Philip is the patron saint of our Iraqi country, maintaining the peace of this side. I am grateful to you for not being able to meet me in time. How can I blame you for not being able to meet me in time?"

Philip laughed a few times, and sighed: "Hey, if all the people of Iraq can think like you, then my work will be much easier, and my head will stay on my neck Let it be longer! Hehe... come, please sit down!" Philip warmly invited Mehadi to the sofa.

No matter how long Philip let him sit on the bench, seeing Philip's enthusiasm now, the unhappiness in Mehadi's heart was finally dispelled, and he was full of confidence in the purpose of this visit.

Looking into Philip's eyes, Mehadi said mysteriously: "I see General Philip, with a smile on his face and a radiant look. It seems that something good happened, right?"

Philip frowned, and asked puzzledly: "Good thing? Hehe... If you have to find something to be happy about, it's that I haven't been attacked by a human bomb for several days. Hehe..." There was a trace of bitterness in Philip's eyes.

"General Philip was joking. What kind of good thing is this? I'm talking about something else, for example... For example, General Philip hasn't intercepted any valuable information to you recently?" Mehadi tried to remind Philip.

But Philip pretended to be confused as always, and said: "Valuable information? Why, Mr. Mehadi wants to share some secrets with me? I am all ears, and I firmly believe that the information provided by Mr. Mehadi is definitely the most valuable. of!"

Mehadi said with a faint smile: "I have provided you with the most valuable information a long time ago. Well, let's not go around in circles, let's be straightforward. General Philip, I don't know about the secret information about the sky thorn. Have you seen it?"

"Sky Spike? What information does the Sky Spike have? I don't understand what you mean!"

It seems that Philip is going to pretend to be confused, and pretend to be in the end!Mehadi frowned, and said bluntly: "General Philip, why pretend to be confused, the information I'm talking about is the one that was delivered to your desk a few days ago.

I know that you M country people have always wanted to hold Yi country in your hands, and you are realizing this goal step by step, but just when you were about to succeed, the sky thorn suddenly appeared.

They come and go without a trace, and their combat power is unprecedentedly strong, invincible.In a short period of time, not only the situation in Iraq was disrupted, but even the entire Arabian Peninsula was under their control, which greatly hindered your plan.

I think the sky thorn must have given you a lot of headaches, right? "

Philip listened quietly, his face remained calm, and he couldn't see the real thoughts in his heart at all.

Mehadi frowned, and scolded in his heart, "Old fox! You can pretend!"

"Mr. Philip, I think you must have been extremely excited when you got such information? It's like stepping on a mouse's tail!"

Mehadi leaned towards Philip with a smile, and said quietly with a somewhat weird and ambiguous smile.When Mehadi got to this point, Philip couldn't pretend anymore.

Taking a sip of the fragrant coffee carefully, Philip's face turned cold instantly.Seeing the smile on Philip's face disappear little by little, Mehadi felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Philip raised his head and looked at Maihadi coldly, and said lightly: "Originally, I thought it would be good for you and me to pretend to be confused like this.

But I didn't expect that not only did you not accept my favor, but you stepped on your nose and face more and more too much! "

Philip's words startled Mehadi, and he asked puzzledly, "What do you mean by that?"

Philip slammed the table, stood up and shouted loudly: "What do you mean? I think I should ask you this? What do you mean by giving me such a piece of information? It can't be because of the relationship between us. friendship? Hmph!"

Mehadi frowned, and said, "I don't understand. Could it be that such a valuable piece of information did not help you, but instead brought you trouble?"

Mehadi still knows some people from country M. Even if these people from country M accept your favor, they will probably not accept your favor. Instead, they will have various reasons to attack you, so that you are obviously Helped him, but felt guilty to them instead, and owed them a favor instead!Philip snorted coldly and said: "This information is indeed very valuable to us, I admit it. Normally, I would be very grateful to you! But in this extraordinary period, you sent such an information, but let us I have to doubt your real motives!"

"Extreme times? What extraordinary times?" Mehadi asked in confusion.

Philip said indifferently: "Why do you pretend to be confused with me? Your son was injured, and he was injured by the Huaxia people. In order to get revenge, you did not hesitate to offend the sky thorns and lost your biggest backer.

Isn't it obvious that you handed over this information to us at this time, you want to use the fists of us M countrymen to punch Chinese people in the face.In other words, what you really think in your heart is that we M country people and the Chinese people will both lose, or even die together.

Anyway, you have now firmly secured the throne of the leader of the Salmon Hall, and the sky thorn can no longer give you any help, but has become a devil that you can't get rid of.As for us M country people, most of the Iraqi people hate us. If you can drive us away, then you will become a hero of the Iraqi people. At that time, you will not only be the leader of Samantang, but also sit on the Iraqi country in time. The president is not hopeless either.

I have to say, Mr. Mehadi, your abacus is really sound!As long as we fight with the Huaxia people, no matter who wins or loses, you will have advantages to take advantage of! "

Mehadi hurriedly said: "Mr. Philip must be prejudiced against his subordinates, otherwise he would definitely not think this way. I can swear to you, I have never thought of it this way.

Before Nevega was injured, I thought about giving this information to you, because as I deepened my cooperation with the Sky Spikes, I found that their ambitions seemed to be not only to control Iraq, but also to the entire Arab world. All showed an unusually strong interest.

And the sky thorns are like ghosts walking at night, the mystery shrouded in them always makes me feel frightened.The deeper the cooperation, the stronger the fear.

In comparison, although you M country people have a rough and tough attitude, your every knife and gun is on the bright side after all, and it is far less frightening and worrying than the stabbing from the sky.

Nevega's injury this time is just one of the reasons that prompted me to make this final decision, and it is definitely not the goal.

Don't get me wrong, General Phillips! "

Philip chuckled and said, "Mahadi, the biggest problem with you is that you always treat others as fools. In fact, others are much smarter than you think! What you think is very convincing is in the ears of others. Not worth mentioning.

Of course, maybe this is your real idea, maybe I really misunderstood you, but I have my own ideas and judgments, and my judgments have always been accurate! "

Mahadi's face darkened, and he murmured: "So, you still don't believe me?"

Philip shook his head and said: "I'm sorry, Mr. Mehadi, this matter is related to the interests of our entire M country, and I have to be cautious. Of course, if you can let me really see your sincerity, I might change my mind!"

"Hehe... But General Philip, you have to understand that I have run out of time! The thorns already know that I have passed this information to you, and are ready to attack me. With their support, Suharto He has launched a full-scale attack on me, and tomorrow, at the plenary meeting of Samantha, he will impeach me. At this time, I must have the support of you and the people of country M!" Mehadi was full of urgency Said.

Philip shrugged his shoulders and said quietly: "I'm sorry, if this is the case, then I can only say sorry to you! Of course, if you and your family have received any political ambitions, the gate of our embassy in country M Open to you at any time, you can come here to take refuge at any time!"

"Philip, you!..." Mehadi was furious in his heart, and suddenly burst into a long laugh and said, "Hahaha...I'm so stupid. I should have known that you M country people like to cross rivers and destroy bridges the most. I imagined that you would be able to show gratitude. It’s so stupid, I deserve what I am today!”

Looking at Mehadi who was angry for a while and laughed for a while, Philip had no expression on his face, as if he was watching a movie.

Mehadi glared at Philip fiercely, and said angrily: "Philip, one day, you will regret your decision today!"

Philip said lightly: "I don't think there will be a day when we don't pay attention to the government of the country of Iraq, let alone a civilian of the country of Iraq!"

"Civilian of the Iraqi country? Hmph... Do you think I will step down so easily?" Mehadi said angrily, staring at Philip.

Philip said indifferently: "Suharto has launched an attack on you from the inside, and we will also put pressure on Samantang from the outside. Do you think you still have a chance of winning?"

"You!...Why, even if you don't accept this precious information at all, then there is no deep hatred between us, why do you want to kill me?" Hearing Philip's words, Mehadi repeatedly shouted in surprise and anger drank.

A Suharto backed by the sky thorns is enough to bother him. If the powerful enemy of country M is added at this time, Mehadi's position is really in jeopardy.

"Hmph ha ha..." Philip suddenly laughed, and said slowly: "Speaking of which, I really want to thank you for the information you provided me, which brought us enormous benefits You are asking me why I am so happy, it is because of this! To tell you the truth, I have used this information to get everything I want from the sky thorn, and now we are partners! In order to express my respect for such a powerful For the respect of our partners, I agreed to one of their conditions, which is..."

(End of this chapter)

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