The strongest peasant city

Chapter 625 Grain grabbing plan

Chapter 625 Grain grabbing plan
Li Xiaogang said helplessly: "Do you think the Sky Spike is not wild enough? Killing the three terrorist bases in the blink of an eye is enough to make many people terrified! If it is too much, I am afraid it will be reversed." If you are accused of being a terrorist, then you and I will be in big trouble!"

Lightning smiled shyly and said: "I'm sorry Brother Gang, I'm a little excited, hehe... But after hearing Uncle Zhu's words, it's really a motherfucker.
I can't wait to rush out now and kill all those who dare not take our Huaxia seriously! "

It is said that after Havid left the Chinese embassy, ​​he immediately came to Mahdi's official residence.

One is the leader of the governing hall, and the other is the leader of the opposing hall. The two are like a pair of enemies. Except when they blame each other, it is difficult to get together.

So when Havid's motorcade suddenly appeared in front of Mahdi's house, Mahdi was taken aback.

But out of politeness, Mahdi still forced himself to welcome him out.

However, from the moment Havid got off the car, his face was extremely ugly, which made Mahdi's heart suddenly tugged.

"Mr. President, you are here. Please forgive me if I miss you!"

Mahdi said to Havid with a smile.

Havid's face was full of displeasure, he looked up and down at Mahdi coldly, and said quietly: "Chief Mahdi, you are so elegant and leisurely, I really admire it!"

Mahdi frowned, and he couldn't help but said slowly: "This is also thanks to Mr. President, who is wise and wise, and manages the Iraqi country in an orderly manner, otherwise I, the leader of the opposition hall, would not have such a leisurely life! "

Harvey snorted coldly and said, "Mr. First is leisurely, but have you seen that the people of Iraq are suffering from hunger now? Don't Mr. First think that something should be done?"

Mahdi had just defeated Suharto's impeachment, which further stabilized his position in the church. At this time, there was a famine in Iraq, which made Mahdi very happy.

The worse the situation in Iraq is, the more disappointed the people will be with Democracy Hall, and the greater the hope that he will replace Havid in power.

Not to mention finding a way to prevent the situation from expanding, he wished that hundreds of people would starve to death, and it would be best to cause a civil uprising. At that time, he would raise his arms, and he would be able to oust Harvey from power in one go.

"Hehe...Mr. President is very resourceful, he must have a complete plan, why do I need to point fingers?" Mahdi put a high hat on Havid, and easily dismissed Havid's accusation.

Harvey snorted coldly and said, "Even if I'm resourceful, can Mr. First calmly stand on the sidelines?"

Mahdi laughed and said, "Of course not! If Mr. President needs me to do anything, just ask me!"

Harvey immediately said: "Since that's the case, then I won't go with you! Now it really depends on Mr. Chief to solve this crisis."

"It landed on me?" Mahdi looked very puzzled, and looked at Havid with a confused face.

Harvey said seriously: "That's right! As long as you say a word, the people of Iraq will no longer have to go hungry, but I don't know if Mr. Chief is willing to do it?"

Mahdi coughed and said: "Is there such a good thing in the world? If it can really save the people from the fire and water, I, Mahdi, will definitely not refuse!"

Harvey said loudly: "Okay! What I'm waiting for is Mr. Chief's words. In fact, it's very simple. As long as Mr. Chief announces his resignation as the leader of Samantha and quits the political arena in front of the whole country, the famine will immediately It will be the most satisfactory solution!"

"What!?" Hearing Havid's words, Mahdi was furious and shouted angrily, "Mr. President, are you crazy to say such a thing!"

Havid roared angrily: "Mahdi, I am not the one who is crazy, but you! Who have you offended for your own son? This food crisis can be said to be entirely caused by you? You will not take responsibility for it. Responsibility, can't the people of the whole country pay for you?!"

Mahdi's heart trembled, and he said coldly: "Mr. President, you are responsible for what you say! What does this famine have to do with me? If you want to use me as a scapegoat, then I can only say that the President Mister picked the wrong partner!"

Havid said in a cold voice: "Why, Mahdi, are you still trying to argue? You offended the Heavenly Spurs because of Nevega, and in order to force you to step down, the Heavenly Spurs made a big fuss about the food, which triggered the food crisis. crisis.

Everything started because of you, what else can you say?Today, the assassin has only one request, and that is that you step down!For the stability of the whole country, Mahdi, I have to sacrifice you! "

"How could this happen? Impossible! All the food in the country of Iraq is in the hands of George, a businessman from country M. How could the Heavenly Spike have such great power to cause a nationwide food shortage? I don't believe what you said is true !"

After finishing speaking, Mahdi looked at Havid coldly and said: "Havid, you want to use this food crisis to make a fuss and force me to step down. I am afraid it will not be so easy! I, Mahdi, am not an idiot!"

Harvey snorted coldly and said: "You are not an idiot, you are ten times more stupid than an idiot! Thanks to the fact that you have cooperated with the Sky Spike for so long, don't you even understand how strong the Sky Spike is? From my point of view, that George is with the Sky Spikes at all."

Havid's words made Mehadi slump on the chair, and he kept muttering: "Why? Why is this happening? Is it really a fatal mistake I made to provoke the sky thorn? ?”

Harvey looked at him with disdain and said coldly: "I don't care what you are thinking now, but I hope you can take the overall situation into consideration, sacrifice your ego, and announce your abdication!"

Mahdi gradually calmed down, and said lightly: "Havid, you also want me to resign as the leader of Samantang, don't you?" Havid frowned and said, "This is the need of the country... ..."

"Nonsense! I don't want to hear what you say, I want to hear the truth in your heart!"

Mahdi snorted coldly, interrupted Havid, and said straightforwardly.

Harvey said in a deep voice: "That's right! You are a strong political opponent. Without you, my seat might be more secure..."

Mahdi said with a faint smile: "Thank you for telling the truth. But... I'm afraid I will disappoint you. I am not a person who is willing to give up easily. Even in the face of a powerful sky thorn, I will Give it a go!"

Havid frowned, and said in a cold voice: "Mahdi, why are you so stubborn? If this continues, it will be of no benefit to you or the people of Iraq. It will harm others and yourself. You are a smart person, so you should not Can't see through it?"

Mahdi sneered and said: "People are not for themselves, and heaven and earth are destroyed. In this field, I can't care so much anymore!"

Havid sighed a long time and said: "Actually, I should have thought of such a result a long time ago. Well, today I counted it as a waste of time, but in order to let the people of Iraq get out of suffering as soon as possible, I have to do something that I have no choice but to do. Don't blame me then!"

Mahdi said coldly: "It doesn't matter, what tricks do you have, just let the horse come over and see if I can catch it!"

Harvey suddenly felt that there was no need to continue the conversation between them, so he stopped wasting words and turned to leave.

Just when Mahdi was thinking hard about how to resolve the immediate crisis, a big action against him was still vigorously launched.

Not long after Havid left, Mahdi's official residence was immediately surrounded by protesting Iraqi people.

Only the protesters kept shouting loudly, "We want to eat, Mahdi get out of Iraq!..."

When Mahdi heard the call, his expression froze, and Nana murmured, "You came so fast! Damn Harvey!"

"First of all, sir, the protesting crowd is getting bigger and bigger, and the situation is probably going to get out of control. I think you should... you should hide for a while?" Abdul and Yawal each rushed from the outside sweating profusely. Come in, and said anxiously to Mahdi.Abdul and Yawal were as close to Mahdi as Janed and Monad were to Suharto.Abdul is Mahdi's intelligence minister, and Yawal is his military adviser.

However, it is worth mentioning that the intelligence force led by Abdul is much larger than Janed.

With the help of Maihadi's power, it is really pervasive in the entire Yi country, no matter how small the trouble is, it is impossible to escape their eyes and ears.

Therefore, Abdul was able to get the favor of Mahdi.A large part of the information about the sky thorn that Mehadi gave Philip was collected by Abdul's men.

Mahdi had said countless times that Abdul was his eyes and his nose.Sometimes it's his fist too.As for Yawal, he is not so popular in front of Mahdi.

The reason is very simple, because Mehadi thinks that he is smart enough, he does not need a military adviser to advise him, but he needs a military adviser to form his team, lest others say that he is shabby.

Therefore, although Yaval is also working hard, it is very difficult to grow up under Mehadi.

Mahdi frowned and said, "Why did Havid provoke so many protesters in such a short period of time? Abdul, can you explain to me?"

Abdul frowned, and said hesitantly: "Now...there are rumors outside..."

"What are the rumors? Tell me! When has this happened? What else is there to avoid?"

Abdul hurriedly collected his thoughts and said: "Now among the masses, I don't know who made the rumor, saying... that the reason why the country is short of food is because of you, the ordered a large amount of food to be hoarded privately. The purpose is to swallow up the goods and earn high economic profits. As long as you can be kicked out, a large amount of grain will be released immediately and circulated on the market. Then they will You don't have to endure hunger anymore..."

"Rumors! Such vicious rumors are unreasonable!"

Mahdi couldn't help being furious when he heard this, and shouted angrily over and over again.

(End of this chapter)

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