Chapter 628
"Thank you..." Abdul grabbed that arm and stood up slowly. He just said thank you, but when he looked back at the man, he couldn't help being stunned.

Isn't the person who helped him up the 'fake Maihadi' he was looking for this time?Abdul felt a surge of excitement in his heart. Just as he was about to make a move, he suddenly saw several rather strong men around him, but his subordinates hadn't seen any of them come up until now, so they had to give up temporarily.

'Fake Mehadi' looked at the dazed Abdul with a smile and said, "Sir, are you scared? It's all right now, you're safe!"

Abdul nodded his thanks, and carefully observed the 'fake mehadi' in front of him. The more he looked at it, the more he felt that the two resembled each other. If he didn't know that the real mehadi was waiting for him in the mansion He was really not sure if he would take the person in front of him as the real Maihadi.

Abdul smiled and said: "Thanks to you today, otherwise we would all be sharks' dinner! Sir, can you tell me your name, so that I can repay you for saving your life in the future!"

'Fake Maihadi' said with a slight smile: "It's just a matter of raising your hands, you don't have to keep it in mind.

Who can guarantee that he won't capsize the boat that travels the sea all the year round? "

Abdul shook his head and said, "That's what I said, but the grace of saving my life must be repaid! Otherwise, am I still a human being? Sir, please tell me your name!"

The fake Maihadi smiled wryly and said, "Okay, my name is Maihadi!"

"Mehadi!?" Abdul exclaimed in surprise.

The fake Maihadi laughed and said, "What's the matter, what surprised you so much?"

Abdul shook his head and said, "No...not surprised,'s just that the name is too familiar!"

The fake Maihadi laughed and said, "Familiar? Can you not? Your boss's name is naturally very familiar to you!"

"Ah!? You... what do you mean?" Abdul looked at the fake Mehadi in surprise, with a confused look on his face.

The smile on the fake Mehadi's face gradually disappeared, and he became serious, and said coldly: "Abdul, do you think we won't recognize you if you are disguised like this?"

"Sure enough! You are indeed a fake from the Sky Spike!"

When the matter developed to this point, Abdul simply tore off the disguise on his face, stared at the fake Mehadi and said with gritted teeth.

"Fake? Huh haha... Sometimes fakes can play a greater role than real ones! Look at how miserable the current Maihadi is, hehe..." The fake Maihadi took A bit rampant, he laughed loudly triumphantly, making Abdul's teeth itch with hatred.

Unbearable, Abdul roared, grabbed the fake Mahdi's throat with one hand, and shouted "Go!"

Abdul had just rushed a few steps, when suddenly his eyes blurred, and his chest felt a sharp pain as if being hit by a hammer. At this moment of insanity, Abdul was thrown to the ground abruptly. When he regained his composure, a few more feet appeared on his chest.

Abdul struggled a few times, as if he was a monkey grandson being crushed under Wuzhi Mountain, unable to move at all.

Abdul couldn't help being furious, "You idiots, what are you waiting for, do it quickly!"

Abdul yelled several times in a row, but there was no movement around him.

The fake Mehadi sneered and said, "Abdul, what are you yelling about!?" Abdul turned his head and looked with difficulty in puzzlement, only to be shocked to find that on this ship, besides him, Not even one of his subordinates.

Fake Maihadi said with a smile: "You want to know where all your people have gone?"

Abdul nodded subconsciously, Li Xiaogang hooked his fingers lightly, and Abdul was immediately lifted up abruptly by two Skystab players, one left and one right.

The fake Mahdi pointed to the two ships next to theirs and said, "Look there!"

Abdul was startled, and hurriedly looked around.

I saw that his subordinates were rescued to two boats respectively. At this time, they were already subdued, and he was the only one who boarded this boat. No wonder he screamed and broke his throat and no one helped him.

Waves of despair surged in Abdul's heart, and he said nah-na: " recognized me from the beginning?" Li Xiaogang laughed and said: "So I said your makeup skills are not good enough. Clever!"

Abdul was annoyed for a while, and said, "You...what are you going to do with us?"

The fake Maihadi said with a smile: "Didn't you just say that you didn't become delicious as a shark because of me? I think..."

Before he could finish speaking, Abdul immediately widened his eyes in horror and said, "You... what are you going to do?"

The fake Mahadi sneered and said, "What to do? You will know soon!"

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand lightly, and a sky thorn grabbed Abdul's arm like lightning. Before Abdul could react, a sharp dagger was scratched on his arm. A deep gash was opened, and streams of bright red blood gushed out immediately, dripping into the blue water of the Persian Gulf amid Abdul's screams.

Just a few minutes later, sharks smelling blood gathered in this sea area from all directions, circling around the three huge grain ships, and from time to time, there would be one or two great white sharks flying into the sky Jumping out of the water, the snow-white belly emitted a dazzling cold light from time to time under the sunlight, making Abdul almost suffocate!
"Throw him down!" Fake Mehadi said coldly.

The two sky thorns immediately lifted Abdul up, and lifted it high above his head.

Facing the danger of being buried in the belly of the fish, Abdul couldn't bear it anymore, and he howled loudly as if he was going crazy, and the shrill cry was heard far and far across the vast sea.

Landing on the other two ships, in the ears of his subordinates, they all broke out in a cold sweat and curled up into a ball, as if they would not be seen by others.

Fake Mehadi looked at Abdul struggling frantically and said with a faint smile, "Why, are you also afraid of death?"

Abdul wept bitterly and said, "Please... Please let me go..."

Fake Maihadi said coldly: "It's okay if we let you go! But you must complete one thing for us!"

The two sky thorns let go of Abdul, and Abdul immediately fell limply to the ground as if he had lost his bones.

The fake Mahdi took out a speech from his pocket, handed it to Abdul and said, "Just read this in front of the media, and I will let you live!"

Abdul took the paper with blank eyes and glanced at it, and his body immediately trembled violently.

The fake Maihadi sneered and said: "Don't think that you are the only ones who know the bottom of our sky thorn, we also know your bottom! Take a look, this is what you and your master have done for so many years. Now the time has come for it to be made public, and I have decided that this mission is for you to complete!"

Abdul shook his head and murmured, "! Once this is announced to the public, the leader...he will be completely finished. I...I can't do such a thing, I can't!"

Fake Mehadi frowned and looked at Abdul and said, "I really didn't expect that you are so afraid of death, but you still know how to protect your master at a critical moment!"

Abdul suddenly stood up from the ground, and said angrily: "What do you know!? If it wasn't for the rescue of Mr. Chief, I would have died ten years ago! Since then, my My life belongs to Mehadi alone, I can die for him without even frowning!"

Fake Maihadi said coldly: "But now your life is mine, if I want you to die, you must die!"

Abdul frowned, then let out a long sigh, and said quietly: "Forget it! Anyway, I should have died ten years ago! After living for ten years, I am satisfied! Now I will be It is to return the life to the leader of Maihadi, you can do it!"

After speaking, Abdul tightly closed his eyes, looking like he was going to die generously.

The fake Maihadi murmured: "No wonder Lightning told me that you are Maihadi's most loyal subordinate, and it is very difficult for you to come forward to complete this matter!"

Abdul waited for a long time without seeing any movement, opened his eyes again, and said, "That's natural! Kill if you want, let me betray the leader, you are dreaming!"

The fake Maihadi shook the script in his hand slightly, and said: "But this thing, only you, who has followed Maihadi for many years and is loyal to him, can be the most lethal, what should I do? "

Abdul snorted coldly and said, "What should I do? I advise you to stop thinking about it and stop wasting your time!"

The fake Mahadi gritted his teeth and said, "I just don't believe in that evil. I'm such a weird person. The more people tell me it's impossible, the more I want to try."

Abdul straightened his neck, and said stiffly: "I'm not even afraid of death, what are you afraid of!? If you don't mind the trouble, then just let your horse come over and see if I, Abdul, can do it." Frown!"

Fake Maihadi smiled lightly and said: "You are loyal enough, you are a man! Just for this, you don't have to die today!"

Abdul was startled when he heard this, and asked in a nasty voice, "You...what do you want?"

"I don't want to do anything, I just want you to meet someone!"

After finishing speaking, the fake Maihadi clapped his hands lightly, the hatch for entering and exiting the deck was opened, and a figure appeared in front of him from blurry to clear.

As the figure became clearer little by little, Abdul's pupils also enlarged little by little. At the end, Abdul's eyes almost burst out of his sockets, and he roared in shock, "He... who is he?"

There was a strange smile on the man's face, and he said, "I'm Abdul, who are you?"

Abdul looked at the man in front of him who looked exactly like himself, shook his head fiercely, and rubbed his eyes vigorously, but when he finished all this, the man was still watching with a smile. Watching him, not only did not disappear.

On the contrary, it is clearer!As if seeing a ghost, Abdul stepped back a few steps, pointed at the figure in horror and shouted: "He...he is fake, he is fake!"

The fake Mahadi smiled coldly: "No, you are the fake! He is real!"

(End of this chapter)

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