Chapter 645 Canary
"Time? Chief, what we lack now is time! There are less than two months before the Chinese New Year. Farmers are looking forward to the early cash in their hands, and they will have a comfortable New Year. You don't want farmers to Let's shed tears on New Year's Eve, right?" Gao Liguo said eagerly.

The leader smiled bitterly and said: "Okay! I promise you that this problem will be resolved satisfactorily before the New Year's Eve. Are you satisfied with this?"

Gao Liguo got the assurance from the leader, so he felt relieved, and murmured: "Actually, I didn't intend to force the leader and the prime minister on purpose. It's because the life of the peasants is miserable, so... please invite the leader And Prime Minister don't blame me!"

"Come on! It's not enough for you to be cheap, it's good to be good again! You have earned enough prestige in front of the farmers, and the Prime Minister and I will let you torture everyone without knowing it!" The leader couldn't help laughing He drank.

Lin Chaoran glared at Gao Liguo and said, "It's fortunate that the leader and the prime minister are generous and don't care about you, otherwise you won't be able to take care of it today!"

The leader glared at Lin Chaoran, and shouted: "And you, Lao Lin, you have more fancy intestines than anyone else! You actually directed this double reed, right? I think, if someone wants to go around, it must be you! "

Lin Chaoran smiled embarrassingly, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Leader, what's wrong with you today? I've been talking for you all the time, but you are doing well, and you beat me up from time to time. Why is this?"

The leader snorted angrily: "What are you doing? Huoyan argues loyalty and traitor! The Prime Minister and I are not confused!"

Lin Chaoran shook his head helplessly, and said bitterly: "It's really hard to be a good person these days! Hey!"

After driving away Gao Liguo and Lin Chaoran, the Prime Minister said solemnly: "You agreed to Liguo so easily, we will have a hard time in the future."

The leader smiled wryly and said: "Look at the state of Liguo today. If you don't agree with him, he might eat us alive. Besides, what Liguo said is not unreasonable. The farmers are fighting for the development of the country. Construction has made such a great contribution, but in the end, it has suffered and been wronged repeatedly, which is unfair, don’t you think so?”

The Prime Minister smiled wryly and said, "Of course I think so too! But this is food worth 5000 billion yuan. Can you really digest it? And it will take less than two months. This is really too difficult!"

The leader frowned tightly and said: "Lin Chaoran said something, there is absolutely no way if you don't think about it. It's all about human effort!"

The prime minister laughed and said, "You are really open-minded, I admire you! Hey, you said that at this moment, it would be great if someone could discuss it!"

Seeing the prime minister sighing again and again, the leader smiled and said, "Why, do you miss him?"

The prime minister turned his head and glanced at the leader, and said without hesitation: "I want to, I really want to! When he is around, how many troublesome things are transparent to people, but in his hands, they can be solved in threes and fives." , That’s a peace of mind! But the good times don’t last long, God is jealous of talents, every time I think of this incident, my heart feels like hot oil meets cold water, and I can’t be at peace for a moment.”

"There are unpredictable things in the sky, and people have misfortunes and blessings. Destiny seems to be illusory, but there seems to be a definite number in the dark, and it is difficult to judge with common sense. Well, don't think about this matter, or think about it." Think about how to survive the immediate crisis. Food, food, if there is any way to increase the appetite of the people, it would be great!..."

Although Long Ling'er almost caught Li Xiaogang in the hotel room last time, Li Xiaogang was easy to deal with at that time. Although Long Ling'er, Hu Rong and Dong Feifei were basically sure that it was Li Xiaogang, but after all Just 'basic', not 100% sure yet.

Since then, Shanshan, the three women's co-worker, has been frantically looking for Li Xiaogang everywhere.It's a pity that from that day on, Li Xiaogang seemed to have evaporated from the world. No matter how hard the four girls tried, they couldn't find any information related to Li Xiaogang.

Today, Long Ling'er and Shanshan are even more anxious, but this time the two are not only anxious to determine Li Xiaogang's life and death, but also because of the raw materials Longquan and Longmu need, wine heart grass and Mi Hehua. It is almost used up, and Shenyu and Longquan Fine Wine are also facing the danger of stopping production, how can this make the two girls not in a hurry.

This time, Li Yong from Longxi Group also joined in, just because the Peerless series of cosmetics is also facing the crisis of stopping production.

This time, Long Ling'er, Hu Rong, Dong Feifei, Shanshan, Li Xiaoshui, and Li Yong fought together, and the momentum was huge.

After discussing with each other, the six decided not to run around like headless flies, but to go directly to Scar.

Speaking of Scar, Shanshan looked a little sad.

Scar hadn't looked for her for several days, and he didn't even answer her phone calls. It seemed that Shanshan's performance really disappointed him.

When they came to Scar's office building, the group was stopped by several security guards.

Li Xiaoshui is the eldest sister here, he stood up without hesitation, and said to the security guard: "I want to see your general manager, please inform us!"

A man who looked like the captain walked out of the security guards, with long arms and a thick waist, so burly.

The two pectoralis major muscles bulged high, stretching the top of the clothes tightly, looking unusually majestic and burly.

The security guard took a look at everyone, looked at Shanshan, and said: "Sister-in-law, I don't think there is any need to report. Brother Scar said that as long as it is you, he will never be seen!"

Shanshan felt aggrieved when she heard it, tears rolled in her eyes, Li Xiaoshui said angrily, "What does he mean? Even if he blamed us, he couldn't treat Shanshan like this, thanks to Shanshan being so kind to him before." !"

The captain of the security guard also had a bit of unbearable expression on his face, and said: "Sister-in-law, I'm really sorry, Brother Scar has been in a particularly bad mood recently, and he gets angry at every turn, we...we are also a little afraid of him, so don't embarrass me, okay?" ?"

Shanshan wiped away her tears and said to the man: "Huazi, thank you for calling me sister-in-law. But this time we really came here not only for the whereabouts of Brother Gang, but more importantly, whether we can keep Brother Gang The company. The matter is very important, if the scar cannot be seen, the consequences will be very serious. Can you accommodate us and let us in?"

The security captain named Huazi bit his lip tightly, panting loudly, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

Shanshan looked at Hua Zi pitifully and said, "Hua Zi, please! This matter is really important. If Scar must be blamed, I will let him blame me alone!"

Hua Zi raised his head with a wry smile and said, "Sister-in-law, I'm not afraid of Brother Dao Scar's blame, I... Hey, forget it, you come with me!"

After speaking, he strode towards the office building.

Shanshan and the others glanced at each other and hurriedly followed.

Upstairs in Dao Scar's office, Dao Scar buried himself deeply in the boss's chair, put his feet on the desk, and looked at the outside world erratically.

I just received a call from Lightning and learned that Li Xiaogang is on his way back to China at this time, and I also learned about the exciting things that happened in Iraq these days.Scar's heart was full of yearning.

He suddenly discovered that this spacious and luxurious office was just a golden birdcage that imprisoned him.

Originally there was a canary in the golden bird cage, but now the canary had flown away, leaving him alone, only then did he realize how cold the golden bird cage was.

Scar is a passionate young man, he yearns for passionate days, the blood in his body longs to burn, and his soul longs to be inspired.

Especially now, when he was emotionally hurt, he wanted to leave here and start a new life... The knock on the door pulled Lightning back from his contemplation.

However, Scar's eyes never left the scenery outside the window, and he said without turning his head, "Come in!"

Huazi led Shanshan and the others to file in.

Seeing the scar lying on the chair looking out of the window with a somewhat lonely expression, Shanshan's heart skipped a beat and became much heavier.

After not hearing a voice for a long time, Scar said impatiently: "What's the matter, tell me!"

Huazi coughed, and said slowly: "Brother Scar... a few guests are here!"

Scar said kindly, and turned around slowly. When he saw that the guest that Huazi said was the person he least wanted to see, Scar's face suddenly turned cold, as if he was a treasure out of its sheath. The cold murderous aura made Huazi's heart feel as if it had fallen into an ice cellar. After being completely cold, he hurriedly lowered his head, not daring to meet Dao Scar's knife-like eyes.

Dao Scar said coldly: "Hua Zi, it seems that in your eyes, my words are like bullshit!"

", Brother Scar, you must not misunderstand. It's just my sister-in-law and the others..." Huazi almost lost his soul when he heard this, and hurriedly defended himself.

Scar waved his hand coldly and said, "Stop talking! Pack up your things and get out of my company, you're fired!"

After hearing this, Huazi's pupils suddenly dilated, and he looked at Scar very nervously, and said in surprise, "Brother Scar, you...what did you say?" Scar's eyes turned cold, and he shouted in a low voice, "Why, are you deaf? Did you? I said you were fired, get out of my company now!"

When Huazi heard this, he almost didn't kneel down on the spot, and said anxiously: "Brother Scar, I was wrong!...I can't live without this job. My wife is still waiting for money to have a baby. Please, don't Fire me!"

"I forced him to bring us to you. If you want to blame, you can blame me. Don't blame him!"

Shanshan stood up with a little excitement, and excused Huazi.

Scar looked at her and said lightly: "What are you, why should my people obey your orders?"

"I..." Shanshan didn't expect Scar to become what he is today. It seems that their sweet memories from the past have been deleted from Scar's mind, and she can no longer feel it from Scar's eyes. There is a trace of warmth, but there is only boundless anger and resentment.

(End of this chapter)

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