Chapter 673

For this meal, the four of them ate heartily and enjoyed it.At the same time, Song Shuang also swallowed the food full of Thai style in the Thai restaurant alone.

Accustomed to eating Chinese food, Song Shuang's sense of taste was immediately stimulated by eating Thai food out of the blue. He kept sending out excited electric waves to his nerve center. Just when she was enjoying her meal, a discordant voice interrupted her interest, "Brother Huolong, the man who injured Brother Prince is the guy who was with this woman!"

Hearing the sound of footsteps coming towards him, Song Shuang raised his head in confusion, and saw three men walking quickly, one in front and two behind.
Walking towards her, the leader was a humble-looking man. Song Shuang vaguely remembered such a person in the coffee shop.

Behind him, there is a tall and burly man, although he can't be said to have thick eyebrows and big eyes, but he is not as wretched as the previous man, with a serious face and no smile, but he has the air of a big brother.

Led by the wretched man, Brother Huolong stood in front of Song Shuang, pulled out a chair, and sat down beside her.

He snapped his fingers neatly, and a waiter came over courteously, Brother Huolong said lightly: "Check out for her!"

Song Shuang frowned when she heard this. As a policeman, she was naturally stubborn and courageous, and said angrily, "Who are you? Do you care if I pay or not?"

"Smelly girl, Brother Huolong asked you to pay the bill, so you should pay the bill obediently, what a waste of time!" The wretched man who took the lead yelled at Song Shuang like flattering.

As soon as his words fell to the ground, Brother Huolong gave him a cold look. This look surprised the wretched man, and he subconsciously closed his mouth, not daring to talk anymore.

Brother Huolong looked at Song Shuang quietly and said, "Where is the person who injured the prince? Where is he?"

Song Shuang glanced at Brother Huolong up and down, and said with a sneer: "Oh, I understand, I dare you to be with that scumbag during the day, and this is here to avenge him! Hmph..."

Brother Huolong took out a cigarette and lit it, and said quietly: "I don't like people calling my brother a scum."

Song Shuang snorted coldly and said: "But he is a scum! He even wants to bully a female college student who can't afford to go to school. What is it if he is not a scum!?"

Brother Huolong frowned, raised his hand and said, "Take her away!"

The wretched man and another man immediately approached, Song Shuang stood up vigilantly, and at the same time held a knife and fork tightly in his hands, glaring at the two men without any fear. people.

"Hey, gentlemen, please don't make trouble in our restaurant!"

Seeing that something was wrong here, the two security guards of the restaurant immediately came over and tried to stop it.

Who knew that the security guard hadn't finished speaking yet, another man under Brother Huo Long grabbed the plate on the table and threw it at it. There was only a rattling sound, and the security guard who was speaking had already crouched down covering his head.

Another security guard subconsciously pulled out his baton and swung it at the guy who did it. The baton made a sharp sound, and just halfway there, a blue vein burst out from the slanted stab, and his hand full of strength grasped the baton firmly. live.

The security guard pumped hard for a long time, but failed to take back the baton. At this time, Brother Huolong, the owner of his hand, also slowly stood up.

As Brother Huolong stood up completely, the security guard's expression also changed drastically, from nervousness, to astonishment, and finally to fear.He said in a trembling voice, "Huo... Brother Huolong, I... I didn't see that you were doing business."

Brother Huolong held the end of the baton firmly, and said in a deep voice, "You still don't let go?"

Hearing this, the security guard let go of his hands subconsciously. Brother Huolong took the baton, swung his arms round suddenly, and hit the security guard in the face with the stick. When it was sprayed out, the person fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

Seeing such a scene, Song Shuang was furious. The sense of justice accumulated in his heart when he was a police officer immediately began to make trouble. On the face of Brother Huolong's other subordinate.

Song Shuang was wearing high-heeled shoes today, and the sharp heels kicked on his face. The feeling would never be pleasant, and the man who was tricked fell down without even groaning.

Song Shuang was not polite at all to deal with Brother Huolong's two thugs, and kicked straight at Brother Huolong's lower abdomen.

Facing Song Shuang's menacing kick, Brother Huolong's eyes lit up, he leaned slightly to one side, and dodged it. At this moment, Song Shuang was standing on one foot, and the other foot was held by Brother Huo. His appearance was extremely unsightly. Song Shuang's face blushed immediately, and he shouted furiously: "Let go of me! Hurry up...

Let go of me, you bastard! "

Brother Huolong not only didn't let it go, but put his nose on Song Shuang's little feet, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then said faintly: "Smell, it's so fragrant!"

Brother Huolong's Meng Lang made Song Shuangjiu's lungs almost explode. He took a deep breath, and suddenly swung his fist, hitting Brother Huolong's cheek.

Brother Huolong held Song Shuang's little foot's hand and pulled it forward forcefully. Song Shuang's body shook for a while, and the other hand jumped a step forward instinctively. The attack was immediately disintegrated.

At this moment, the wretched man who was knocked to the ground by Song Shuangsao stood up in a state of embarrassment, and cursed angrily, "You bitch is looking for death!"

As he said that, he slapped Song Shuang in the past.

One of Song Shuang's feet was imprisoned, so there was no room for dodge. Seeing that this slap was about to slap her firmly on the face, Song Shuang couldn't help but screamed almost in despair.

"you dare!"

Suddenly, Huo Long yelled angrily, and his sharp eyes stared straight at the wretched man. The wretched man was aroused by this look, and he stopped waving his hand halfway.

"Get out!" Brother Huolong shouted angrily.

The wretched man hurried to a far away place, not even daring to look this way again.

Brother Huolong put down Song Shuang's feet, and said coldly, "Now you should go with me, right?"

Brother Huolong stopped the wretched man's behavior, which made Song Shuang feel a little grateful.Said: "Why should I go with you?"

Brother Huolong said coldly: "Because I have to avenge the prince."

"Huh? To avenge him? He is a scum..." Song Shuang said as if he had heard something funny.

"Shut up! I seem to have told you that I don't like people calling my brother a scum. No matter what he did wrong, I, the brother, will bear it. But if anyone bullies him, I will never Will let him go!"

Brother Huolong's anger interrupted Song Shuang's words.

Song Shuangzheng was startled, and then said quietly: "I understand, the reason why the prince became what he is today is all because of your arrogance to him. Do you understand that you have harmed him?"

Brother Huolong frowned, and said somewhat annoyedly: "Enough! I, Brother Huolong, don't need you, a girl, to teach me a lesson!"

Brother Huolong's stubbornness made Song Shuang also angry, and said softly, "You think I'm teaching you a lesson? I'm saving your life!"

Brother Huo Long was puzzled by Song Shuang's words, and asked with a frown, "What did you say?"

Song Shuangdao: "I mean, you'd better give up the idea of ​​revenge. Your skill is good, but in front of the person who hurt your brother, you are completely vulnerable. If you look for him, you are looking for death!"

Song Shuang's words not only failed to change Brother Huolong's mind, but on the contrary aroused the aggressive factor in his body, Brother Huolong snorted and said, "Really? If he is really so powerful, I would like to see him even more. Got it!"

After speaking, he grasped Song Shuang's wrist, Song Shuang was startled, struggled a few times but failed to break free, Brother Huolong's hand was as strong as a vice, "You...what are you going to do!?!"

Brother Huolong said lightly: "If you follow me obediently, I won't make it difficult for you! But if you play tricks, I can't guarantee it!" After finishing speaking, he dragged Song Shuang and walked out of the restaurant.

When he came outside the restaurant, Brother Huolong was blocked by two men in suits and leather shoes.

Seeing the two of them, Brother Huolong immediately frowned, and said coldly, "What? Did you come out to stand in the way?"

The faces of the two men in suits were calm, without even looking at Song Shuang, they bowed to Brother Huolong and said, "Brother Huolong, Master Rui asked you to go, he has something to tell you. "

Brother Huo Long sneered and said: "He is a wanted criminal now, what can I talk to him about? Go back and tell Master Rui that I'm busy and don't have time to see him!"

A man in a suit seemed to have expected Brother Huolong to say this, and he said calmly, "It's because Master Rui is now a wanted criminal, and he will go in at any time, so I must see you, he said, It's for your own good too!"

Brother Huolong gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, I also want to hear what he wants to say to me. However, this matter has nothing to do with this woman, let her go!"

The two men in suits glanced at each other, one of them shook his head, and said apologetically, "Brother Huolong, I'm really sorry. If it was normal, we wouldn't dare to disobey what Brother Huolong meant, but now is an extraordinary period. To be safe, I have no choice but to invite this young lady to go with you."

"En!? So shameless?" Brother Huo Long's face was a little displeased, and he said coldly: "I suddenly changed my mind, and I don't want to see Master Rui anymore. What can you do with me?"

A man in a suit frowned and said, "I think Brother Huo Long should not be impulsive.

I heard that the prince was injured, Lord Rui sent someone to visit today, and even sent a fruit basket..."


Brother Huolong sighed, turned his head to look at Song Shuang and said, "It seems that today will drag you down." Song Shuang frowned slightly, and he hadn't fully figured out why Brother Huolong pulled the two of them together so quickly. A car driven by a man in a suit.

(End of this chapter)

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