The strongest peasant city

Chapter 678 Excited Gao Yuanyuan

Chapter 678 Excited Gao Yuanyuan

The sunlight outside the window penetrated the glass and sprinkled on the wide and comfortable bed, and a big drama was staged passionately again with the morning sun... The three of them stayed on the bed like this for a whole day, until the "unbearable" lightning broke out, and the three people walked out of the room and saw The two women were pink-faced and extremely shy. Anyone who wasn't blind would understand what happened.

Song Shuang and Gao Yuanyuan were even more ashamed by Lightning's half-smile expression, and hurriedly found an excuse to escape.

Facing Lightning's bad eyes, Li Xiaogang didn't feel embarrassed at all, and said openly: "Are you envious? It doesn't matter, Shi Yuyao will be yours sooner or later, hehe..."

Lightning curled his lips and said, "That's up to you? Brother Gang, Mayor Cheng Hua has already prepared dinner and asked me to invite you over. Let's go?"

In the banquet hall of the hotel, all the sky thorns that Lightning brought this time were there. Seeing Li Xiaogang and Lightning walking in, they stood up at the same time with a swish, no less shy than the military style.

Cheng Hua was taken aback by this momentum, and stood up involuntarily.

Li Xiaogang came to Cheng Hua with a smile, glanced at the sumptuous dishes on the table and said, "Mayor Cheng, I'm ashamed to keep costing you all this time!"

Cheng Hua waved his hand and said, "Mr. Li has done us such a big favor for the farmers in S City, what is this? I really wish I could take over the entire restaurant to express my gratitude to you!"

Li Xiaogang nodded humbly, looked around for a week, there was no one else at their table except Cheng Hua, Lightning, Song Shuang, Gao Yuanyuan and him, Li Xiaogang asked with some doubts: "Where is Director Tian Qingtian? "

Cheng Hua grunted and said, "He's reconciling accounts, he's busy!"

"Reconciliation?" Li Xiaogang frowned slightly, and Cheng Hua said seriously: "Yes, reconciliation! Mr. Li, you gave us the money directly, that is your great trust in us.

Only when the amount of money and food is completely matched, can we truly live up to your trust! "

Li Xiaogang smiled slightly and nodded inwardly.

After thirty days of drinking, Lightning suddenly said, "Brother Gang, I'm going to leave after dinner."

Li Xiaogang was taken aback when he heard this, and said, "You have finally returned to China once, so why don't you stay for a few more days?"

Lightning smiled wryly and said: "You don't know, when I came, the food crisis in Iraq and Iran had once again shown its head. If I delay for a few more days, I'm afraid something will happen, and that guy George has told me a lot. , it seems that I can't stay."

Li Xiaogang said: "That's right, people's livelihood is the most important thing. Lightning is a long way away, so you have to be very careful! Pirates are becoming more and more rampant now, even the sky thorns must be careful, don't be careless!"

Lightning said in a concentrated voice: "Brother Gang, don't worry, I guarantee that every grain of this batch of grain will be shipped to Yi Country."

Li Xiaogang nodded, relieved, and asked, "By the way, are the oil export organizations of those countries in the Middle East willing to give up part of their share of oil production?"

Lightning frowned, shook his head and said: "There is no progress yet, these guys are very tight, but they won't let go, I'm still trying to find a way!"


Li Xiaogang snorted coldly and said: "Tell them that our Longteng oil must enter the market! We are discussing with them now to look down on them. If they don't understand, cheap oil will soon flood the entire international crude oil market. If they want to see the energy market crash, let them hang on!"

"Brother Gang, I have also thought about this method, but if we really come to this point by then, they will attack us in groups, and our situation in the Middle East will be extremely difficult..." Lightning said with some concern.

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Difficult? They will only be more difficult than us, you just do what I say!"

With Li Xiaogang backing him, Lightning's courage immediately strengthened, and he said with a smile: "Okay, brother Gang, just watch me!"

Cheng Hua listened quietly to the conversation between the two. Although he was a little puzzled, his intuition told him that Li Xiaogang's influence in the Middle East was not simple.

In a war-torn place like the Middle East, it is not easy for people to have a relationship with oil. Cheng Hua moved in his heart and asked, "Mr. Li, since you have a way to get your hands on the oil in the Middle East, you should also have a way to open up the grain market in the Middle East." Right? If the grain market in the Middle East is opened, the difficulty of selling grain that we are facing in China will be solved immediately..."

Li Xiaogang looked at Lightning and asked, "What do you think?"

Lightning frowned and pondered for a moment, then said: "This...Actually, most countries in the Middle East rely on imports of food, and they are all facing food crises of varying degrees this year, but Iraq and Iran are particularly prominent. I think that after I go back You can do some work to try to open up this market!"

When Cheng Hua heard this, he was overjoyed and said, "That's really great, come on, Mr. Lightning, I wish you success, let's have a toast!"

After speaking, he boldly drank the wine in the glass.

After dinner, Lightning set out on the road overnight.Led by Lightning, the mighty fleet sailed towards the Middle East.

Seeing the ships leaving the port one after another, Cheng Hua's heart was finally relieved, but Li Xiaogang's heart was raised, and he prayed that the fleet could arrive safely as soon as possible.

As soon as things happened here, Li Xiaogang decided to go north, but Gao Yuanyuan hadn't returned home yet.Song Shuang also received an urgent notice from Wen Tian, ​​asking her to return to the team as soon as possible.

After bidding farewell to Cheng Hua, the three of them also boarded the plane to the capital.

After getting off the plane, Song Shuang was picked up by Wen Tian's people. It seemed that the task was urgent.

After seeing off Song Shuang, Li Xiaogang held Gao Yuanyuan in his arms and said, "Did we call our parents first and tell them we are back?"

Gao Yuanyuan shook her head slyly and said, "No, you are still a 'dead person' in their hearts now, and I am in Iraq now, why don't we give them a big surprise?"

Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "I'm afraid they won't be able to bear it. If they don't get over the 'surprise' level, they'll get over their anger, and then the joy in the future will be useless!"

Gao Yuanyuan gave him a hard look, and said angrily, "My father and mother are not so useless!"

Li Xiaogang chuckled and said, "Okay, let's go! Let's see who is right!"

The two came to Gao Yuanyuan's home in the capital. As soon as they got out of the taxi, Li Xiaogang's eyes lit up. He pointed at the figure walking slowly in front of them and said, "Look, Mom."

Gao Yuanyuan hastily looked at Li Xiaogang's fingers, tears streaming down her face.

After not seeing each other for a year, Gao Yuanyuan saw a few strands of white hair on Mrs. Gao's head at a glance, and her walking speed slowed down a lot.

Li Xiaogang hurriedly wiped away Gao Yuanyuan's tears, and said softly, "Idiot, now should be the time to be happy, why are you crying?"

Gao Yuanyuan nodded, followed quickly, and gently covered Mrs. Gao's eyes with her hands from behind.Mrs. Gao was walking, when suddenly her eyes went dark, and she covered her eyes with her hands. Mrs. Gao was startled at first, but soon a very familiar smell entered her nose.

Mrs. Gao was shocked, and the vegetable basket in her hand fell to the ground with a bang. Gao Yuanyuan covered Mrs. Gao's hand and felt a burst of moisture gushing out of Mrs. Gao's eyes.

"Xiao... Gao Yuanyuan!"

Madam Gao called out, turned around abruptly, and looked at Gao Yuanyuan with tears in her eyes.

Seeing Mrs. Gao with a tired face, Gao Yuanyuan could no longer restrain the affection in her heart, hugged Mrs. Gao and cried loudly.

The two mothers and daughters cried together as if no one was around, the touching scene made Li Xiaogang feel a little bit sore.

Mrs. Gao looked at Gao Yuanyuan carefully, and kept murmuring, "I'm thin, I'm thin..."

"Mom, you have more wrinkles on your face..." Looking at her aging mother, Gao Yuanyuan's heart was full of reluctance.

Seeing Gao Yuanyuan's concerned gaze, Mrs. Gao's heart suddenly trembled. She suddenly remembered what happened to Li Xiaogang. She was afraid that Gao Yuanyuan would be sad. He and Gao Liguo deliberately concealed it. They didn't tell Gao Yuanyuan. To dilute Gao Yuanyuan's feelings for Li Xiaogang, but she didn't expect Gao Yuanyuan to come back early.

Thinking that Gao Yuanyuan would ask about Li Xiaogang's situation sooner or later, Mrs. Gao's heart immediately sank. After much deliberation, Mrs. Gao still felt that she should speak first and strive for the initiative.

Gathering her mind, Mrs. Gao looked at Gao Yuanyuan sadly, and said quietly, "Yuanyuan, I...I have something to tell you, I'm worried about must be strong!"

Gao Yuanyuan couldn't help being shocked when she heard Mrs. Gao's sudden words, and said nervously, "Did something happen to my father? Mom, what happened to my father?"

Seeing the anxiety and concern on Gao Yuanyuan's face, Gao Yuanyuan was relieved. Gao Yuanyuan was indeed a filial child, and hurriedly said, "No! It's not your father, it's... Xiaogang."

Gao Yuanyuan frowned, and murmured: "It's Xiaogang, what's wrong with him?" Gao Yuanyuan had vaguely guessed what Mrs. Gao was going to say to her, smiled slyly, and asked nervously: " Does he have another woman?"

Madam Gao hurriedly shook her head and said, "Mom, let me tell you straight, Xiao Gang... he is no longer alive!"

Gao Yuanyuan's delicate body trembled a few times. Mrs. Gao was startled, she hugged Gao Yuanyuan and said eagerly, "Gao Yuanyuan, you have to be strong, you have to cheer up! You still have your father, and your mother..."

"Hehe..." Just when Mrs. Gao was anxious and didn't know what to say to comfort Gao Yuanyuan, Gao Yuanyuan was trembling with laughter.

Seeing Gao Yuanyuan's 'abnormal' behavior, Mrs. Gao was even more worried that Gao Yuanyuan was too stimulated, she was already insane, and hugged Gao Yuanyuan even tighter.

(End of this chapter)

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