The strongest peasant city

Chapter 696 See Through

Chapter 696 See Through
At the same time, Country M, Israel's usual backer, has also changed its direction this time, and it no longer supports Israel as it used to.

It's not that the people of country M suddenly have a sense of justice, but because they themselves are suffering and can't tell.

At present, in the world, the two anti-terrorist battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan are just like a quagmire, and they are constantly trapping the footsteps of the country M. At the same time, there are news of many innocent civilians dying on the two battlefields every day. This has caused world public opinion to develop in a direction that is not conducive to country M, and country M itself is under great pressure.

Under such circumstances, country M desperately hopes to gain the support of major powers. However, at present, there are more and more differences between country M and Western countries in international affairs and economic development, which directly leads to conflicts between country M and Western powers. The rift is getting bigger and bigger, and even conflicts have arisen. Western powers no longer support country M as they used to.

The contradiction between the European Union and country M is increasing day by day, and the relationship between country M and Russia is becoming increasingly tense. Regarding the Georgia issue, there is already a faint stance of a renewed cold war between the two sides. People from country M want to get support from Russia. It's like daydreaming.

As for the island country, the economy has been sluggish for many years. Now they only hope to get more M yuan from country M to revitalize their own economy. How can they have the leisure to support country M? Obviously, they can't rely on it.

After comparing and comparing, the people of country M suddenly discovered that Huaxia has now become their only hope to get out of the predicament.

First, despite the economic turmoil and even recession around the world, China's economy still maintains an astonishing growth rate.

The sustained and rapid economic development has of course led to the rapid growth of comprehensive national strength, and now China has become one of the most important and largest economies in the world.

Second, the peaceful diplomacy that Huaxia has insisted on pursuing for many years has allowed Huaxia to establish an image of an extremely amicable big country in the world, especially in developing countries. It means that it has won the favor of most countries, which is of great help to get rid of the increasingly isolated plight of country M in world diplomacy.

Third, as China's national strength continues to grow, China's influence in handling international affairs is growing, and even in many affairs, China plays a decisive role.

The last and most important reason is that Huaxia was really angry this time.

A person who doesn't like to be angry very much, once he gets angry, the result will be extremely terrible.At this moment of constant internal and external pressure, Country M dare not completely provoke Huaxia.

When the Israeli spokesperson announced the news, in Suharto's mansion, Monet smiled proudly, looked at Janed and said quietly: "Hey, Janed, you lost, don't forget Yes, you owe me a month's feast from now on!"

Janed looked at the representative of Israel, dumbfounded, and said, "It really disappoints me. Could it be that Israel has really changed his character this time?" After hearing the conversation between the two, Suharto laughed and said : "Jarned, you actually bet with Monad? If you want to invite him to dinner, just say so, why bother? Hahaha..."

Janed smiled wryly and said: "I didn't believe in this evil from the beginning! Think about it, the country of Israel was so awesome in the past, everything should be done according to their wishes. When did you see them back down? This What happened next time? What a hell!"

Monet said quietly: "That depends on who we are dealing with? For us, the country is rich and powerful, and has the upper hand, and the people of country M are behind them. Of course, they will be much tougher. But this time, the country It is Huaxia, it is the thorn of the sky. You can only submit obediently. Hey, now you should understand, what is a weak country without diplomacy? Just ask, if we have the strength of Huaxia, the people of country M dare to bully us like this Is it?" Monet seemed to be quite indignant, which aroused the same melancholy in the hearts of Janed and Suharto, and the three of them faced each other and sighed for a while.

"Okay! Don't talk about these useless things, Janed, how are you getting ready?" Suharto asked, turning his gaze to Janed.

Janed patted his chest and said, "Boss, don't you feel relieved when I do things? The killer is ready. As long as I have the chance, I will send the representative of Israel to heaven!"

Suharto clapped his hands and said, "Okay! This is our best chance and our last chance, success or failure!"

A few minutes after the Israeli spokesperson finished his announcement, West Asia boarded the special plane with eight members of the delegation.

At the airport in Baghdad, in order to show that the Iraqi country attaches great importance to this negotiation, President Havid came to the airport to greet him in person.

From the airport to the hotel where the representative stayed, along the way there was a post every five steps and a sentry post every ten steps, and the security was extremely strict.

Not to mention the airport.Do not allow any idlers to approach.The crowd watching the excitement was far away from the side.

Janed, who was in the crowd, frowned tightly when he saw this situation.

Standing next to him is a girl with ashen face and dull eyes. She is only about 20 years old, but she is pretty, with big eyes and blue pupils. I believe that when it lights up, it will even flicker out. A sapphire-like light.

Janed said to her in a low voice: "Listen, Zaeva, wait a moment, I will let you rush, and you rush up with this bouquet of flowers.

Once you get close enough to them, you pull the fuse and the bomb goes off.

You can rest assured that as long as you complete the task, your mother will receive the best medical treatment immediately, and your brother will have enough tuition to finish college.I can even ask the judge to commute your father's sentence, so that your family can live comfortably for the rest of their lives! "

As soon as she heard about her family members, Zaeva's blue eyes lit up, and she became a little bit brighter.

There was a sinister smile on the corner of Janed's mouth, and he looked at Zaeva with an expression of "I'm sure you're going to eat", looking extremely annoying.Under the eyes of everyone full of expectation, the plane that Xi Ya was on appeared in everyone's sight on time.

The plane roared in and landed safely at the airport.

The cabin door opened slowly, and Xia Xia's slender figure immediately appeared in the hatch.

Xi Ya hurriedly glanced around, but she was a little disappointed that there was no lightning in the crowd.

Xi Ya pouted with some dissatisfaction, and said quietly: "See you in Baghdad, it turns out to be a liar, huh!"

Xia suppressed the anger in her heart, and habitually flashed a smile on her face. She walked down slowly, came straight to Harvey, and said with a coquettish smile: "I didn't expect that President Lao would be here, Xia It is a great honor!"

Harvey laughed and said: "I am honored that our country can welcome such a beautiful and distinguished guest like Miss West Asia!"

The two exchanged pleasantries for a while, and then the crowd began to slowly move towards the airport exit.

Seeing Siya and others coming here under the support of the president, Janed's heart tightened, and he whispered to Zaeva: "Get ready." There was a trace of fear and anxiety in Zaeva's eyes, but When she thought of her mother who was suffering from illness and had no money for medical treatment, her younger brother who was about to be ruined for the rest of her life because she couldn't afford tuition fees, and her father who was abused every day in the prison and whose life was worse than death, Zaeva's wandering eyes became firmer, and she stared at Sia firmly, as if she was a hunter aiming at her prey.

But luckily, just as the West Asia group was getting closer and closer to them, and Janed decided to give an order in the next second, a group of heavily armed soldiers rushed towards them.

There was a suffocating tension in Janed and Zaeva's hearts, especially Janed, the sweat was streaming down his forehead.He is Suharto's right-hand man with a high position and authority. He did not stand in the crowd welcoming West Asia, but stood in the crowd of onlookers, which is really suspicious.

Then when the soldiers find the bomb from Zaeva's body, all the spearheads and doubts will be pointed at him immediately!

Just when Janed was panicking, these soldiers did not embarrass the crowd of onlookers, but just drove them away rudely.

While Janed breathed a sigh of relief, he couldn't help feeling a little disappointed in his heart. It seemed that this only opportunity was missed, so he had to drag Zaeva to mix with the crowd and quietly left the airport.

In the VIP room in the throat machine hall of the airport, Lightning and Li Xiaogang sat opposite each other.

Lightning said faintly: "I didn't expect Suharto to really do this? He is going to put all his eggs in one basket!"

Li Xiaogang snorted coldly and said: "Desperate? I think he is looking for death! This time, I see that we have cooperated, so I don't care about him. If he still doesn't give up, next time, I will definitely make him regret it." Desperate!"

It turned out that when Janed appeared in the crowd of onlookers, Li Xiaogang discovered his traces, and soon found the pile of high explosives on the body of Zaeva who came with him.

Only then did he find a way to order the ISIL to disperse the crowd there, ruining Janed's chance.

The reason why Janed was not arrested, as he said, was because of his cooperation with Suharto.

Lightning shook his head helplessly and said: "Based on what I know about Suharto, he will never guard so easily, as long as he has a chance, he will still act!"

Li Xiaogang said lightly: "At that time, he can't blame us for being ruthless! By the way, why don't you stay on the boat well, why do you have to bring you back to land?"

Lightning gave a wry smile, leaned back on the sofa, half-closed his eyes and looked at the infinitely beautiful West Asia on TV, and said faintly: "Why? Isn't it because of this troublesome woman?"

Li Xiaogang laughed and said, "Why, Lightning, you were electrocuted by this western woman? As a big brother, I have to tell you that Yuyao is really a very good girl, you must not make her sad , in the end, it’s nothing but a bamboo basket to fetch water.”

Lightning pouted and said, "Brother Gang, you underestimate my Lightning, don't you? Although my concentration is not as good as yours, I still have it!"

(End of this chapter)

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