The strongest peasant city

Chapter 700 Dinner Together

Chapter 700 Dinner Together
The delegation wandered around Baghdad without incident.

Except for one or two representatives of countries who have hatred against Iraq, the rest of the representatives became silent after seeing Baghdad's riddled with holes.

Seeing the frowns and silent faces of the representatives around him, Lightning smiled inwardly, knowing that Li Xiaogang's psychological attack tactics had begun to work.

After the meeting at night, the negotiations should come to an end soon, and the grain transport fleet that is still besieged at sea can also dock early.

In the evening, Harvey set up a dinner party and sat with him in person.

However, Xi Ya did not participate, but followed Lightning to a secluded small restaurant.

Because of the continuous war in Baghdad, and the power supply facilities are the key targets of attacks, the power supply in Baghdad will be interrupted from time to time.

In this small restaurant, there are no lights, but flickering candles are everywhere.

Candlelight creates an unusually romantic atmosphere in the entire restaurant. As soon as Xia walked in, she was fascinated by the atmosphere here.

Seeing West Asia with her eyes closed and looking very pottered, Lightning smiled and said, "How is it? Isn't it good?"

Xi Ya nodded excitedly and said, "Well, it's so emotional!"

Lightning shook his head, and brought Xia to the seat he had reserved earlier, but Li Xiaogang hadn't come yet.

After sitting down, Xi Ya said in admiration: "I really didn't expect that the militant Yi people have so many romantic cells in their bodies!"

Lightning said dumbfoundedly: "I didn't expect that the people of Iraq's helplessness would turn into romance in your eyes, hehe..."

Xi Ya gave him a blank look, and said quietly: "Why are you such a disappointment! You have achieved the purpose of letting us go sightseeing, so you don't have to brainwash me like this anymore, right?"

Lightning smiled and said: "Okay, okay! I won't spoil the fun, let's wait while we eat."

Xi Ya's appetite is surprisingly good today, but it's not known whether it's because of the surrounding atmosphere or because of the lightning in front of him.Ordered two pastas in a row.

Xi Ya said with some regret: "It would be great if there is steak here!"

Lightning curled his lips and said, "The people here will soon be unable to even eat. Are you still thinking about eating steak? Hey!"

"You are here again!"

Xi Ya stared at Lightning full of anger and said softly.

Lightning patted his mouth lightly, and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I couldn't control it for a while! Hehe..." West Asia gave him a charming look, and then said faintly: "Lightning, you and I Tell me about your boss! Seeing that you respect him so much, I think he must be a great person, I don’t know him at all, and I’m afraid it will be embarrassing if he comes later!”

"Hehe...beautiful lady, what do you want to know about me?" Li Xiaogang's rather magnetic voice sounded from behind her as soon as Xia finished speaking.

Lightning smiled, but Xi Ya turned her head and looked over in surprise. She couldn't help being stunned when she saw this.

The surrounding candlelight emits some dim light, and the hazy yellow light hits Li Xiaogang's face, making his whole body seem to be permeated in yellow clouds, hazy, between clear and fuzzy Continuous transformation, showing amazing charm.

"Oh my God! Are all Chinese men so attractive?" Xi Ya did not hide her admiration at all, and said loudly to Li Xiaogang.

Li Xiaogang laughed loudly and said: "Miss West Asia has won the prize!" After speaking, he sat down beside Lightning.

Lightning smiled and looked at the surprised Xia, and said quietly: "Xia, come, let me introduce you formally. This is my boss, Mr. Li Xiaogang!"

Xi Ya hurriedly stretched out her soft and boneless hand, and said, "Hi, I'm Xi Ya! It's an honor to meet you!"

Li Xiaogang held Sia's hand with a smile, nodded and said, "Me too!"

Xi Ya looked at the two with a smile, and said slowly: "It's even my honor to be able to have dinner with two such charming Chinese men today. I don't think I will ever forget this evening in the future!"

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Such a wonderful night having dinner with a beautiful lady like you, I think Lightning and I will never forget it!"

Xi Ya immediately stared at Lightning, and said coquettishly: "If he dares to forget, I will kill him!"

As soon as Li Xiaogang heard this, he felt that something was wrong, and subconsciously looked at Lightning, only to see Lightning coughing awkwardly, and his gaze towards Li Xiaogang was a little dodged.

Li Xiaogang couldn't help but burst out laughing, knowing that something must have happened between the two of them.

But Li Xiaogang wouldn't complain about Lightning being unfaithful to Shi Yuyao, because he didn't have the qualifications, so he had to pretend that he didn't know anything, let it take its course, and let Lightning handle it by himself.

Although Li Xiaogang didn't intend to ask, but it didn't prevent him from teasing Lightning, and asked Xia with a smile: "Miss Xia, do you think our Huaxia men are...'powerful'?"

Induced by Li Xiaogang's voice, Xi Ya instinctively thought of the madness during the day, as if returning to that passionate moment, subconsciously nodded and exclaimed: "It's really powerful!"

"Sia, you drank too much..." Lightning was embarrassed when he heard this, and hurriedly stopped Sia and said.

West Asia looked at Lightning coquettishly, and said, "No, I didn't drink today!"

Li Xiaogang looked at Lightning with a smile, and said: "Miss Xiya obviously didn't drink, but you said she did, did you drink too much?"

Lightning smiled wryly and begged for forgiveness: "Okay, Brother Gang. Let's talk about business first, shall we?"

Li Xiaogang couldn't bear the embarrassment of Lightning, smiled, and didn't dwell on this issue any longer, but said to Xia: "Miss Xia, it has been a week since Yi Guo seized our ship. Even if it is It is our fault that we entered the territorial waters of our country by mistake, but this is almost enough? If Israel needs us to apologize to your country, no problem, we can issue an apology statement right away. Even if your country wants After obtaining compensation, both of us can negotiate and negotiate immediately.

In short, this matter cannot be delayed any longer, it must be resolved as soon as possible! "

Xi Ya said with a wry smile: "We also want to solve it as soon as possible, but the negotiators we sent were all rejected by you. We don't want to get up soon!"

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "One moment and another moment! Aren't we already sitting together now?"

Xi Ya looked at Li Xiaogang, and asked full of doubts: "You...can you represent the government of your country?"

Li Xiaogang leaned back and said with a faint smile, "What? You think I don't have the qualifications?"

Xi Ya hurriedly shook her head and said, "I don't mean that, I just think it's unbelievable that you are so young!"

Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "What's so unbelievable? Isn't Miss West Asia the same young age?"

Xia smiled awkwardly and said, "Okay! If that's the case, then let's have an honest talk!"

Xi Ya restrained her smile and restored the seriousness that an outstanding diplomat should have.

Looking at Li Xiaogang with wisdom in his eyes, he said: "Mr. Li, we don't need to keep concealing our true intentions now! In fact, the reason why we want to detain this fleet is because of the food."

Li Xiaogang said with a faint smile: "I know this! Although the people of Israel still have no worries about food and clothing, in fact, the food reserves of the government of Israel have long been exhausted. As long as this news is exposed, the whole country of Israel will immediately fall into chaos." In the midst of a food panic."

Xi Ya looked at Li Xiaogang in surprise, and said nah: "This... This is a high-level secret of the country, how do you know?" Li Xiaogang smiled slightly, glanced at the lightning beside him, and said leisurely: "Do you Forget, I have all-pervasive sky thorns under my command."

West Asia nodded in amazement and said, "No wonder! Now the entire Middle East is dominated by Sky Spikes, and I believe that our country is also densely covered with Sky Spikes' eyeliner and intelligence network. How can this little secret be hidden from your eyes? But that's fine too. Now that you know that Israel is also facing a food famine, you should be more aware of how firm our attitude towards this batch of food is, right? In a word, we are determined to get this batch of food! Even if we don't get it We will keep half of them! As for the price, although you can raise it, we will never bargain!"

Li Xiaogang chuckled, and said to Lightning: "Lightning, did you hear that? Yiguo is Yiguo, it really is rich and powerful!"

With a smile, Li Xiaogang's face became serious, and he said firmly: "I'm really sorry, Miss Xiya! Our attitude is as firm as yours. Since we have agreed to sell this batch of grain to Iraq and Iran, what else? Even if the country gives us mountains of gold and silver, it is impossible to buy a grain of grain from me!"

Xi Ya said helplessly, "Mr. Li, why are you so stubborn?"

Li Xiaogang shook his head and said: "I don't call it stubborn, it's called credit! If a person loses credit, he is basically doomed! We can't give up our Huaxia people just because of the little sesame and mung bean benefits in front of us." Credit! If it were you, I believe you would not do this, would you?"

Xi Ya sighed deeply, and said quietly: "It seems that our negotiations today will not achieve any results."

Li Xiaogang smiled and said, "That's not necessarily the case. As long as your country can be kinder and more considerate of others, maybe we can reach a consensus that both of us are satisfied with?"

Xi Ya frowned and said, "Mr. Li, do you really think there is such a possibility? We will not give up this batch of grain, and you will not give up, so I don't understand. Both sides are unwilling to make concessions. What is the consensus?" Achieved?"

"Xia, after walking this afternoon, don't you feel that you are obsessed with this batch of food, and you are actually killing the people of Iraq? Couldn't you show kindness and give others a way out?" Lightning somewhat Looking at Sia dissatisfiedly, he said.

West Asia looked a bit dumbfounded, and said to Lightning: "Lightning, I really sympathize with the Iraqi people, but I cannot abandon my responsibility just because I sympathize with the Iraqi people. Just because I walked around Baghdad today, I saw The embarrassment of the people in Baghdad made me more determined to get this batch of food!"

Hearing Xi Ya's words, Lightning and Li Xiaogang looked at each other, and Lightning couldn't help asking: "Why? Are you really hard-hearted and determined to watch the Yi people starve to death?"

(End of this chapter)

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