The strongest peasant city

Chapter 792 Great Idea

Chapter 792 Great Idea
Lin Chaoran was silent for a while, then he let out a long breath, and said to Li Xiaogang slowly: "Xiaogang, I am very pleased to hear what you said. You have not forgotten your roots, and you can speak loudly in front of others. Saying that you are a farmer is already quite remarkable! Looking at today's society, how many people work hard, and their goal is to get rid of the hat of a farmer on their heads.

Compared to them, Xiao Gang, you are ten thousand times nobler.

While those people are complacent about not being a farmer anymore, you feel guilty for not being able to do more for farmers. You are so amazing that even I have to admire you.You really don't need to blame yourself, if you have to blame yourself, those people probably don't even deserve to live! "

Lin Chaoran's words were pertinent and sincere, but they didn't make Li Xiaogang feel better.

Li Xiaogang traveled through quite a few villages to purchase grain this time. He thought that the original Xingfu Village was already poor enough, but he did not expect that there were villages that were even poorer than Xingfu Village everywhere.

When the people in the city are tired of delicacies from mountains and seas and regard steamed buns with sweet potato noodles as a delicacy, how many farmers are still struggling in the life of hungry and full.At that moment, Li Xiaogang was deeply touched, and he began to examine himself and reflect on himself.

Obviously I could do more for them, why didn't I do anything?Li Xiaogang seemed to be crazy, looking for an exit in a maze, hoping to bring all the farmers out of poverty, so that they would no longer have to worry about basic necessities of life.

But this labyrinth is really too big... "Grandpa Lin, Uncle Liu, do you think there is a road that can lead all farmers to become rich?" Li Xiaogang's eyes were shining brightly like stars, and he looked directly at the two of them. asked.

Lin Chaoran and Liu Changhe forgot to glance at each other, and then Lin Chaoran frowned slightly and said, "I have to ask you! I'm afraid you already have a plan for this question, don't you?"

Li Xiaogang nodded lightly and said: "I've thought about it, if this farmer wants to get rich, he must change in two aspects!"

Hearing what Li Xiaogang said, Lin Chaoran and Liu Changhe were very interested, and they all turned their attention to Li Xiaogang.

Under the watchful eyes of the two, Li Xiaogang said eloquently: "First, changes in institutional policies. Farmers provide everyone with the necessary information for survival. It stands to reason that they should be the most important part of society. However, they are at the bottom of the society and have suffered grievances. They are called vulnerable groups. Farmers contribute the most, but their income is the lowest.

It’s just that the income is low, but the taxes paid are the most. Coupled with the fact that some unscrupulous local government officials have deducted layer upon layer, they continue to fabricate various names and charges indiscriminately. The result of a year’s work for farmers is often Make ends meet.Don't you think this is unfair? "

As a farmer, Li Xiaogang has a personal experience of these things. He recalled in his mind that when he was a child, those tax collectors ran rampant in the village like bandits. Don't let it go, such evil deeds are no different from the cruel officials who trampled on the people in the old days.Speaking of which, Li Xiaogang gritted his teeth in hatred.

Taking a long breath, Li Xiaogang calmed down from his anger, and said slowly: "However, in the past few years, because the government has vigorously advocated reducing the burden on farmers, the burden on farmers has lightened a lot, and this situation is changing. But this is far from enough. I think the government’s policies should be more in favor of farmers, so that farmers’ income can increase at a faster rate. Only real money is the best weapon to help farmers get rid of poverty.”

Li Xiaogang's words made Lin Chaoran nod involuntarily, and asked, "What about the second change?"

Li Xiaogang said lightly: "I am a commoner, and I have no say in the change of the policy system. But if I want to do something for the farmers on a down-to-earth basis, this second change is my main battlefield - farmers Changes in production methods. Today's farmers in our country do not rely on science and technology for farming, but traditional experience.

According to the 24 solar terms, relying on the harvest of the sky, how can this work?With the rapid development of agricultural science and technology in western countries, our farmers still adopt such a farming model. The output does not increase, and the quality of agricultural products cannot compete with them. Huaxia’s agricultural products cannot go abroad, and farmers’ income will not increase. .Just like this food incident, if it wasn't for country M, Brazil and some other major grain-producing countries had natural disasters, which led to a reduction in food production, those countries in the Middle East would not order food from us. "

"Yes, the same one mu of land adopts advanced agricultural technology, and the output is several times higher than ours. But the problem is that now farmers would rather use backward farming methods than accept these advanced agricultural production Technology, the government is very helpless now!"

Liu Changhe frowned, and said in a worried voice.

Li Xiaogang shook his head, and said in a deep voice: "Could it be possible to blame the farmers? Look at the 'talented' in our agricultural technology department. They are not good at researching agricultural technology, but they are all good at entrapping farmers! As small as fake seeds, Fake chemical fertilizers are so big that inferior agricultural machinery is flying all over the sky. How many farmers have been entrapped without harvest, and a year of blood and sweat wasted? It is because of the existence of these bastards that our farmers are suffering and afraid, and would rather use the old way Go farming, and don’t want to believe in any agricultural technology anymore!”

Li Xiaogang's words hit the nail on the head like a knife, and Liu Changhe fell silent immediately.

Lin Chaoran sighed and said: "Since the matter has come to this point today, it's too late to talk about it.

Xiaogang, if you have any good way to change this situation, just say it outrightly? "

"Yeah, Xiaogang, since you've thought so much, you must have thought of a solution, so don't keep it up!"

Liu Changhe said impatiently.

Li Xiaogang nodded and said: "I have really thought about this problem seriously, but I have a plan that is not very mature, but it needs the strong support of the government!"

"Support! As long as it is proposed by you Xiaogang, I will support you even if I go all out! Say it!" Lin Chaoran slapped the table and said excitedly.

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "It's like this. If we want to change this backward production method of farmers, we can only vigorously develop agricultural science and technology. I want to use my Agricultural Science Institute as the headquarters and radiate branches to all parts of the country. The first Go to the city first, and then develop towards the counties and townships year by year, and strive to develop to the end. Every township in the country has a branch of our agricultural science institute, which delivers advanced agricultural technology and production concepts to every villager free of charge. land."

"My goodness!"

After hearing Li Xiaogang's words, Lin Chaoran couldn't help exclaiming: "Xiaogang, our church branch only stops in the countryside, and your branch of the Agricultural Science Institute has radiated to the towns. What a huge organization it is. I can't even imagine it!"

Liu Changhe was very surprised and asked: "Did you just say free of charge? Are there no charges for disseminating agricultural technology to farmers for free?"

Li Xiaogang nodded and said, "Yes! It's free! I've thought about it, and this is the only thing I can do for farmers!"

But... you want to maintain such a huge organization, the daily expenses are not a small sum, can you support it? "Liu Changhe asked in a murmur.

Li Xiaogang smiled slightly and said: "You can rest assured that all the agricultural technologies invented by my agricultural science are free of charge for domestic farmers. If foreign farmers are also interested, they will pay a lot of money to buy from me! I think , This should be enough to meet daily expenses. If it is not possible, my other major groups can work together to support it."

"If this is the case, it may be feasible! But there is another problem. Such a large agricultural scientific research organization requires a large number of scientific research talents. Where can you find them?"

Li Xiaogang frowned, and said: "So I say this is an immature plan. It is impossible to achieve results in a short period of time. I plan to vigorously support the agricultural colleges all over the country from now on, and set up special projects. Scholarships, encourage students to apply for the exam. Reserve talents for future needs."

Lin Chaoran nodded and said: "This is a way. The current agricultural college has not been favored by the candidates, and the business is bleak. Everyone flocks to the popular majors. As a result, after four years of graduation, the popular majors become unpopular. Embarrassing In the current situation, a large number of fresh graduates are waiting for work, forming an increasingly acute employment contradiction in today's society.

Attracting a large number of students to the agricultural college is of great benefit to reducing employment pressure virtually!Xiaogang, I have a hunch that your plan will not only have a huge impact on our country's agriculture, but also have an unexpected boost to our society, economy and other aspects.If the leader hears your plan, he will definitely appreciate it!By the way, you just said that you need strong support from the government. Which aspect are you referring to? "

Li Xiaogang smiled wryly and said: "The current society is becoming more and more complicated, and the trust between people is getting weaker and weaker.

Although I intend to provide farmers with agricultural production technology free of charge, I am afraid that the farmers will be deceived and refuse to believe me!So I want to ask the government to come forward as a guarantee for me. It would be even better if the leader can come forward in person. "

Lin Chaoran laughed and said, "What did I think it was? It's simple! Guaranteed to me, I will definitely persuade the leader to be your image spokesperson! Hahaha..."

Li Xiaogang nodded repeatedly and said, "If that's the case, that's really great. I'll report all my ideas to you immediately, and then hand them over to you. If the leader agrees, I'll proceed right away!"

(End of this chapter)

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