The strongest peasant city

Chapter 794 Correct name!

Chapter 794 Correct name!

Lin Chaoran stood aside, frowning more and more tightly, and said: "We can't wait any longer, hold a press conference immediately! If this continues, even if we are Da Luo Jinxian, we will hardly be able to recover!"

After hearing Lin Chaoran's words, Huang Tian immediately said: "Okay, I'll make arrangements right away, then turned around and left in a hurry." Li Xiaogang had a wry smile on his face, and murmured: "Why, why our netizens You can't be more tolerant to me. Wasn't it bad enough that I was tortured by them last time? This time again, what did I do wrong to make them hate me so much?"

Lin Chaoran understood Li Xiaogang's feelings at this time, patted him on the shoulder and said: "Okay, Xiaogang, don't be sad! Have you heard that sentence, love is deep, responsibility is serious! The reason why everyone is like this is because Because they love you. They regard you as an idol in their hearts, the most perfect god. They don't want you to be stained with a little flaw, so they are so harsh on you."

Li Xiaogang sighed, and said faintly: "But I'm really tired..."

The press conference was grandly held under the common attention of various media.

Facing so many cameras and eyes, Huang Tian felt uncomfortable like thorns all over his body.On the other hand, Scar beside him had a calm expression on his face, as if the flickering exposure light in front of him and the crowd of people who were moving were not there, Huang Tian admired that calm demeanor very much.

How did he know that Scar was already used to scenes much bigger than this.Seeing that the time was almost up, Scar raised his head and glanced at Huang Tian, ​​wanting him to start, but found that Huang Tian was short of breath right now, with a tense expression on his face, he was almost shivering in front of the media.

Scar shook his head, took the microphone from in front of him, tapped it lightly a few times, and there were a few muffled bangs from the loudspeaker.

The whole venue immediately fell silent, Huang Tian was also awakened by Scar, and stared at him blankly.

Scar smiled at him and said, "Commander Huang, the time is almost up, let's start!" Scar's smile was calm and calm, as if there was a magical power.Immediately infected with Huang Tian, ​​Huang Tian's heart gradually fell back into his stomach, and his mind gradually calmed down.

Slowly pulling the microphone back in front of him, Huang Tian took a deep breath, and a steady and dignified voice slowly flowed out from his throat, "Everyone, the purpose of calling everyone together today is to clarify the current The attack on the armed police detachment is rumored on the Internet!"

As soon as Huang Tian finished speaking, there was a panting sound from the audience, and everyone pricked up their ears, unwilling to let go of a single word.

Huang Tian coughed and continued: "Actually, this whole incident is a big misunderstanding. The attack on the Armed Police Detachment is actually an actual combat exercise specially arranged by us. The purpose of the exercise is to test whether our Armed Police Detachment was attacked unexpectedly. Reaction speed and resilience when attacking.

With the development of society, terrorists have more and more advanced equipment and smarter minds. Based on the analysis of the capabilities of international terrorists, they already have the ability to attack the country's violent coercive institutions, and gradually reduce the level of terrorist attacks. The focus has spread to the military, the police.

In order to cope with the current rampant terrorists, our armed police must make all preparations and be ready for war at all times!For the misunderstanding caused by this, we will clarify to everyone again, and we are very grateful for your support and attention to our armed police detachment, thank you! "

After Huang Tian finished speaking, there was a lot of discussion in the audience. No one thought that this vigorous armed police detachment attack practice turned out to be a well-prepared exercise.Disappointment mixed with doubts, the reporters began to ask questions.

"Commander Huang, you said this was just a drill, but why were so many armed police soldiers injured?" a reporter asked without hesitation.

Huang Tian coughed, and said: "That's it. We have a general principle for this exercise, that is, everything can be as close to actual combat as possible. Like before, the drills with flower guns are like acting, and they can't be real. Training troops and checking their combat capabilities do not meet the requirements of actual combat. It can be said that it is a waste of money, material and manpower. It was abandoned by our armed police early in the morning.

But don't worry everyone, although we are asking to be close to actual combat, we still have a sense of proportion. Those injured armed police soldiers are not seriously injured. Most of them have recovered and been discharged from the hospital, and no soldier has died! "

Huang Tian's words can be regarded as solving the first problem.

But as soon as his words fell to the ground, the second problem was thrown out again. A graceful female reporter stood up, looked directly at the scar, and said with a serious face: "If I have not admitted my mistake, The one sitting on the stage should be Mr. Scar, right?" Scar smiled slightly, and said lightly, "Your eyesight is very accurate, you didn't admit your mistake! I am Scar!"

"Mr. Scar, is that you who appeared in the video?" The beautiful reporter finally brought the question to the most sensitive topic for Li Xiaogang and the others, and everyone's hearts couldn't help but tugged.

Scar coughed and said, "That's right, it's me! It's just that the person who secretly took this video was either very nervous or had poor shooting skills. The me in the video is far less handsome than the real me, hehe..."

Scar has been on the road for so many years. He has never seen any kind of people or experienced any kind of scenes.

Accompanied by Scar's playful and hearty laughter at the end, the beautiful reporter frowned slightly, obviously he was a little swayed, and he was not sure whether the person in the video was Scar, so he simply put this ambiguous question aside Son, and asked again: "Mr. Scar, I believe most people here know your status and identity in Province S. Excuse me, as the leader of the underworld, you are an important factor that causes social instability. It is the armed police Why would the armed police detachment join forces with you in military exercises against the target of the detachment?"

As soon as the female reporter asked her a question, the entire auction site fell into a deathly silence, and all the reporters looked at the beautiful reporter with eyes full of reverence.

This problem is beyond the description of simple 'sharp', it is simply a provocation to Scar.

Scar's gaze suddenly became cold, and he turned towards the female reporter like a knife. Under Scar's gaze, the female reporter's whole heart rose to her throat, and she really wanted to avoid Scar's gaze, but she was stubborn. With her unyielding character, she did not choose to avoid it, but bravely greeted it with her eyes.

Although the silence lasted only for a short period of time, it left a large gap in everyone's minds.

"Hahaha..." Dao Scar suddenly laughed loudly, the domineering laughter permeated the sky and covered the sky, and everyone present was terrified, a little uncontrollable, and unconsciously twisted their bodies.

The laughter stopped, and Scar's cold eyes softened a lot. Looking at the beautiful reporter, he said lightly, "What's your name, and which newspaper is it from?"

When the beautiful reporter heard Dao Scar's question, she couldn't help but thumped in her heart. She looked at Dao Scar with some anxiety and said, "You...what do you want to do?"

Scar smiled slightly and said, "Don't I even have the right to accept questions from any newspaper or reporter?"

The beautiful reporter had nothing to say, so she couldn't help but look at a male colleague with a camera next to her, and saw that the male colleague was shaking like chaff, with his head lowered tightly, It's like an ostrich hiding its head in the sand.

The beautiful reporter frowned involuntarily, as if she was going all out, straightened her neck, and said loudly: "My name is Guan Qiongyu, and I am a reporter from the Metropolitan Newspaper. But if you think my question offended you and want to take revenge , Just come at me, don't bring trouble to our newspaper office!"

Hearing Guan Qiongyu's words, Dao Scar shook his head with a wry smile on his face and said, "Why, why do I do so many good things, but I'm still a bad person in your hearts! Revenge? Do you think I'll do it because of you?" If I ask you a question, I will take revenge on you, you really look down on me too!"

The smile on Scar's face disappeared little by little, and the last face was covered by a majestic justice that could not be insulted, which made Guan Qiongyu see it and was shocked in her heart.

"Guan Qiongyu? Your question just gave me a chance to justify the name of the Lightning Gang in front of all the media. Not only will I not retaliate against you, but I will also thank you!" Immediately knowingly handed over a cash check, Dao Scar wrote a series of zeros on the check, and then asked his subordinates to hand it to Guan Qiongyu.

Guan Qiongyu stared blankly at the number on the check, which was as much as [-]. She couldn't help being startled again, and her eyes wandered to Scar.

Scar smiled slightly and said, "Don't think that I'm bribing you. The reason why I gave you this money is because I respect your professional ethics. As a reporter, you must have courage and insight. You know that Who am I, dare to talk to me like this and ask such questions, this fully demonstrates your courage, you are the best reporter I have ever seen!"

Holding the check, Guan Qiongyu pondered for a moment, finally nodded and said: "In this case, I will accept it. But please answer the question I just asked directly! Don't try to escape!"

Hearing Guan Qiongyu's words, a knowing smile could not help but flow on Scar's face. She was so confident and confident after taking her own money, and she was not soft-spoken at all. This Guan Qiongyu was really extraordinary.

Nodding his head, Scar said: "I'll answer the question right away! But before answering, I want to correct you, the Lightning Gang is definitely not a gangster! What is a gangster? Those gangs endanger social stability and destroy the national economy. Those who ignore the law and trample on the common people are gangsters. Ms. Guan, I would like to ask you, what did our Lightning Gang do to endanger the country and society?"

"This..." Guan Qiongyu was speechless.

Since the Lightning Gang met Li Xiaogang and was reorganized by Li Xiaogang, the Lightning Gang has completely got rid of the underworld.

Relying on the hotels all over the province of S, the Lightning Gang has sufficient financial income, and they don't need to collect protection fees from others at all. As for robbery, kidnapping and extortion, they don't need it.

(End of this chapter)

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