The strongest peasant city

Chapter 799 I have a boyfriend!

Chapter 799 I have a boyfriend!
Guan Qiongyu giggled a few times, and suddenly looked at Scar very seriously and said, "Scar, I found that you are really nice!"

Dao Scar was taken aback by Guan Qiongyu's words, then he laughed and said, "Of course, you just found out!"

Guan Qiongyu shook her head, and said quietly: "In today's society, anyone who has some money and status will be arrogant, wishing to trample everyone under their feet, and let everyone know that they have money and status .

But you are different. In the teahouse, Xiao Liang yelled and yelled at you, spraying all the saliva on your face, but you still smiled. I know, the reason why you are like this is because you understand It's my own fault, and it's right for others to lose their temper.You are so reasonable, and you don't bully others like this, you are really a rare good person! "

"Good guy? Hehe... I am very touched when I hear you say that." Dao Scar's expression suddenly became deep and melancholy, and a faint sadness shrouded his brows, making Guan Qiongyu couldn't help but burst into tears when she saw it. heartache.

"Since I was an adult, no one has ever said that I am a good person. In the eyes of others, no matter what I do, I am an out-and-out punk. No parent wants to entrust their daughter to me like this Even if I could die for that girl. Even if I have the status I have today, those people will only be afraid of me, avoid me, but never get close to me. In their eyes, I am still a bastard , just a gangster they can't afford to mess with."

"You are in great pain, that's why you can't wait to justify yourself and the Lightning Gang, right?" Guan Qiongyu seemed to hold the man in her arms and comfort her, but she didn't dare... Nodding his head, he said, "I don't want what happened to my brothers to repeat itself. I don't want them to be called gangsters and gangsters wherever they go, like me.

It was such a painful feeling..."

Guan Qiongyu said faintly: "I now realize that you are not only a good person, but also a good boss." Dao Scar chuckled and said, "But then again, I am a good person, but compared to our Brother Gang, I The difference is too far, too far!"

Guan Qiongyu frowned slightly and said, "You admire Li Xiaogang so much, is he really as good as you say?"

Dao Scar smiled brightly and said, "Good? Good is not enough to describe him. It is my blessing to meet Brother Gang in this life. Guan Qiongyu, don't you always want to do an exclusive interview Well, I think you might as well pick Brother Gang if you pick me!"

"Is it possible? Can I really do an exclusive interview for Li Xiaogang?" After hearing what Dao Scar said, Guan Qiongyu looked extremely excited, her eyes gleaming as she stared at Dao Scar.

The light in those eyes made Scar's heart beat faster.Coughing, Dao Scar said: "I can tell you for you, but if Brother Gang is willing, I can't say it!"

Guan Qiongyu hurriedly said: "I know this will be difficult, but... But I really hope that you can help me finish it. In this case, not only me, but all the employees of our newspaper office will be grateful to you!"

Scar laughed and said, "I don't care about others, I only care about you!"

Scar looked at Guan Qiongyu with piercing eyes, and Guan Qiongyu's heart trembled involuntarily, an inexplicable feeling of heart trembling surged in her heart, she lowered her head with a fierce personality, unexpectedly under Dao Scar's gaze lowered his head.

Just when Guan Qiongyu was shy and secretly happy, a little hard to hold herself, Scar's heroic laughter suddenly came from her ear, Guan Qiongyu looked up at him in astonishment, and saw Scar's laughing forward and backward, as if I'm almost out of breath.

It was only then that Guan Qiongyu realized that Scar was teasing her. She didn't know why, but suddenly felt very annoyed in her heart. Seeing that Scar was smiling happily, she put an elbow hard on his stomach, and Scar's laughter It stopped abruptly and was replaced by a cry of pain.

"You..." Dao Scar covered his stomach while glaring at Guan Qiongyu angrily.

Guan Qiongyu snorted and said, "Laugh, laugh, why don't you laugh anymore! It's so funny, why don't you laugh to death!"

Scar took a deep breath, straightened out the chaotic breath in his body, stared at Guan Qiongyu and shouted: "Damn girl, you don't want to die! Have you forgotten my identity? Believe it or not, I waved my hand lightly, and you Ruined!"

Guan Qiongyu straightened her neck, and said not to be outdone, "Come on, kill me! I would rather die by your hands than be made fun of by you like this!"

Seeing Guan Qiongyu's serious expression, slightly reddened eye circles, she looked really annoyed, Dao Scar coughed and stopped talking!
On the next journey, the atmosphere was very dull, and Dao Scar desperately turned his head to search for interesting topics, but every time he turned his head and saw Guan Qiongyu's frosty face, he couldn't help feeling guilty, and all the interesting topics immediately changed. fun again.Scar had a wry smile in his heart, it was the first time he found himself so helpless towards women.

"I'm here, stop in front!" Guan Qiongyu suddenly pointed to a brightly lit residential area in front of her and said coldly.

Scar shook his head and said to the driver: "Stop in front!"

The car stopped slowly, Guan Qiongyu opened the door to get out of the car, Dao Scar suddenly coughed and said: "Wait a minute!"

Guan Qiongyu suddenly turned her head to look at him, her eyes were bright with an inexplicable joy, as if she had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Scar said slowly: "Reporting is considered a high-risk industry, and it is inevitable that you will encounter dangers of one kind or another. This is my business card with my phone number on it. If you encounter danger, call me immediately!"

Although Dao Scar's tone was flat, Guan Qiongyu also heard some concern from it, and her heart was full of joy, but the girl's reserve kept her face frosty.Women's minds are divided, and they do not seem to be under their own control.

Seeing that Guan Qiongyu just took the business card indifferently without expressing anything, Dao Scar shook his head with a wry smile.

Picking up the bouquet of roses that Guan Qiongyu had left on the car seat, she looked at it and asked, " you want more?" Guan Qiongyu snatched the roses and snorted softly. Said: "Of course!" After speaking, she hugged the rose in her arms, twisted her slender waist, and ran quickly towards home.

Scar looked at her back, feeling a little lost.

"Boss, have you taken a fancy to her?" The driver suddenly asked with a smile.

Scar coughed, and said in a deep voice, "Is this something you should be concerned about? Focus on driving your car!"

The driver smiled and said: "It's not me who cares, I care for my sister-in-law." The driver's words made Scar's heart tremble suddenly, and Shanshan's face clearly appeared in front of his eyes.

Scar was stunned for a moment, his brows were tightly furrowed, his face was filled with contradictory pain...

Guan Qiongyu trotted all the way, and ran back home panting.

Scar's voice and smile swayed in front of her eyes, and she couldn't get rid of it no matter what.

"What's wrong with me? Could it be that I've fallen in love with him? But how is it possible, we haven't known each other for a day..." Standing at the door of her own house, Guan Qiongyu tried her best to coordinate her breathing while thinking wildly in her head.

There was a soft "click", the door opened from the inside, and Guanmu came out.

Looking up, he suddenly saw a big living person standing in front of the door. He was startled, opened his mouth and exclaimed.

Guan Qiongyu was startled when she heard that, she hurriedly covered Guanmu's mouth, pushed her into the room, and said hastily, "Mom, it's me, what's your name!"

Hearing Guan Qiongyu's voice and clearly distinguishing Guan Qiongyu's appearance, Guan's mother finally calmed down, she couldn't help but slapped Guan Qiongyu, and softly reprimanded: "You damn girl, don't come in when you get home, stand here What are you doing at the door? Almost scared me to death!"

Guan Qiongyu smiled and said, "You came out just as I was about to come in, and I was taken aback by you!"

Guan Mu gave her a helpless look, and said casually: "By the way, your editor-in-chief called today and told you to prepare. Go on a business trip with him tomorrow!"

"Business trip?" Hearing what Guanmu said, Guan Qiongyu frowned and asked, "Did our editor-in-chief say where we went?" Guanmu said, "I asked about this, but your editor-in-chief refused to say it mysteriously, just said Let you bring a few more clothes, the place you are going may not be close! I have prepared all the clothes for you. "

"Oh, really, it was too sudden without saying hello in advance!" Guan Qiongyu said with some dissatisfaction.

Guanmu clicked her tongue and said, "You girl, don't you see that the current economic situation is so severe, the unemployment rate is so high, it is already very good to find a decent job, you are still complaining, I really don’t know how to be blessed when I was born. Besides, that female editor-in-chief of yours is considerate and thoughtful, and I don’t worry about wherever you go with her!”

Guan Qiongyu smiled wryly and said: "Mom, you are really too, Sister Mu just gave you two bottles of skin care products, and after visiting you a few times, you sold your daughter for her, and I also Is it too cheap?"

Mother Guan smiled and said: "You just know! How cheap is it? You think too much of yourself! If there is any young man who wants you now, I can't wait to give it to him for nothing!"

"Mom, you're here again!" Guan Qiongyu stomped her feet and pouted.

Guan's mother said: "Your father died early, and I worked hard to bring you up by myself. I just hoped that you could start a family early and give birth to my grandson. But look at you, why are you so unreasonable?" What about Shangxin? Your Aunt Li next door has already carried her grandson around the world, and look at your mother and I, walking around with a dog every day. Hey, people are more angry than people!"

When Guan Qiongyu heard this, she suddenly hugged Guanmu from behind, and said quietly: "Mom, I picked a son-in-law for you, but I'm afraid you won't dare to have it!"

Mother Guan laughed and said, "Don't dare to ask for it? If you ask Ben to pull the lamp, I dare not ask for it. Except for him, it doesn't matter who it is, as long as it looks pleasing to my eyes, I will take it!"

Guan Qiongyu chuckled and said, "Then, that's what you said, don't regret it then!"

(End of this chapter)

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