The strongest peasant city

Chapter 829 Cover Up

Chapter 829 Cover Up
"Two women and one man? No, the ones who killed those three people were obviously two men." Cai Qing said suspiciously.

"What? Two men?" Wednesday couldn't help being stunned, took a breath, and said nah: "No..." Cai Qing frowned and said: "Okay! You stay here now , Cooperate with our actions at any time. On behalf of the police, I thank you for providing such a valuable clue."

Wednesday chuckled and said: "It should be, it should be. It is the duty of every citizen to cooperate with your police station in handling cases, hehe..."

Cai Qing glared at him and said, "You know it all? As long as you people don't cause trouble for us, it's the best cooperation for us."

Nodding and bowing on Wednesday, he said, "Yes! But, Director, I... I have something to do, I'm afraid I can't stay here..."

Cai Qing waved his hands and said, "What can you do more than this murder case? Stay here honestly and don't even think about going anywhere!" After speaking, he winked at a policeman beside him, who immediately understood Wednesday Pushed back on the sofa.

Walking out of the reception room, He Wenqian said: "I really didn't expect that it would be a member of the Iron Fist Gang. No wonder they are so ruthless!"

Cai Qing glanced at He Wenqian and said, "Xiao He, you have to pay attention! You can't handle this case with emotions. No matter how bad the Iron Fist Gang is, it's still life!"

He Wenqian smiled and said, "Director, I'm just talking casually, why are you so nervous? Hehe..."

Cai Qing sighed and said: "It is my responsibility to remind you little comrades to help you rein in the precipice and put an end to bad signs."

"Yes, yes! I know! Director, is what you said on Wednesday believable?" He Wenqian asked, changing the subject.

Cai Qing frowned and said: "According to me, it should be credible. It is estimated that the Iron Fist Gang wants to use our hands to eradicate their enemies.

It is in their interest to solve the case, and they will naturally stand up for us.

What makes me wonder is, who are those two women and one man?How could such a combination form a feud with the Iron Fist Gang?Besides, this doesn't match what we know about the fact that the murderers are two men. Things are getting more and more complicated. "

He Wenqian pouted and said, "If you want me to say that the Iron Fist Gang is so bad, the two women and one man are probably good people."

Cai Qing pointed at her, and said, "Xiao He, you are here again! ... However, your words are not completely unreasonable. In this way, you can search the entire county as he said, and search as soon as possible. Find these two women and one man. Once you find them, things will be much clearer!"

He Wenqian nodded and said, "Okay, I'll do it now!"

"Director, I'm looking for your phone number!"

A policeman held a phone and shouted at Cai Qing.

Cai Qing answered the phone, said hello, "I'm Cai Qing!"

"Are you the chief of the Public Security Bureau?" A girl's voice came from the microphone, Cai Qing frowned and said, "Yes, I am!"

"Director, I want to report something to you. The three people who died in front of the society today are robbers!" said the girl.

Cai Qing frowned, and asked in a deep voice, "Who are you? Why do you say that?"

The girl said: "I am a victim. They robbed me. I would know them even if they were turned into ashes. Also, these three people did not commit the crime alone, they have accomplices. They are hiding in the county right now. You If they are not caught early, there will be more victims!"

The matter became more complicated, and Cai Qing felt a little overwhelmed. After sorting out his thoughts, Cai Qing said: "Miss, since you are a victim, you must come to us to report the case and explain the incident to us face to face. Otherwise , we can't help you."

The girl's voice was full of fear and said: "No! They are so fierce. If I don't catch all of them, I won't go to the police station."

"But Miss, without you..." Before Cai Qing could finish speaking, the girl at the other end had already hung up the phone.Hearing the blind voice from the microphone, Cai Qing fell into deep thought.

"Director?" He Wenqian came over, pushed Cai Qing and asked.

Cai Qing came back to his senses, saw He Wenqian asked: "Have you arranged everything I asked you to arrange?" He Wenqian nodded and said: "I have already arranged it. Let the comrades search the suspect's place." At this time, pay attention to the tourists from other provinces who are accompanied by two women and one man!"

Cai Qing nodded and said, "Okay!"

"Director, I saw you in a daze just now, what happened?" He Wenqian asked.

Cai Qing looked into He Wenqian's eyes and asked quietly: "Xiao He, if someone said that the three deceased were robbers, would you believe it?" The members of the gang are notorious, not to mention robbery, they dare to kill!"

Cai Qingdao: "But this is the county seat, not Zhenda Township.

They really have the guts to come here to rob? Xiao He frowned and said, "Well, I don't know either."But if it is said that the members of the Iron Fist Gang robbed, I have no doubts at all!Bureau Cai, why are you asking that suddenly? "

Cai Qing let out a long breath and said, "Just now I received a call to the police.

It was a girl who said she had been robbed by the dead. "

"Is there such a thing?" He Wenqian asked in surprise.

Cai Qing smiled wryly and said: "Yes, this matter is becoming more and more complicated now.

But no matter what, the members of the Iron Fist gang wandered around the county uncontrollably, which was a threat to law and order and the people.

It is also necessary to control them early! "After Cai Qing finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the reception room, He Wenqian stepped forward hurriedly.

Seeing Cai Qing, the anxious Wednesday rushed to greet him and said, "Ju Cai, just let me go! I really have important things to deal with."

Cai Qing snorted coldly and said, "You still want to leave?" Hearing Cai Qing's words, he froze for a moment on Wednesday, and said, "Director Cai, I took the initiative to cooperate with you in solving the case. What do you mean by detaining me here?" "What do you mean? It means that if you don't explain the problem, you don't even think about getting out of this gate! Handcuff him to me!" Cai Qing roared, a policeman, cleanly Handcuffed Wednesday.

With the icy handcuffs on his wrists, Wednesday couldn't help shivering.

Staring blankly at Cai Qing, he murmured: "Director Cai, what are you...what are you doing?" Cai Qing said coldly, "Wednesday, you'd better be honest! We did this for a reason Let me ask you, how many people came to the county with you this time?" Wednesday swallowed his saliva and said, "I...I don't understand what you mean!"

Cai Qing slapped the table fiercely, almost jumped up from his chair on Wednesday, and shouted angrily, "Aren't you from Huaxia or don't you understand Huaxia dialect?"

Terrified by Cai Qing's expression on Wednesday, he was a little confused, and hurriedly said: "32. Including Huang Maoer and the others, there are 32 people in total."

"32!?" He Wenqian's face was full of surprise.

Cai Qing was also a little moved.Said: "What do the Iron Fist Gang dispatch so many people at once, what do they want to do? What is the purpose of coming to the county?" Shi Guangnan has covered it up until now, without any clues. The real purpose of coming to the county this time, the truth about Shi Guang's difficulty, cannot be concealed no matter what.

If Bai Rende knew that this incident came out of his mouth, he would think with his toes, and he could figure out how Bai Rende would deal with him and his family.

Seeing that Wednesday just lowered his head but kept silent, and his face turned blue and red, Cai Qing said coldly: "Since you don't want to say it, let me do it for you. The 32 of you are You came to the county to rob, right?"

Hearing that on Wednesday, he was stunned and looked at Cai Qing in confusion. Cai Qing frowned and said, "Am I right or not?"

"This... yes! We... we are going to come to the county to rob." Thinking on Wednesday, this robbery will be in prison for a few years at most, but if Shi Guang's true feelings are revealed, it will be a dead end, after much deliberation .On Wednesday, I wisely chose to avoid the important and take the light.

"Boss, they... they really came to rob!" He Wenqian said to Cai Qing in surprise after hearing Wednesday's words.

Cai Qing frowned tightly, and looked at Wednesday and asked coldly: "Zhenda Township is a very wealthy place, Zhenda Township hangs out there all year round, and you don't have to worry about food and drink. Are you going to rob? Wednesday, you kid can't play some tricks with me, right?"

"No! Absolutely not! Bureau Cai, it's not that I don't know who you are, even if I have the guts to play tricks with you." Wednesday hurriedly said to Cai Qing with a smile.

Cai Qing snorted and said, "Okay, where are the 32 of you gathered now?"

Wednesday frowned and murmured, "This..."

"What about this and that! You have admitted to robbery, do you still expect to get away with it? I am giving you a chance to make amends. If you don't eat a toast, don't blame us for being rude!"

Cai Qing's words made Wednesday tremble uncontrollably, cursing in his heart, who knows who is so wicked, and put such a big shit bowl on his head.

"Cai Bureau, can I... can I make a call?" Cai Qing looked at Cai Qing pleadingly on Wednesday, and Cai Qing sneered a few times and said, "Call? Can you tell them to escape? Are you thinking I'm Fool! Tell me honestly, where are they now?" Wednesday's scalp tingled, he pondered for a moment, and explained the members of the Iron Fist Gang distributed around various government departments, but he did not spit out Bai Renbiao.

Cai Qing has been in the police force for more than 20 years, so experienced. After hearing Wednesday's explanation, he immediately felt that something was wrong.

The members of these Iron Fist gangs seem to be disorganized, randomly scattered all over the county, but each place is close to a certain government department of the country. Although Wednesday tried to play down and cover up this point, it still cannot but arouse Cai Qing's suspicion .

If the people from the Iron Fist Gang really came to the county to rob, then they would naturally choose a remote and secret place to ambush. In front of these government departments, there are so many pedestrians and strict security. Tired and crooked.

(End of this chapter)

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