The strongest peasant city

Chapter 874 Ge Jun's Life Changes

Chapter 874 Ge Jun's Life Changes

Just as Bai Renzhai and Bai Zongxi expressed their deep gratitude, Bai Zongxi gradually calmed down from the boundless anger, and sat on the chair with a deep expression, not knowing what was going on in his heart.

"Reporting to the head, the first company and the second company have assembled, the car company is ready, and they can start at any time!"

In less than 5 minutes, the officer just now came back and shouted loudly.

"Uncle, let's go! Soldiers are precious and fast!"

Bai Rende anxiously urged Bai Zongxi to say.

Bai Zongxi shook his head, and said in a deep voice, "No!"

Bai Zongxi's words made Bai Rende's heart dark, and he hurriedly asked: "Why not? Uncle, do you want to watch your niece, daughter-in-law and your grandson die? Uncle, those people are cruel and can do anything! "

Bai Zongxi frowned, and scolded: "Fang Yun is the daughter-in-law of my Bai family, and Jingjing is the blood of my Bai family. I know this in my heart! I didn't say that I wouldn't save them, I just said that we shouldn't come forward.

Our garrison is the cornerstone of social stability in a region, how can it be easily mobilized.

It's not that I'm afraid of taking responsibility and losing my black hat, but because the transfer of troops is no small matter. If this is a conspiracy by others to transfer the tiger away from the mountain, the consequences will be very serious, and I have to think about it! "

Bai Rende cried and said: "Uncle, I beg you! Send troops, save Jingjing! She is still so young, if she dies like this, how can I, a father, treat her right?" Bai Zongxi said in a condensed voice: " Don't worry! Although I can't make a move, someone can, and his methods are more effective than mine.

As long as he sends a few people, rescuing Ayun and Jingjing will be a piece of cake.As for me, I took advantage of this time to report to my superior department and request to send troops to eliminate the violence.Once my request is approved, I can justifiably send troops.At that time, I must wipe out these bastards in one fell swoop! "

Bai Rende asked eagerly: "Uncle, who is that person you are talking about? He really has such great energy?" Bai Zongxi glanced at Bai Rende and said, "We have a mysterious organization in China called the Dragon Group." ,have you heard of it?"

Bai Rende nodded and said, "I've heard people tell stories about it, but they never took it seriously. Does our country really have such an organization?"

Bai Zongxi said: "That's right! I said this person is the person in charge of the dragon group." "What? Uncle, are not lying to me, are you? If the dragon group really exists, it must be an extremely mysterious and powerful Organization, will people go out for us little people?"

Bai Zongxi smiled and said, "You must have heard too many stories about the Dragon Group in the society. The Dragon Group, like us, exists to maintain social stability and national security. It's just that their fighting power is stronger than ours. Strong, their power is greater than ours. If there is such a bloodthirsty, bloodthirsty evil force in Zhenda Township, the Longzu people will definitely intervene.

And the person in charge of the dragon group is still my old classmate, best friend, don't worry, I'll call him right away! "

Bai Rende was overjoyed when he heard this, and with the help of the Dragon Team, what else is there to worry about?Bai Rende hurriedly urged: "Then you go!"

In a blink of an eye, it has been almost a year since Ge Jun came to Longzu.

During this year, Ge Jun only went on a mission once, and it was against the leader of a huge overseas drug trafficking organization that exported drugs to China.

The leader also knew that there were many people who wanted to kill him, so in order to live a few more days, he raised a group of dead men with very good skills. Si Kongming organized many assassinations but failed.

After getting Ge Jun, a strong man, from Li Xiaogang, he immediately handed over this task to him.As a result, Ge Jun didn't take much effort to send the leader back to his hometown. This made Si Kongming regard him as a treasure even more, and secondly, he successfully occupied his position in the dragon group.

But what made Ge Jun dissatisfied was that from then on, Si Kongming never assigned him any tasks, but left him in the base and became the head coach of the dragon team, frantically squeezing his abilities.

Of course, in order not to make Ge Jun dissatisfied, Si Kongming schemingly did not assign any tasks to Li Lan, but only asked her to accompany Ge Jun 24 hours a day. It is you who love me so much that it becomes gluey.However, although his emotional life is fulfilling, Ge Jun still feels bored sometimes.

Seeing other dragon brothers frequently performing various dangerous but interesting tasks, Ge Jun was envious.

Especially when seeing Sun Xiang and Lin Tian came back from their missions and spitting and telling others what they experienced during their missions, their mood would become more and more depressed.

Seeing that Ge Jun was unhappy, Li Lan hugged his waist from behind, pressed his plump chest on Ge Jun's broad back, shook his body gently, and stuck tightly to Ge Jun's back. Grinding together.The strong stimulation shocked Ge Jun's mind, and a certain part immediately became as hard as steel.

Li Lan stretched out his hand to hold it with ease, and whispered: "Do you want it?" Ge Jun hugged Li Lan without saying a word, and threw him on the bed, Li Lan's exclamation had not yet landed , Ge Jun's tiger body has been pressed on her body...

After some gut-wrenching battles, the two reached their peak at the same time, lying side by side on the bed panting.Due to regular exercise, Li Lan's skin is extremely smooth and full of elasticity.

The superb touch makes Ge Jun love Li Lan, especially Li Lan's peak, which firmly attracts Ge Jun like a magnet, constantly changing various shapes in Ge Jun's big hands.

"Ge Jun, you don't seem to be happy recently..." Li Lan lay in Ge Jun's arms, her slender fingers slid circles on Ge Jun's chest, and said in a concerned voice.

"How could it be? With you by my side, how could I be unhappy?" Ge Jun said dotingly, pressing a kiss on Li Lan's forehead.

Li Lan smiled and said, "You can't hide it from me. I know why you're unhappy! It's because the director general hasn't assigned you any tasks, which makes you feel bored and bored, right?"

Looking at Li Lan's shining eyes, Ge Jun smiled wryly and said, "You still know me best. In front of you, I think I should stop pretending. Lan, did I do something wrong? Or else , Why won’t the director assign me a task?” Li Lanjiao said with a smile: “Ge Jun, why do you think so? You didn’t do anything wrong?”

Li Lanjiao smiled and said: "Ge Jun, why do you think so? You did nothing wrong?" "Then why didn't they arrange tasks for me, but locked me here like a prisoner?" Ge Jun His expression suddenly became a little excited, and his voice couldn't help but rise.

Li Lan hurriedly hugged him and said: "Ge Jun, don't be angry. Don't you understand that in the eyes of the team leader and the others, you are a precious lump of infinite value. They don't want you to encounter any danger. They want to get the most out of you.

If you are just treated as an ordinary team member, even if you have supernatural abilities, you can only perform one task at a time.

But if you were placed at home and asked you to train other team members to create countless fighters as powerful as you and enhance the overall combat effectiveness of the dragon team, the result would be different. This is what Sikong Ming and the others want to see "

Ge Jun frowned and said: "I know what you said. But I am also a person. I long for freedom. I left the Skythorn and came to the Dragon Team, not to be the head coach! Li Lan, really , if this continues, I will go crazy, I will go to Sikong Ming. He will give me a task no matter what, even if it is to let me go out to relax." Said and rolled out of bed neatly.

"Ge Jun" Li Lan called out, but Ge Jun didn't answer, put on his clothes, and rushed out of the room like the wind.Li Lan also hurriedly followed out.

For more than a year, Ge Jun can be said to have peaches and plums all over the world in the dragon group. Almost all the fighters in the dragon group have accepted his guidance, and Ge Jun's tyranny is also deeply branded like a brand. in their hearts.

Along the way, Ge Jun received admiration and sincere greetings, which made him feel a little satisfied.

However, this did not satisfy Ge Jun. Eagles yearn for the sky, and Canglong's home is the sea. Ge Jun walked firmly to the door of Sikong Ming's office.

Just as Sikong Ming was about to open the door and go in, suddenly a gust of wind slanted towards his lower abdomen.

Ge Jun snorted coldly, his lower abdomen retracted suddenly, his body arched like a shrimp, and the opponent's heavy punch immediately missed.The other party seemed to have expected this a long time ago, and the punch missed, but he didn't panic at all. He let out a sneer, and his body slammed horizontally. At the same time, his right leg swept towards Ge Jun's calf like electricity.

Ge Jun chuckled, concentrating on his dantian, concentrating on his legs, which immediately became as hard as steel.There was a bang, and the opponent's leg swept across Ge Jun's calf as promised.

Jiang Hu only felt as if his leg had been swept against a century-old giant tree, and the opponent stood still, but his own leg was hurt by the bar, and he couldn't help moaning in pain.

"Damn it, you're such a pervert. My leg has the strength of a few hundred catties to say the least, and you don't even have the intention to move." Jiang Hu said, looking at Ge Jun convinced.

Ge Jun said in a low voice: "A few hundred catties? Come and attack me when you have trained to a thousand catties." Jiang Hu smiled bitterly and said: "Come on, I'd better stay away from you in the future, so as to save every sneak attack I'm the one who gets hurt!"

Jiang Hu would say this every time after a sneak attack, but every time after saying this, he would, as usual, never let it go when he found a sneak attack opportunity, and then suffer again.So many times, this has become a unique way of greeting between two people, and each other likes this way very much.

(End of this chapter)

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