The strongest peasant city

897 Reconciliation!

897 Reconciliation!

"Report to the leader, those miners have been buried in the ground for too long, and they have already missed the best time to rescue them. Unless they are gods, there is no hope of surviving now!" Sikong Ming said in a calm voice.

"So what!? Even if it's a corpse, I have to dig it out and bury it properly! This is the minimum morality of a person!"

Sikong Ming hurriedly responded, and said, "Understood, I'll do it now! However, equipment and manpower are needed!"

The leader said in a deep voice: "The equipment is requisitioned in Zhenda Township. People, there are so many soldiers outside, let them all go to the rescue!"

"Boss! That's inappropriate, those soldiers are used for..." Cao Qingdong hurriedly stopped him when he heard this.

The leader's eyes widened, and he shouted in a deep voice: "What are they used for? Saving people is the most important thing now, and everything else must be put aside!"

"But..." Cao Qingdong continued to speak, but was interrupted by the leader: "There is nothing wrong with it! Xiao Gang, your people are idle too, let them save people too!"

Li Xiaogang couldn't help but gave a wry smile, full of helplessness, he called Mu Ping, and asked him to take five hundred lightning fighters to follow Sikong Ming.

At this time, Li Xiaogang admired the leader. The enemies who were originally confronting each other and at war, after a few words from the leader, became partners who cooperated with each other and launched rescue together.

Seeing this situation, the leader was very satisfied, and then asked Lin Chaoran: "Old Lin, what's the matter with you talking about war on the phone?" Lin Chaoran glared at Cao Qingdong, and said, "You still ask Cao Qingdong? Deputy Chief!"

The leader looked at Cao Qingdong again, and asked in a deep voice, "Old Cao, what's going on? Why did you start a war with the Lightning Gang?"

Cao Qingdong snorted coldly and said: "The Lightning Gang ignores the law and acts recklessly. If they are not punished, they will become more and more lawless."

The leader coughed, and said to Li Xiaogang: "Xiao Gang, do you think Deputy Chief Cao is right?"

"Nonsense!" Li Xiaogang said bluntly.

"The Lightning Gang ignores the law and acts recklessly? It's a big joke! Go to province S and ask, and see how everyone evaluates the Lightning Gang? Since the establishment of the Lightning Gang, they have not only formulated strict codes of conduct to restrain their subordinates , and also restrained those underworld groups that really ran amok, so that the public security environment in Province S has reached an unprecedented level, and the police department in Province S has become the most leisurely department in the country. The people live and work in peace and contentment, and do not pick up things on the road. Fa Harmony! Would this be possible if it weren't for the Lightning Gang?"

Cao Qingdong said coldly: "What you said may be true, but it is also true that the Lightning Gang massacred hundreds of people in Zhenda Township, causing blood to flow like a river! This is a serious act of contempt for the law and must be done punish!"

Li Xiaogang retorted: "When the law becomes the umbrella of the wicked, we should not only despise it, but also destroy it!"

Li Xiaogang and Cao Qingdong came and went, fighting with each other, refusing to give in to each other, which made the leader's brows tightly wrinkled.

The two argued for a long while, but still no one could convince the other. The leader coughed heavily, interrupting their argument.

He said to Cao Qingdong: "Old Cao, you are right to uphold the law, but your behavior is too rigid and you don't know how to be flexible.

I don't know if you are always like this, or this time you are wrong with people! "

"Boss, I..." Cao Qingdong opened his mouth to distinguish what the leader said, but the leader didn't let him continue, and said, "Sikong Ming just described to me what the Bai family brothers and the Iron Fist Gang did. , My teeth are itching with anger, I don’t believe you will be indifferent. You might as well think about it differently, if you were Scar, what would you do? If it were me, I would definitely make a peace Same thing with scars."

The leader's words made Cao Qingdong fall into deep thought, and the leader turned his head to look at Li Xiaogang and said, "Xiao Gang, I have to admit that what Lightning did was just. But at the same time, you also have to admit that what he did was illegal. No one can replace the law, or go beyond the law. From this point of view, it is not unreasonable for Deputy Chief Cao to target the Lightning Gang.

Xiao Gang, I know you have deep feelings for the Lightning Gang and Scar, but you can't just give up everything and do whatever you want just because of this!By doing this, you have earned a good reputation for brotherhood, but have you ever thought about Scar? "

The leader's words made Li Xiaogang stunned for a moment, and the leader continued: "Do you still remember the story of Chen Yuanyuan and Wu Sangui? In a fit of anger, Wu Sangui led the Qing soldiers into the pass. Although he snatched Chen Yuanyuan back, he made Chen Yuanyuan a slave to thousands of people. The object of accusation and abuse by thousands of people. Just like you and Scar today. In a fit of anger, you will not hesitate to bring lightning to help tens of thousands of people fight against the government.

Maybe in this way, Scar will not have to go to jail. When future generations comment on this matter, they will give you a thumbs up. Others will be angry and crowned as a beauty, but you will be a brother. Maybe it will become a thousand-year-old story in history .But have you ever thought about how future generations will judge Scar?People will blame all of this on Scar just like they did Chen Yuanyuan.This is really too heavy, maybe the scar can't bear it at all, it's [-] times more painful than going to jail! "

The leader's words were like enlightenment, Li Xiaogang couldn't help shivering several times, his heart beating wildly.

Seeing that his words had an effect, the leader said again: "Xiao Gang, you are a smart person, and you can think about everything more clearly than ordinary people. You should think about it carefully and see if what I said makes sense. "

"Then according to the leader's intention, it would be good for him to let Dao Scar go to jail?" Li Xiaogang said with a frown, a little puzzled.

The leader waved his hand and said, "No, Scar is upholding justice by doing this. How can he let those who uphold justice go to jail?" Then he turned to look at Cao Qingdong, and said slowly, "Old Cao, you and Lin Transcendence is the pillar and pillar of the country. Your disagreement will directly affect the stability of the entire country. I hope you can take the overall situation into consideration, put aside personal grievances, and join hands to revitalize our country.

Starting from today, you might as well come to empathy and think more from each other's perspective, which may help ease the relationship between you. "

Cao Qingdong and Lin Chaoran glanced at each other, and they both looked a little embarrassed.Obviously, it is still difficult for them to give up their previous suspicions so quickly and join hands with Tongji.The leader didn't force it either, as long as the two had the intention to reconcile, it would be success.

The leader smiled and said: "Okay, in the current peaceful era centered on economic development and national strength, war has no meaning other than destroying everything. Scar's handling of this vicious accident is seven points Three points too far.

We will reward the Lightning Gang for meritorious service. After returning home, I will reward the Lightning Gang in the name of Shangfeng, and further establish the Lightning Gang's image of upholding justice in the eyes of ordinary people.Of course, merit must be rewarded and demerits must be punished.Only when rewards and punishments are clearly defined can justice be achieved.

The same is true for Scar, let Scar personally participate in the rescue operation, and make up for it. "

After a pause, the leader looked at Li Xiaogang and then at Cao Qingdong, and asked, "How are you two, do you agree with my plan?"

Li Xiaogang took the lead and said: "As long as Dao Scar is not sent to jail, I agree with anything!"

Cao Qingdong frowned and said, "Isn't this too cheap for him?" Li Xiaogang said with a straight face, "Well, if Deputy Chief Cao is still not satisfied, I will donate another sum to the Hope Project in the name of Scar money!"

Cao Qingdong said in a deep voice, "It can't be less than one billion!"

Li Xiaogang sneered and said: "No problem, just follow what you said, one billion!"

"Hahaha... It seems that the problem has been solved, and our country's Hope Project has raised another billion yuan. Old Lin, I really hope that this kind of thing will happen more times." The leader laughed heartily, The tense atmosphere instantly eased down.


Li Xiaogang let out a loud shout, and as soon as the sound fell to the ground, Scar immediately jumped out like a cheetah.Full of excitement, he shouted "Brother Gang!"

Then he looked at the leader and said with awe, "Leader, I have caused you trouble!"

The leader waved his hand with a smile and said: "You must not say that. It should be said that we have caused you trouble. Brother Bai Rende, under the protection of government officials, ran amok and poisoned the people. If it weren't for you, maybe we would never You will find his bad deeds. But your methods are indeed a bit ruthless, hundreds of people, you killed them all without blinking an eye. I really admire it!"

Scar smiled wryly and said, "Leader, don't say any more, I'm already very ashamed. I... I'll organize my subordinates to dig out the bodies of those miners who died, and make amends like you said!"

The leader nodded and smiled, "Okay, let's go!"

Dao Scar looked back at Li Xiaogang, and said apologetically, "Brother Gang, that billion..."

Li Xiaogang scolded with a smile and said: "Just take care of things that shouldn't be taken care of! Your main task now is to redeem your crimes, and you don't have to worry about money!"

Scar laughed, then turned and rushed out of the villa.

Looking at the back of Dao Scar, the leader smiled and said to Li Xiaogang: "Xiao Gang, I heard that Dao Scar was just a gangster back then, who was chased by other gangs and fled everywhere, in extreme embarrassment.

Your vision is really good, you can find such a good piece of rough jade under such circumstances, and carve it into the top-quality jade it is today, even I have to give you a thumbs up! "

Speaking of this, Li Xiaogang did not hide the pride in his heart at all, he laughed and said: "A scar, a lightning, they will be my lifelong wealth!"

"Hmph, is it as good as you say? To me, he is just a grumpy, arrogant brat!"

Cao Qingdong snorted, curled his lips and said.

The leader shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Come on, let's stop standing here and go to the mine to have a look. Damn, more than 100 lives were lost, and Bai Rende gave up as soon as he said he would give up. It's really not a thing!" After speaking, he took the lead and took the lead.Li Xiaogang, Lin Chaoran, and Cao Qingdong hurriedly followed.

(End of this chapter)

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