The strongest peasant city

Chapter 912 Evacuation

Chapter 912 Evacuation
As time passed by every minute and every second, Li Xiaogang's heart became more and more uneasy, and his brows became more and more wrinkled.He wanted to stop the detonation, but he couldn't explain the reason. He could only watch the time pass by quickly in his uneasy heart. "Let's pray, and hope that the islanders will succeed!" the leader said quietly, with a trace of exhaustion in his brows.No one knew how much pressure the leader was under at this time. "It's about to detonate soon, why are there still ships not evacuated?" Chang Xuefei couldn't help but screamed when the screen turned and a group of drilling ships suddenly jumped into the screen.Everyone was also surprised and looked over hastily.The leader slammed the table and shouted in a deep voice, "What's going on?"

"It seems that these ships did not complete the task within the specified time..." Lin Chaoran said with a gloomy face. "It's over, these ships are over! Once detonated, the strong shock wave will completely shatter them." Cao Qingdong also said heavily. "Could it be... Is it possible to just watch them fall into desperation like this? They are heroes!" the leader said sadly. "There is nothing we can do now. As the leader said just now, let us pray for them together!" Chang Xuefei shook her head and said slowly.

"That's not likely!" Li Xiaogang shouted suddenly, and his figure swept away like the wind. "Xiao Gang!" The leader shouted hastily, but Li Xiaogang's figure had already disappeared. "What... what is he going to do?" Chang Xuefei couldn't help asking curiously.The leader shook his head, and said slowly: "I also want to know..." "Hehe... No matter what Xiao Gang does, in my opinion, these ships are saved!"

Lin Chaoran suddenly laughed and said. "You mean..." The leader's eyes lit up, and he looked at Lin Chaoran excitedly. Lin Chaoran nodded slightly, with a wider smile on his face.Seeing the leader and Lin Chaoran playing charades, Chang Xuefei became more and more curious, but out of the rationality of a scientist, Chang Xuefei said lightly: "If you tell me, he is going to save these drilling ships, unless I You'd be crazy to believe it!"

The leader laughed and said: "Occasional madness is not necessarily a bad thing. Xue Fei, you are good at everything, the only thing is that you are too rational. No matter what you encounter, you always like to talk about science and logic. This is certainly possible. Let you see the world more clearly, but at the same time make you lose your passion and hope. Just like this time, why can't you put the cold science aside, awaken the hope in your heart, and look forward to the miracle? Chang Xuefei frowned, curled her lips and said, "Science is never cold, and it does not lack passion at all. You say that, leader, because you don't understand science!" The leader waved his hand with a smile and said, " Okay, I was wrong, but you are always cold, isn't that right?" Chang Xuefei froze for a moment, and turned her head away in embarrassment.

"Captain! Time is running out, I'm afraid we won't be able to evacuate this sea area!" Zhou Lei, the first officer on the Dongfang drilling ship, said to the captain He Fei with a sad face.He Fei's brows were tightly frowned, and a pair of shining eyes were staring at the tsunami approaching them in the distance behind him. He asked in a deep voice, "How long is it until the detonation?" Lei raised his wrist and glanced, and said in a low voice: "There is still one minute and fifty seconds!" "One minute and fifty seconds? Even if we use the maximum horsepower, we will not be able to withdraw from this sea area within the specified time...Brothers , do you hate me?" He Fei turned his head to look at his comrades who had been fighting with him for many years, and asked with sadness and helplessness in his tone.

"Captain, what are you talking about! How could we hate you! It was a decision made by all of us to stay and wait for the Sakura, and we have no regrets!" Zhou Lei said loudly. "What's so scary about death? The important thing is that we adhere to the principle of not giving up and not giving up. If the same thing happens again, we will still make the same decision!" He Fei was greatly shocked after hearing Zhou Lei's words. Shocked, he patted He Fei on the shoulder, and said repeatedly: "Brothers, I really didn't misunderstand you! I, He Fei, can share joys and sorrows with you in this life. It's worth it! But we must not give up until the last moment! Now, I Order to raise the sails, and with the help of the wind, we will fight with God!" Everyone responded, and the Dongfang immediately fell into a busy state.

Seeing that the Dongfang was the first to raise its sails, the rest of the ships followed suit, and the speed of the fleet suddenly increased by [-]%.On the surface of the sea, rampage, doing the final struggle.Mori Jiro stood on the bow of the ship like a statue, a wave jumped onto the deck, hitting his body, shaking him to and fro, and getting wet all over.But no matter how the chief mate persuaded him, he just refused to go back to the cabin, like a warrior who would never give in to the waves. "Captain! The waves are getting bigger and bigger. If you are swept into the sea, you will be in danger!" The first mate shouted hoarsely amidst the rumbling wind.

"If the wind and waves drag me into the sea, I will turn into a pile of explosives. Even if I am smashed to pieces, I will make a final fight with this manic sea!" Mori Jiro wiped the sea water on his face, like a mad man. Roaring like a wild lion.The first mate hugged him tightly, and shouted repeatedly: "Captain, calm down!" Mori Jiro suddenly burst into tears, his legs softened, and he fell to his knees on the ground, and said in a sad voice: "Calm down? You let me How to calm down? Look back, the drilling ships all over the mountains and plains, they have to face death because of us. This kind of favor is too heavy, I... how can we pay it back! "

"Captain, it is precisely because of the heavy favor that we have to live well. Because only we are alive can we repay them." The first mate said. "Alive? In less than 1 minute, the explosives will detonate. Living has become a luxury for us. Now I just hope to become a gust of wind and blow all the drilling ships out of this dead sea! But I can't I see, I can't do anything!" Morijiro felt the pain in his heart, tears mixed with sea water kept falling down his face. "Yeah, if the wind power is stronger now, maybe we can..." The first mate's face also darkened, with deep sadness in his brows.

"This tsunami is..." At this time, in the sky above the ocean, in the high clouds, Li Xiaogang's face was extremely excited.When he reached this sea area, he was immediately enveloped by a familiar, familiar feeling.It was as if a wanderer returned home and met his relatives in a foreign land. The divine power of Nvwa in his body was like a boiling pot, violently boiling.This feeling is too familiar to Li Xiaogang, a feeling that only appears when the new Nuwa Yuanshen is fragmented. "Could it be that this tsunami was formed by the energy of Nuwa Yuanshen fragments!?" Li Xiaogang's heart shook violently, and he couldn't wait to find out.But looking at the drilling ship struggling in the waves under his feet, Li Xiaogang still forcibly suppressed the impulse in his heart.

"Let me help you and make your boat faster!" Li Xiaogang raised his eyebrows, his hands transformed like a thousand-handed Avalokitesvara, and purple rays of light burst out continuously from his hands, like Streaks of bright rainbows broke through the thick black clouds and shot at the engines of the drilling ships.The engines of the ships, which had already reached their limit, suddenly turned at a speed twice or even three times faster than usual.The speed of the drilling ship also tripled immediately. He Fei was caught off guard and fell to the ground with a bang.Struggling to stand up, he looked around in bewilderment, but he was startled by this look, and the surrounding scenery was retreating at a speed that he couldn't even imagine.

"Zhou Lei, what's going on? Is there something wrong with my eyes!" He Fei grabbed Zhou Lei and asked doubtfully.Zhou Lei's mood at this time was not much different from his. He was also full of shock, and murmured: "I... I don't know what happened! Second officer? Second officer?!"

Zhou Lei shouted several times, and a middle-aged man with a bald head rushed out of the cabin at a trot.Zhou Lei asked urgently: "What's the matter? Our ship's speed seems to be faster..." The second officer said excitedly: "It's not just faster, the speed has been increased by three times. The ship's engine seems to be Running like crazy, it has already far exceeded the load."


If the previous tsunami can still arouse people's desire to fight against it, then in the face of the current tsunami, even the strong-willed people will feel deeply decadent and helpless.Gazing at what happened in front of him, Mao Lichun almost suspected that he was in a dream.And Masanori Yamamoto's face was even paler, with panic on his face, and he kept muttering: "This...what's going on? Are my eyes blurry?" No one answered his question, and everyone was stunned. The scene was stunned.The tsunami at this time can only be described as arrogance, sweeping everything forward unstoppably, even the speed has doubled, the whole is a giant beast with teeth and claws, opening its bloody mouth towards the human territory , Out of ferocious fangs.

"Oh my god!" He Fei groaned, and he couldn't help but collapsed on the deck, cold sweat dripped from his forehead and the salty sea water down his pale cheeks. "What's wrong? What's wrong? Why did this happen? Why!?" Zhou Lei roared and questioned the tsunami like a raging lion.And the tsunami answered him loudest with rumbling thunder. "Captain, first mate, there is no time, let's evacuate quickly! Now this sea area is no longer safe. If we delay, we will be buried in the bottom of the sea!" The second mate said anxiously.

He Fei shook his head heavily, with despair written all over his face.He said faintly: "Withdraw? Where are we going? Now the entire Pacific Ocean, even the coast thousands of kilometers deep is a place of death, and we have nowhere to escape..." He Fei's words made the surroundings fall into a death-like state. In the silence, no one spoke, and everyone just stared blankly at the oncoming tsunami, their hearts filled with cold despair and fear of death.Ships from all over the world made the same choice as the Vostok, turning off their engines, dropping anchor, bumping up and down in the wind and waves, quietly waiting for the arrival of the god of death, in the face of this majestic, unchallengeable and destructive force, what people can do is perhaps The only way is to face it calmly and keep the last trace of human dignity and glory.

(End of this chapter)

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