The strongest peasant city

Chapter 916 The Excited Xuefei

Chapter 916 The Excited Xuefei

The leader interrupted him and said: "Old Chang, we will talk about this later, please tell us about miracles first." Chang Qingping nodded, and said exactly what he heard from He Fei After coming out, Lin Lin said: "I thought this was some secret weapon used by our country, so I hurried to ask the leader, but now it seems that this is not the case." The leader recovered from the great shock , said quietly: "If our country can develop a weapon to subdue the tsunami, wouldn't it have dominated the world long ago?" Chang Qingping said: "Yes! It seems that I am too excited."

"Grandpa, you...what you just said is true? is this possible?" Chang Xuefei couldn't believe her ears,

asked in surprise.Chang Qingping said to her: "When I first heard about this incident, I had the same reaction as you. I also asked the other crew members repeatedly, and the scene they described was exactly the same, even the details were exactly the same. I couldn't see It seems to be lying. Think about it again. At the same time as the miracle happened, all the satellites failed. Don’t you think this coincidence is a bit weird? If it’s not God, then it’s aliens. In short, we humans With the current level of technology, it is impossible."

"Damn it, it must be him! This kid was shocked as soon as he made a move, and he was not wrong at all!" Lin Chaoran's heart was shaken, he clenched his fists with both hands, and said with a bright smile. "Are you saying that Li Xiaogang did all of this? It's impossible, could it be that he is a god?" Chang Xuefei shook her head and said loudly.The leader smiled and said: "Shouldn't you scientists believe that everything is possible? Hehe..." "Li Xiaogang? Who is he? What does this have to do with him?" Chang Qingping looked at the four people in confusion. asked.The leader turned his head and glanced at Chang Xuefei and said, "Let Xuefei explain this to you slowly. There are still a lot of things in the capital waiting for me to deal with, so let's take a step forward!"

Seeing that the leader was about to leave, Chang Xuefei yelled anxiously: "Wait a minute!" The leader looked at her suspiciously and asked, "Why, do you have other things?" Chang Xuefei gritted her teeth, stomped her feet, and said "How can I meet Li Xiaogang?" After asking, Chang Xuefei's face turned red, as if she was shy like a budding rose, where was the indifference and rationality at the beginning?Hearing Chang Xuefei's question, the leader narrowed his eyes, and looked Chang Xuefei up and down a few times. With the leader's sharp and eye-catching eyes, what else can't be seen through?After a few glances, I understood it in my heart. He chuckled and said, "You want to see him? It's not to trouble him, is it?"

Chang Xuefei curled her mouth and said with a dissatisfied look: "What are you talking about, do I look like the kind of woman who likes to find fault with nothing?" "Then why did you see him?" The leader asked with a smile road.Chang Xuefei coughed, and said: "Of course I look for him to find out about miracles. I absolutely don't believe that all of this is caused by him. This is absolutely impossible! I want to find him and find out , ask to understand!" Chang Xuefei found a reason to see Li Xiaogang, and she felt a little more settled.The leader smiled and said, "Wait. It's much harder to see Li Xiaogang than me. It depends on the opportunity!" After speaking, the leader waved his hand and disappeared outside the door with Lin Chaoran and Cao Qingdong, leaving only Chang Xuefei who felt lost.

"Boss, why didn't you tell her Xiaogang's contact information?" Cao Qingdong asked.Lin Chaoran chuckled, then took the conversation and said, "Didn't you see that? That girl Xue Fei probably has a crush on Xiao Gang." Merit!" Cao Qingdong became more and more puzzled.Lin Chaoran stopped his smile, and said in a deep voice: "But you don't know, Xiaogang already has several confidante friends. Since ancient times, the gentle township has been a tomb of heroes. The leader probably did this because he didn't want to see Li Xiaogang wasting his fighting spirit among the women. Bar."

"Also, China is a monogamous country. Anyone can only have one wife, but Xiaogang now has so many women at the same time. This is a challenge to the legal system of our country. Now I have I am having a headache about this matter. If one day Xiaogang asks me to specially approve him to marry his confidante, this side is the majesty of the country's laws, and on the other side is Xiaogang who has made great contributions to the country. What should I do?" "So that's the case, I didn't think about it." Cao Qingdong nodded and said nothing.

"Xuefei, who is Li Xiaogang that you guys have been talking about just now?" Chang Qingping asked Chang Xuefei curiously.Chang Xuefei gave a wry smile and said, "A mysterious kid who is praised by the leader, who exists in the sky and is nothing on earth." "Really? I don't know what is so special about this kid that can make the leader value him so much. Xue Fei, you have met him, tell me about it." Chang Xuefei frowned, Li Xiaogang appeared in her mind, and whispered
"He... I can't tell, but he has a special smell. After getting along with him for a long time, people will be attracted to him..." Seeing that Chang Xuefei seems to be immersed in the In a wonderful mirage, Chang Qingping's heart trembled violently, faintly excited.She asked with a smile: "Baby granddaughter, don't like that kid, do you?"

Chang Qingping's heart trembled violently, faintly excited.She asked with a smile on her face: "Baby granddaughter, don't like that kid, do you?" Damn it!" Chang Xuefei gritted her teeth and said bitterly.Chang Xuefei is excellent, but a bit too much, which makes most young men feel involuntarily daunted. They would rather stand far away admiring her than approach her.And there are a few bold and thick-skinned men who can't get into her eyes, and the important events of life are delayed and delayed like this.

Scientists are not monks. Like most old people, Chang Qingping is also full of eager desire to hold grandchildren and enjoy family happiness.However, on Xuefei's side, the iron tree does not bloom all year round, so he can only suppress this desire deeply in his heart.Now that the iron tree has finally spit out its buds, showing signs of blooming and bearing fruit, how could Chang Qingping not be excited? "Hey, love at first sight has happened a lot. Nothing is impossible!" Chang Qingping waved his hands and smiled. "But... I hate him..." Chang Xuefei said softly. "Hate it? Look at your expression now. If you say you hate that kid, you won't even believe it! Well, baby granddaughter, stop deceiving yourself! Once you miss out on love, you will regret it for life! "

Chang Xuefei was even more embarrassed by what Chang Qingping said, she stared at her with a pair of apricot eyes, and said coquettishly: "Hey, Grandpa, what do you mean by marrying me in such a hurry? You don't even look at it, At best, that kid is just a little boy, what qualifications does he have to win my heart?" Chang Qingping smiled wryly and said: "I'm afraid the little boy won't be valued so much by the leader, right? But who is he? "Chang Qingping's words immediately attracted Chang Xuefei's attention. From the beginning until now, Chang Xuefei only knew Li Xiaogang's name, and knew nothing about Li Xiaogang.Eyeballs rolled around a few times, Chang Xuefei clapped her hands and said, "If you want to know who he is, how difficult is it? Search the Internet!"

"Search online?" Chang Qingping was taken aback for a moment.Chang Xuefei said: "Of course! You don't even think about it, how can someone who has such a close relationship with the leader be an unknown person? Just wait, I'll search for it right away!" Chang Xuefei turned on the computer, Entered Li Xiaogang's name in Baidu, giggled a few times, and muttered: "Stinky boy, let my aunt see who you really are." After speaking, he pressed the Enter key with a snap.There was only a light click, and the search page opened, and hundreds of thousands of information about the name Li Xiaogang jumped into Chang Xuefei's eyes.There is no way, the name Li Xiaogang is too common, there are [-] if not [-] in the whole country.Chang Xuefei had to search one by one in the vast database like a lottery.

Just when Chang Qingping was about to lose patience, Chang Xuefei's exclamation suddenly sounded in his ears, "What's wrong, did you see the devil?" glance.This sweep made Chang Qingping stunned in place as if he had been hit by a body-holding spell, his mouth Li Ming couldn't close it for a long time.Chang Xuefei was even more taken aback, her face paled, she stared dumbfounded at the photo of the extremely handsome Li Xiaogang in the center of the computer screen. "It''s him!?" Chang Xuefei couldn't believe her eyes, and after confirming it several times, she screamed.

Although Chang Qingping and Chang Xuefei have been immersed in scientific research all year round, they hardly care about what happened in other fields, but people have ears, what they want to hear, and what they don’t want to hear, sometimes they can’t help themselves. The legend about Li Xiaogang, The two still listened a lot. "The greatest economic figure in China in this century, Longquan Group, Longhua Group, Longxi Group, Longmu Group, Longteng Group, the ultimate boss behind the scenes of Qiangnong Sales..." Chang Xuefei read as if dazed. Watching the introduction about Li Xiaogang on the screen, the turbulent waves in my heart are comparable to the tsunami that has just been calmed down.

"It's really him! Xue Fei,
This time, I'm afraid it's not that you look down on others, but on the contrary, they look down on you. "Chang Qingping said to Chang Xuefei with a wry smile. Chang Xuefei felt angry when she heard this, and couldn't help but opened her mouth and said: "Why does he look down on me?What am I not good enough for him?Didn't he just run a few small companies?What's so great, I really don't confuse him! "

"Small company?" Chang Qingping coughed and said, "Do you think which of these companies is not a super group that is listed in the world's top [-]? If these groups are integrated together, there will be no doubt that It is the largest company in the world. How many small companies like this can you open for me?"

(End of this chapter)

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