Chapter 918
"Don't believe it? Hehe... How do you explain the photos in front of you? These lush vegetation can't be fake, right?" Du Ziji asked back.The Minister of Land and Land frowned, shook his head, and said: "This... I can't explain it!" Du Ziji said: "China is an ancient civilization, with culture and wisdom that have been passed down for thousands of years. I won't be surprised by anything. Gentlemen, I think you know what this technology means to us, right?" Du Ziji's words once again aroused a lot of discussion in the conference room.

Saudi Arabia, the country is just like its name, and the sand will always come first. 90.00% of the country's land area is covered by deserts, and Saudis have been fighting against the desert since the day they were born.It is the dream of many Saudis to transform the sky full of yellow sand into green grass.However, the cruel reality has made the dreams of the Saudis run aground again and again.If there is anyone in the world who desires the desert to be governed most, it must be the Saudis.

Excitement pervaded the entire meeting room, people's faces were full of excitement, and their eyes were like hungry wolves that had seen meat, shining with a strange light.Du Ziji slammed the table and shouted loudly: "Yes, no matter what method we use, at any cost, we must get this magical technology from the hands of the Chinese! For our people, for our descendants Bandai is no longer troubled by the desert, it’s up to us! From now on, I want you to contact the Chinese government in any possible way, to show their favor, and to win their favor, so that we can develop technology with them in the future Negotiations are for the initiative, is it clear?"

Everyone present knew the importance of desert control technology to the entire country of Saudi Arabia, and nodded solemnly.The Minister of Foreign Affairs said: "Mr. President, some countries in the Middle East are currently suffering from the powerful impact of high-quality and cheap Chinese goods, and we, Saudi Arabia, are no exception. Some countries are preparing to unite and set up tariff barriers to suppress Chinese goods. They also give us I sent an invitation, and I hope we can also participate in it. You see..." "What are you looking at? Do you need to ask? Not only can we not participate in it, but from today onwards, the trade policy for Chinese goods will be relaxed. Give the most-favored-nation treatment and completely open our country to the Chinese people. For the precious desert control technology, the immediate loss is not worth mentioning. In addition, please make an appointment with the Chinese ambassador to Saudi Arabia for me, and say that I want to invite him to share For dinner."

"But Mr. President, according to your schedule, you are going to meet the ambassador of country M tonight..." The Foreign Minister frowned and said in a bit of embarrassment.Before he finished speaking, Du Ziji interrupted him and said: "Idiot, at this moment, the ambassador of China is 100 times more noble than the ambassador of country M. Just say I don't have time and reschedule!" The foreign minister nodded, Turn around and get ready.Du Ziji turned his head to look at the Minister of Finance and said: "I said that there was an earthquake in the south of China, and the situation is very serious. You immediately raise 100 billion US dollars in cash and [-] billion US dollars in disaster relief materials, which will be shipped to China. Let the Chinese people You think we are their friends, understand?" The Minister of Finance also turned away after hearing this.

"Minister of Taxation!" Du Ziji turned his attention to a slightly fat Saudi official and asked, "How many Chinese businessmen are doing business in Saudi Arabia?" The Minister of Taxation pondered for a while and said, "About 30 people. "Okay, after you go back, make a detailed list, and be sure to register every Chinese businessman. From today, they will enjoy the same treatment as our domestic businessmen... No, give them another [-]% discount taxation." After hearing Du Ziji's words, the Minister of Taxation seemed a little embarrassed, and said quietly: "Mr. President, will this be unfair to businessmen in our country?" Du Ziji snorted: "What is fair and unfair, the country His interests are above all else, if anyone thinks it is unfair, let him tell me, and I will talk to him personally!"

After arranging everything, Du Ziji looked around and asked in a deep voice: "Where is my Oil Minister Baraku? Why didn't I see him at my cabinet meeting?" "Oh, the president is like this, Baraku he Now I am meeting with a very important Chinese guest, so..." The Minister of Taxation is Baraku's friend, and when Du Ziji asked, he hurriedly replied.Ever since Du Ziji learned that the Huaxia people had the desert control technology he had dreamed of, he had an inexplicable love and affection for the word Huaxia.Originally, I was dissatisfied because of Baraku's absence, but when I heard that Baraku was meeting with Chinese guests, I was immediately overjoyed, the original dissatisfaction disappeared, and I laughed repeatedly: "Okay, my oil minister can always go first. .Haha... wait until he finishes seeing the Huaxia guests, then let him come to see me!"

While Du Ziji was busy arranging how to please the Chinese people, Baraku was having a meeting with Lightning.Accompanying him was Ambassador Shen Zhenxin, China's ambassador to Saudi Arabia.Baraku is in his early sixties and has an Einstein hairstyle, but he is much bigger and stronger than Einstein.The surrounding face is slightly flushed like wine, with a high nose, deep-set eye sockets, and a standard western face.Being able to hold an important position in an organization with huge interests like OPEC is enough to show his shrewdness and wisdom, just like the light shining in his eyes, dazzling and compelling.However, the fly in the ointment was the trace of arrogance hidden between his brows, which made Lightning somewhat uncomfortable.

Compared with Baraku, in Lightning's heart, Shen Zhenxin is much more amiable, and of course this does not rule out the relationship with his compatriots.Shen Zhenxin is about fifty, with a kind complexion and a peaceful expression, his eyes always emit a soft light, revealing his amazing personality charm.Shen Zhenxin is gentle and fair, not only has a very high prestige among the staff of the Chinese embassy, ​​but also has a good reputation among the local officials in Saudi Arabia.At this moment, Shen Zhenxin was watching Lightning with a curious gaze, and quietly listening to his conversation with Baraku.

Shen Zhenxin didn't know Lightning, and he didn't know that he was Lightning, the leader of the sky thorns that shocked the entire Middle East peninsula.The reason why he introduced and accompanied Lightning to see Baraku was because of Zhu Mingyan.Being in the same position in the war-torn Middle East, the two naturally had a lot of topics to talk about, and became old friends over time.Shen Zhenxin still remembers the solemnity when Zhu Mingyan introduced Lightning to him.This made Shen Zhenxin feel that Lightning is definitely not an ordinary person. After meeting him, he became more and more aware of this in a blink of an eye.The astonishing aura radiated from Lightning made Shen Zhenxin, who was used to seeing high-ranking officials and dignitaries, secretly startled.

Now hearing the content of the conversation between Lightning and Baraku, Shen Zhenxin was even more surprised.Lightning actually tried in vain to make Saudi Arabia, which dominates OPEC, give him part of the interests in its hands. What is the difference between this and a tiger's mouth?Seeing Lightning talking to Baraku with a tough attitude, not understanding at all that he is now in the position of a beggar, Shen Zhenxin secretly sighed in his heart, knowing the final result of the negotiation.

Since Huaxia's policy is centered on peaceful development, no expansion, no aggression, and a very moderate foreign policy, it is not aggressive at all. Therefore, in the Middle East, the status of country M has always been higher than that of China.Especially Saudi Arabia, because the Western world is a big oil-consuming country and its big customer, and the status of people from country M is even higher than that of Chinese people.For this point, Shen Zhenxin has a deep understanding.It is also the ambassador of a country, Shen Zhenxin wanted to see Du Ziji, the cumbersome procedures he had to go through made him have to make an appointment one month in advance, but the ambassador of country M wanted to see Du Ziji, it was just a phone call away.Shen Zhenxin appealed to the Saudi government for this matter more than once, but the result was always nothing.

Sure enough, before Lightning could finish speaking, Baraku jumped up and said angrily, "OPEC doesn't have any extra shares to distribute to you, so you can figure it out yourself! I still have things to deal with, so I'm sorry!" See Baraku turned around to leave impolitely, Lightning couldn't help frowning.In the three-acre land in the Middle East, Sky Spike is a well-deserved upstart.Kuwait, the country of Iraq, and even the country of Israel are stabbed at the sky, and Lightning treats him like a guest. When has he ever been treated like this, he suddenly felt angry.

"Mr. Baraku!" Lightning shouted in a concentrated voice.Baraku turned around impatiently, and said angrily, "Isn't what I said clear enough? If Huaxia Petroleum wants to enter the international market, it has to fight its own way. There is nothing we can do!" The corner of Lightning's mouth twitched. Pumping, he said slowly: "Of course it is possible! But in this way, the blood that stains the road of Huaxia Petroleum entering the international market will be yours." Baraku sneered and said: "Oh? Humph... …You are being overconfident. OPEC is not easy to mess with!"

"OPEC is not easy to mess with, but it doesn't mean that no one can afford to mess with it! I don't believe that OPEC you rely on is monolithic. Even if it is monolithic, I can smash it!" Lightning shouted angrily.

"Arrogance! What an arrogant Chinese! If this is your challenge to OPEC, then I accept it, and now I invite you to go out!" Baraku roared furiously. "Mr. Baraku..." Shen Zhenxin stood up and wanted to mediate the conflict between the two, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he was pushed back by Baraku's angry roar, "Mr. Shen, I still consider you a friend Look at it, but you brought me such an arrogant and ignorant Chinese, please go out now!" Shen Zhenxin shook his head and sighed, without saying a word, turned and walked out.Lightning gave Baraku a hard look, and then followed him out.

Walking out of Baraku's house, Lightning said to Shen Zhenxin with some guilt: "Mr. Ambassador, this time I have really troubled you!" I'm used to it! But you have completely offended Baraku now, and I'm afraid you won't be able to achieve your goal." Lightning snorted coldly and said, "This is within our expectations. If Baraku agrees straight away, then I will Strange! Don't worry, there is no door in this world that I can't knock on!" Lightning's words were full of confidence, and his body was full of vigorous fighting spirit, which made Shen Zhenxin a little distracted.

(End of this chapter)

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