Chapter 924

At noon, Shen Zhenxin came to the VIP box of the King Hotel as scheduled, and Du Ziji was already waiting there.Shen Zhenxin concentrated on seeing Du Ziji in casual attire with a smile on his face. It didn't look like the head of a country was meeting with an envoy from another country, but rather like two old friends meeting for dinner, Shen Zhenxin couldn't help being stunned.Seeing Shen Zhenxin, Du Ziji hurriedly stood up from the sofa, greeted him with a smile, and said, "Mr. Ambassador, you are so punctual!" Shen Zhenxin smiled, held the hand that Du Ziji extended, and said : "Mr. President invites, Shen dare not be on time? Haha..." Once you come, you will be safe.Today's Du Ziji's performance is very different from that of the past, and there must be something strange in it.Although Shen Zhenxin couldn't guess what kind of medicine was sold in Du Ziji's gourd, but adapting to the situation is the minimum skill of a diplomat, Shen Zhenxin quickly became calm and ready to play by ear.

After the two were seated, the waiter quickly brought out the dishes.Shen Zhenxin took a closer look and smiled inwardly. This Du Ziji was quite intentional. Not only were there all Chinese dishes on the table, but also because Shen Zhenxin was from Shandong, he specially prepared famous Shandong dishes.Shen Zhenxin has been away from home for many years, and has not tasted the taste of his hometown for a long time. Seeing this, his heartstrings were quietly plucked.Du Ziji smiled slightly, and said faintly: "Mr. Ambassador, I have spent a lot of painstaking efforts to treat you to this meal." Shen Zhenxin nodded with a smile and said, "I can see it, I can see it."

Du Ziji smiled, raised his hand and said, "Then, Mr. Ambassador, please have a taste and see if it's 'authentic'." Du Ziji's Chinese dialect was a bit blunt, and Shen Zhenxin listened to this sentence from his mouth Some couldn't help but laugh.He hurriedly picked up the chopsticks, took a mouthful of Mushu meat, stuffed it into his mouth, and repeatedly praised: "Authentic! Really authentic! Hehe... I haven't eaten hometown food for a long time. Mr. President, I really want to ask, such a person Lu cuisine chef, where did you find it? Even if it is placed in China, it is at the top level!" Du Ziji said hurriedly after hearing this: "Oh, if Mr. Ambassador likes it, then I will just hand him over to you Now, you bring it back to the Huaxia Embassy, ​​so that you can eat hometown food every day!"

Du Ziji's generosity surprised Shen Zhenxin. He looked at him and asked, "Mr. President, you..." Du Ziji also realized that he was a little too enthusiastic, and hurriedly said, "Mr. Ambassador, don't get me wrong. I will do this. I really want to express my apologies."

"Sorry?" Shen Zhenxin asked in confusion.Du Ziji sighed for a long time, and said: "It's because I have no way to teach my son, and I am not a good father. That makes Kidom so arrogant, I don't know the depth, Huaxia and his party have caused so much trouble for your country!" Kidom Shen Zhenxin has also heard about what he did in Huaxia, and it was a bit excessive and stupid.But this matter passed 800 years ago. Is it necessary for Du Ziji to bring it up today?Guessing Du Ziji's intentions in his heart, Shen Zhenxin said on his mouth: "Mr. President, our leader mentioned this matter to me, and I know the general idea. Kidom is young and affectionate, and there is nothing wrong with it. Although his words and deeds are somewhat inappropriate, who has no personality?" When Meng Lang was young? The matter has passed, Mr. President need not mention it again, the friendly relationship between China and Saudi Arabia is the most important thing!"

After hearing this, Du Ziji nodded repeatedly, raised his glass with a smile and said, "Come on, let's toast together for the friendship between China and Saudi Arabia!"Shen Zhenxin hurriedly stopped him and said with a smile: "Mr. President, the wine you drink is called Erguotou in China. It is a very strong and spicy wine. You can't drink it like beer, you will get drunk!" Catering to Shen Zhenxin's taste, Du Ziji even asked people to prepare the original Beijing Erguotou, which was excited just now and almost forgot.If such a glass of wine was poured into his stomach like this, he would definitely explode given his drinking capacity.Du Ziji laughed a few times, took a mouthful carefully, and immediately frowned deeply, but kept saying: "Good wine, good wine!"

Shen Zhenxin knew that Du Ziji was insincere, shook his head, put the Erguotou in his hand aside and said: "Mr. President, Chinese baijiu culture is far earlier than Western red wine culture, and its inner charm is far superior For wine, you need to taste it slowly and carefully aftertaste. You may feel a little uncomfortable when you first drink it, but it’s okay, I just brought a bottle of wine with me today, so I’ll ask someone to bring it for you, please Try something new." While speaking, regardless of whether Du Ziji agreed or not, he opened his mouth and called Xiao Li who was waiting outside. "Xiao Li, bring the bottle of Longquan fine wine in my car."

Xiao Li was taken aback when he heard this, and said unwillingly: "Mr. Ambassador, that is a bottle of wine that you have been reluctant to drink. You have kept it specially. This is the only bottle left. Do you really want to take it out?" Shen Zhenxin got on the car. This bottle of Longquan fine wine was a gift from his hometown to Shen Zhenxin when a staff member of the embassy returned home for vacation.Shen Zhenxin is from the Northeast and has no bad habits, so he likes to drink some wine.No matter who has the opportunity to return to China, he will bring back a few bottles of liquor from his hometown.The staff member doesn't drink alcohol, and his knowledge of baijiu only stops at knowing that baijiu is very spicy.At first, I wanted to bring a few bottles of traditional fine wine Wuliangye, Moutai, etc., but when I went to the supermarket, I realized that the most popular wine sold now is Longquan fine wine. Go out of your way.

The staff member also wanted to be fresh for a while, and brought back a few bottles of Longquan fine wine.When I first saw this wine, apart from the gorgeous packaging, Shen Zhenxin was quite disapproving.But when the first bottle of Longquan fine wine was opened at a dinner party for all embassy staff, Shen Zhenxin's attitude changed immediately.After drinking wine for a lifetime, you can tell the difference between good wine and bad wine without tasting, just by smelling it.When the cork was opened and the rich and fragrant wine fragrance permeated, Shen Zhenxin shivered involuntarily.

And when the emerald green fine nectar was poured into the ceramic wine glass, not only Shen Zhenxin, but everyone couldn't help being stunned.Green like emerald and white like ice and snow, the two complement each other and complement each other, just like a work of art, which makes people feel a little bit unbearable to drink.Until now, Shen Zhenxin still clearly remembers his feelings when he saw Longquan fine wine for the first time.It was an indescribable joy that came from the depths of the soul and spread throughout the body like electric waves.It makes him happier and more uplifting than winning a diplomatic lawsuit and regaining honor for the country.In the past, Shen Zhenxin drank with water.After pouring down a glass of wine, the mouth is full of pungentness, and the chest is full of heat waves, that feeling is exhilarating.Facing Longquan fine wine, Shen Zhenxin changed to finished product.Take a small sip, a mouth full of fragrance, and a heart full of concentration.What you drink is no longer wine, but a taste, an attitude towards life.

The sweet and mellow Longquan fine wine seems to have a magical power, which can pick up the good memories that people have forgotten, and slowly flash in the mind with the long and long aroma of the wine.That kind of beautiful feeling once made Shen Zhenxin shed tears for a while, and felt that all the wine he drank all his life was in vain.That night, for the first time, Shen Zhenxin did something that made him uneasy.Using his power as an ambassador, he took the few bottles of Longquan fine wine in his arms.One small cup a day, and today only the last bottle is left.Xiao Li knew how precious this fine Longquan wine was to Shen Zhenxin, so he seemed very hesitant.

"Tsk, why didn't you hear what I said?" Seeing that Xiao Li hadn't moved for a long time, Shen Zhenxin turned to look at him with some dissatisfaction and asked.Xiao Li shook his head helplessly, the Northeast guy is not good at all, if his taste is right, he can turn his head off and give it to you.After handing over the last bottle of Longquan fine wine to Shen Zhenxin, Xiao Li murmured softly, "Ambassador, don't regret it!" Then, he opened the packing box with a very solemn expression.

The outer packaging of Longquan Fine Wine was originally designed by Li Xiaogang, showing a kind of dignity and mystery everywhere. It has won many domestic design awards. If Li Xiaogang was not too lazy to accept the award, the room is full of trophies now.Du Ziji couldn't help but hold his breath with such an imposing packaging, and watched closely, as if this Longquan fine wine had wings and would fly away at any time. "Mr. Ambassador, I have drank a lot of wine, but those wines are far inferior to this bottle in light packaging. I seem to have felt its extraordinary!" Shen Zhenxin said with a smile: "Extraordinary? It is not only extraordinary, After a while you taste its taste, you will understand!" Said Shen Zhenxin and vigorously unscrewed the bottle cap.Smelling the already familiar fragrance again, Shen Zhenxin couldn't help but close his eyes, twitched his nose, and took a long breath, his face filled with pottery.

Du Ziji couldn't help but took a sip, and the strong aroma of the wine penetrated his nostrils into his heart, as if a little hand just scratched his itchy spot, which made him feel refreshed. Full of surprise, he murmured: "It's so fragrant and special. It's better than anything I've ever smelled!" Compared with the spicy and strong Erguotou, Longquan fine wine is much softer and gentler.But if you savor it carefully, it is also soft and firm, and both rigid and soft.Shen Zhenxin has sighed more than once that the master who brewed this wine is so superb that it is probably the best in the past and present.If he knew that Li Xiaogang's understanding of wine is superficial, and that it is a small wine heart that completes the supreme flavor of Longquan fine wine, I don't know how he would feel.

Du Ziji is not good at drinking, and he only touches his lips when it comes to some necessary entertainments. Anyway, he is the president, and no one dares to disagree.But today is different, when the mysterious aroma of wine filled his nose, Du Ziji felt as if something had revived in his body and was swaying stupidly, which made him involuntarily focus on it completely. On Longquan Fine Wine.Seeing Du Ziji staring straight at Longquan Fine Wine, he didn't move.Shen Zhenxin gave a wry smile, and thought to himself: "This Longquan fine wine is really miraculous, even people who have never drunk Huaxia baijiu can't help but be attracted by it."

(End of this chapter)

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