The strongest peasant city

Chapter 93 The Tsundere General Manager

Chapter 93 The Tsundere General Manager

Li Xiaoshui's words made the three girls very happy, especially Li Xiaoshui's attitude changed from indifference to a smile now, which made the three girls sure and happy to agree.

The four girls chatted together very quickly, but none of them touched the sensitive issue of Li Xiaogang, and the four of them got along very harmoniously!But the more this happened, the more uncomfortable it made Li Xiaoshui, and he secretly felt sorry for Li Xiaogang!
Four flower-like women shuttled in the beautiful orchard, forming a beautiful landscape, but unfortunately no audience appreciated it, which is a pity!
In the evening, the four of them talked and laughed and returned to Li's house.

After entering the house, Hu Rong and Long Ling'er couldn't wait to get into the room belonging to Li Xiaogang under the leadership of Gao Yuanyuan.

Seeing the three of them looking around in Li Xiaogang's room like an explorer, curious about everything, Gao Yuanyuan kept pointing at things and talking about them stories she heard from Zhanqiang from time to time. This caused the two women to exclaim one after another!

Li Xiaoshui looked helplessly at the three girls.

Silently went into the kitchen to cook!The meal in the evening was very rich, Li Xiaoshui has completely let go of his prejudice against them, and sincerely treats them as his friends!The reception is warm!Laughter came out from time to time!
When the four were arguing over who should wash the dishes, their door was suddenly knocked vigorously, and the four were startled. Li Xiaoshui walked out quickly and opened the door. The person standing outside the door looked anxious. , Liushen Wuzhu's next-door aunt!Seeing Li Xiaoshui, the aunt hurriedly said: "Xiaoshui, it's not good, your elder brother was injured, and he is in the hospital now! Can you take me there quickly?"

Li Xiaoshui was also a little anxious when he heard it, and hurriedly asked: "Which hospital is it, have you asked clearly?"

"Just now the police from the police station called the village head and said that your elder brother was injured and hospitalized. It seems to be quite serious! He is in our city hospital!" Hearing the noise, Hu Rong and the three of them also followed. The very kind and smiling aunt is now full of heartache, anxiety, and sadness!

When these negative emotions are concentrated on the face of a rural old man full of vicissitudes, it looks so heartbroken.

Gao Yuanyuan hurriedly took her hand and said, "Didn't elder brother go to collect debts? How could he be injured and hospitalized?"

The aunt's son, Gao Yuanyuan, has also met. He is a simple and honest farmer, silent and kind. Whenever he is asked why he has not found a match, he always scratches his head for half an inch and smiles foolishly. , Gao Yuanyuan did not get less happiness from him!So when I heard that he was injured, my heart ached!
The aunt said angrily: It was the people from their company who called!It's really unreasonable, they entrap us and beat people!What kind of world is this: "Huh?"

What the aunt said made Hu Rong and Long Ling'er very angry, and they said in unison: "Auntie, don't worry, we will go with you!" So the four of them accompanied the aunt to the hospital in the city!
There are three more farmers who were injured together with the aunt's son!The three of them were simply bandaged, and no one cared about it anymore!Only a few policemen looked at them as if they were thieves, for fear that they would escape!

While other doctors flocked into a ward, and there was a constant sound of cursing in the ward!A few security guards outside the door stared at the four wounded farmers!

As soon as she saw her son, the aunt wanted to pounce on him impatiently! , but was stopped by a burly policeman, who roughly pushed her back. The aunt was already old, and her body staggered, and she almost fell to the ground!

Seeing his mother being treated like this, the honest elder brother stood up from the chair suddenly, ignoring the bleeding wound, glaring at the policeman and saying, "What are you doing?"

Seeing that he dared to yell at him, the policeman felt that he had lost face, took out the handcuffs, and clacked them on his wrists involuntarily. What are you arrogant about, sit down for me!"

"Hmph, don't you think it's ridiculous! Look at him covered in wounds, if you say that the wounds are caused by others!" Gao Yuanyuan stared at the policeman with dissatisfied eyes and reprimanded loudly.

The policeman still looked cold, and said: "Whoever hurts whom, we policemen have the final say! If you stop us from handling the case, I will bring you to the police station!"

"You!..." Gao Yuanyuan was a little annoyed by his unreasonableness.

The policeman said disdainfully: "Since you are a farmer, you should repair the earth honestly! If you don't open your eyes to see who you are facing, you deserve it!" After finishing speaking, they ignored Gao Yuanyuan and the others.

The eyes of the four wounded peasants were bloodshot, their teeth clenched tightly, and their muscles arched.

The policeman looked at them with a guilty conscience and said sternly, "Why, are you not convinced? Wait until the police dispatch all of you to be subdued! Damn, a bunch of mud legs!"

Suddenly there was a commotion in the vestibule of the hospital, and everyone looked up, only to see a big man walking into the hospital swaggeringly!As soon as the policeman saw the man, he immediately ran over, nodded and bowed like a pug and complimented: "Deputy Mayor He, why are you here in person?"
Deputy Mayor He, who was surrounded by everyone, looked at him coldly and said, "The boss of a star enterprise in our city was actually beaten. Deputy Director Hong, I think your director doesn't want to do it?"

Beads of cold sweat began to roll down Deputy Director Hong's face immediately, and he said anxiously: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was responsible! But those perpetrators have been arrested and brought to justice! I will definitely give Mr. Wang a Let me tell you, besides, Mr. Wang’s injuries were much lighter than those of the peasants, so he probably won’t pursue it, right?”
Deputy Mayor He sneered and said, "Deputy Director Hong, you actually compare Mr. Wang with those country bumpkins. If Mr. Wang hears about it, will he drive you out of the city?"

Deputy Director Hong hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, it's because I can't speak, and those muddy legs can't add up to a single hair of Mr. Wang. I also ask Deputy Director He to say a few more words for me in front of Mr. Wang." Good words!" Deputy Mayor He sneered a few times, and walked into the ward with his head held high!

Deputy Director Hong was so angry with Deputy Director He that he looked at the four injured farmers resentfully, cursing and threatening to beat them up!
Seeing this situation, Long Ling'er was almost heartbroken. She took out her mobile phone, aimed at Deputy Mayor He's raised hand, and said crisply: "Deputy Director Hong, you look so handsome! Cool, I wonder if it will cause a sensation if it is posted on the Internet?"

Deputy director Hong turned his head to look dissatisfied, and saw that Long Ling'er was pointing the camera of the mobile phone at himself, and hurriedly put his hand down, looked at the girls fiercely and said: "Please leave here immediately, if you want to Otherwise, I will arrest you for obstructing official duties!"

Hu Rong said disdainfully: "It's ridiculous! We went to the hospital to see a doctor, which also interfered with your official duties. Is the hospital run by your police station?"
Deputy director Hong was so run-on by the three people that he was speechless, held back his anger, and sneered, "Okay, since that's the case, Xiao Zhang and Xiao Li will bring these farmers who deliberately hurt them back to the police station, and interrogate them properly!" Deputy director Hong deliberately emphasized the tone of the interrogation, and the meaning contained in it goes without saying!

Long Ling'er winked at Hu Rong and Gao Yuanyuan, and the two immediately understood!He took out his mobile phone and looked at the four farmers carefully, took pictures back and forth, and then said to the director surnamed Hong: "Now we have evidence in our mobile phone, and now the four of them are intact. After coming out of the police station, there were a few more injuries that shouldn't be there, and I will sue you for ruin, if you don't believe me, try it!"

Long Ling'er is used to being superior and giving orders, and she naturally has an aura that ordinary people don't have. Coupled with her shrewdness, the director surnamed Hong started to murmur in his heart, and gave them a hard look. With a wave, a few farmers are about to leave!

The aunt cried and called her son's name. The scene seemed to be watching her son go to the execution ground, which made people feel sad.Li Xiaoshui hurriedly grabbed the auntie, comforted her softly, and promised to bring her son back from the police station safe and sound, so she calmed down a little.

Long Ling'er stomped her feet fiercely, and said angrily: "Obviously it was the other party's fault, but in the end, it turned out to be our fault. It's really annoying!"

Li Xiaoshui shook his head helplessly. Since ancient times, the ancients have said that the people do not fight with the officials, and they also say that the officials have two mouths. In the end, most of the people who suffer from the people suing the officials are the common people, the farmers!She has seen this kind of thing a lot, if she had been able to persuade her aunt to choose to tolerate it before, but now seeing the three girls in front of her, she has a glimmer of hope in her heart!
At this moment, a bloated man, with a band-aid on his face, was full of vigor and pride, and walked out surrounded by Deputy Director He and the crowd.

Seeing such a scene, the three city girls once again felt great grievances. The four farmers who were beaten and bleeding were ignored, but the general manager who only had a little scratch on his face was prepared. The audience is concerned, looking at the situation is like a national treasure giant panda!
They are the same human beings, but they are treated completely differently. The huge contrast makes the three women feel very uncomfortable.

The so-called Mr. Wang stopped, and said angrily to Deputy Mayor He: "Lao He, the law and order in our city is getting worse and worse now! You are in charge of law and order, don't you want to take care of it?" Have you figured out a way?"

Deputy Director He's face was full of embarrassment, and he said anxiously: "Yes, yes, it's because my subordinates are not good at things! Let Mr. Wang suffer, don't worry, I will strengthen the law and order in the future!"

But I said in my heart: "If you hadn't deceived others, how could they have troubled you! The richer you are, the more stingy you are! So what if a small amount of money is paid to others, isn't it just a drizzle for you?" But these The deputy mayor of Hehe will never say it!
(End of this chapter)

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