The strongest peasant city

Chapter 939 Negotiating with Long Linger

Chapter 939 Negotiating with Long Linger
Lei Xiaotian didn't care about Long Linger's tone, he laughed a few times and said, "Miss Long Linger, I am..." "Don't talk about each lady, I don't like to hear it, just call me Long Linger !" Long Ling'er interrupted Lei Xiaotian's words unceremoniously, and said crisply.Lei Xiaotian is also a bigwig in the Saudi Chinese circle, apart from Shen Zhenxin, there is no other person who dares to interrupt him so casually.Lei Xiaotian couldn't help but smiled wryly, but he didn't express any dissatisfaction with it. He is an old businessman who has been in business for many years, and he knows very well the unspoken rules in the business circle. The size of the business you own is directly proportional.To put it more simply, as long as you have enough money, if you are not tired, no one will dare to say that you are half wrong if you jump high and shout.

"Hey... that Chairman Long, I am Lei Xiaotian, the chairman of the Saudi Chinese Chamber of Commerce." Lei Xiaotian looked a little embarrassed, but Long Linger was a little confused when he heard it, but the confusion was immediately overwhelmed by a heartfelt feeling. replaced by joy.That's because Long Ling'er suddenly thought that Li Xiaogang is now in the Middle East, and Saudi Arabia is also in the Middle East, so an equation naturally formed in her mind, Li Xiaogang is equal to Saudi Arabia.

Coming to this somewhat weird but humane conclusion, Long Ling'er's voice became pleasant again, "Mr. Lei, right? Hello, hello! Did Brother Gang ask you to call me?" Obviously he was talking to Long Ling'er, but Long Ling'er mentioned Brother Gang again and again, which made Lei Xiaotian a little dissatisfied.Although you have a big business and a big airs, you can't be so defiant, can you?What's more, in Lei Xiaotian's heart, no matter how powerful Long Linger is, he is still just a young newcomer in the business world, and he can be regarded as an old senior anyway. In terms of seniority, Long Linger will call him his uncle.

Coughing heavily, Lei Xiaotian said: "Chairman Long, I don't know the Brother Gang you're talking about, I'll call you, it has nothing to do with that...Brother Gang!" Lei Xiaotian momentarily Excited, I almost added the attributive 'shit' in front of Brother Gang.Fortunately, he woke up in time, thinking that the relationship between Long Ling'er and this brother Gang should be good, so he swallowed the two words that came to his mouth. "Then how did you know my number? I've never known you before, so I can't find my number online, right?" Long Ling'er asked curiously.

Lei Xiaotian faltered for a while, not daring to speak clearly, if Long Linger knew that Long Sihai had 'betrayed' her, given the current relationship between the two, Long Linger would have to smash the phone, and would have to step on it when the time came. a few feet.Lei Xiaotian said vaguely: " don't need to worry about it. In short, I got it through normal channels. Chairman Long, the reason why I took the liberty to give you this call is because I have a business plan with you. Talk, I think you will be interested." Long Ling'er chuckled a few times and said: "You are the president of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Saudi Arabia, but you are not in the country, and you have business with me? By the way, you...should Could it be a liar?" Several black lines hung on Lei Xiaotian's forehead, this was the first time he was accused of being a liar in such a long life.

"Chairman Long, you care too much. As you said, I am in Saudi Arabia and you are in China. How can I lie to you?" Lei Xiaotian said in a low voice.Long Ling'er curled her lips, and said lightly: "That's not necessarily true! There are so many deceptions now, who knows what you are so worried about?" Just when Lei Xiaotian's outburst was about to be unbearable, Long Ling'er Suddenly he said seriously: "If you have anything to say, tell me quickly, I'm busy, I don't have time to waste time with you!"

Lei Xiaotian clenched and relaxed his fists several times in a row before he managed to suppress the anger in his heart, and said in a concentrated voice: "That's it, I heard that the Longquan fine wine produced by your group is the best among the wines and is sold far and wide. Overseas, after I tasted it, I was completely conquered by Longquan fine wine. I thought, it would be a pity if fine wine like this cannot be promoted to the whole world and shared by all mankind. This time I give you The call is an initiative, and I hope to be the general agent of your group in Saudi Arabia, to bring Longquan fine wine into Saudi Arabia first, and then radiate it to the entire Middle East! What do you think?"

Long Ling'er said without thinking: "It's not that good!" "Ah?" Lei Xiaotian didn't expect that Long Ling'er would be so reject him, and he didn't react for a while.Long Ling'er said lightly: "Our products can't even satisfy the domestic and country M markets, and we don't have the energy and no need to explore the Middle East market! Alright, are you done with the business, then I have to hang up the phone "Don't, don't..." Hearing that Long Linger was going to hang up the phone, Lei Xiaotian hurriedly stopped him: "Chairman Long, this is such a good business opportunity, why don't you consider it? Saudi Arabia is no less wealthy than country M, and even stronger than country M. If Longquan fine wine enters Saudi Arabia, the profits it will grab will be much higher than that of country M. If I were Chairman Long, I would definitely give up M the Chinese market, and seize the Saudi market!"

"It's a pity that you are not me. Entering the country M market is a joint decision of all the senior leaders of our Longquan Group, and it cannot be easily changed. Besides, we have already established a firm foothold in the country M market, so why should we give up our vested interests and switch to the market?" And spend more energy to open up new markets? Besides, the Middle East is full of wars and religious and ethnic conflicts. I don’t feel at ease to put my products into such an unstable market. In case one day, my All the fine Longquan wines have been snatched by terrorists and turned into their celebration wine, who can I talk to?"

"Chairman Long, you said this because you don't understand the current situation in the Middle East. With the intervention of the Sky Spike, terrorists and al-Qaeda have suffered a devastating blow. Now the situation in the Middle East has tended to ease, and I believe it will soon Come to complete peace. In the past, there were constant wars, and businessmen from various countries did not dare to come to invest. As a result, 80.00% of the entire Middle East market is now in a vacuum, and there are huge potential benefits. In other words, Chairman Long, the land here is paved It's full of gold, it depends on whether you are willing to lean over and save." Lei Xiaotian's words were not just nonsense, but the result of his careful analysis.In order to allow Longquan fine wine to enter Saudi Arabia, he is going all out.

Long Ling'er was silent for a while, and to be honest, she was also a little tempted.The last time the president of country M visited China, the leader entertained him with Longquan fine wine. Unexpectedly, the president of country M became addicted to it after drinking it. He strongly urged China to allow Longquan fine wine to enter the market of country M. He even threatened the state affairs of the two countries. On the other hand, in the spirit of making contributions to the country, Longquan Group has to squeeze out a part of its total output and send it to country M every year. In fact, this part is very limited. If this part is forwarded to Saudi Arabia, based on Saudi national conditions and national conditions The degree of wealth should also be digested.In addition, although the comprehensive national strength of Saudi Arabia is not as good as that of country M, in terms of the wealth of individual citizens, Saudi Arabia is not inferior to country M.In terms of consumption of luxury goods, the Saudis are more willing to spend money than the people of the M country.Once Longquan fine wine enters Saudi Arabia, the price will definitely be much higher than when it was in country M. In this way, it can indeed create an additional part of the profit for Longquan Group every year.

Moreover, Longquan Group has another advantage.When other companies invest in the Middle East, in addition to bearing their own risks, they also have to worry about the dangers of goods being shot, workers being kidnapped, and terrorist attacks.However, Longquan Group has the escort of the Sky Spike, so these worries are superfluous.But despite Longquan Group's various advantages, Long Ling'er still decided to refuse. There is only one reason. Longquan fine wine's entry into the M country market was originally decided by Li Xiaogang.

Whatever Li Xiaogang decided, Long Linger insisted on.What's more, Longquan fine wine has always been the general agent of the Huaxia Federation led by Hong Tao. Because of the relationship between Hong Tao and Li Xiaogang, Long Linger and Hong Tao have met many times, and they have become friends. She is embarrassed to propose Longquan to him. Fine wine is withdrawn from country M.Even if Hong Tao agreed, the government and the leader might not agree.In short, there are too many things involved, too complicated, and it's not worth it for such a little extra profit.

In the blink of an eye, Long Ling'er's thoughts were racing, thinking about all aspects.While Long Ling'er was thinking about it, Lei Xiaotian seemed like a criminal waiting for the judge's sentence, his nervous hands trembled a little. "No, I still can't! I'm sorry Mr. Lei, thank you for your kindness, we can only accept it!" Long Ling'er spit out this sentence briskly, making Lei Xiaotian's heart drop like a roller coaster. down. "No? Why not? Can't you see, what a good opportunity this is for Longquan Group, what kind of businessman are you if you don't make money!?" Lei Xiaotian was a little anxious, and couldn't help shouting .Shen Zhenxin tried to hold him several times but failed.

If Lei Xiaotian's roar could make Long Ling'er change his mind, then the relationship between Long Ling'er and Long Sihai would not be where it is today, and more likely, Longquan Group has already been legally annexed by Qingquan Group.Long Ling'er picked out her buzzing ears, and said lightly: "Mr. Lei, I don't think there is any need for us to continue talking. Goodbye!" Long Ling'er was about to hang up the phone after speaking. Shen Zhenxin's urgent call suddenly came from the receiver, "Chairman Long, please wait!"

At this time, Shen Zhenxin had already snatched the phone from Lei Xiaotian who was about to lose control of his excitement, and hurriedly fed a few times into the microphone, but fortunately Long Linger hadn't hung up yet.Hearing that the voice had changed, Long Ling'er picked up the phone again and asked, "Who are you?" Shen Zhenxin took a long breath, trying to make her voice as calm and calm as possible.Shen Zhenxin has unprecedented rich experience in negotiating with politicians, but it is his first time negotiating with an outstanding businessman and a woman. "Hello Chairman Long, I am Shen Zhenxin, Huaxia's ambassador to Saudi Arabia!"

(End of this chapter)

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