The strongest peasant city

Chapter 946 Provoking Discord

Chapter 946 Provoking Discord
Although country M has a vast territory, a considerable part of it is covered by desert, and there is no hair on it.In country M, where every inch of land is expensive, this is absolutely an intolerable waste of resources. The economists of Country M once made an assessment. If these deserts are fully utilized, then the total economic volume of Country M will increase by at least [-]%!What does this fifty percent mean?That is an astronomically huge wealth.With this wealth, country M is likely to change the embarrassing situation of continued weakening of its hegemony, and stand on top of the world again and for a long time.Therefore, as soon as the satellite of country M detected the "abnormality" in the Huaxia Taklimakan Desert, the top officials of country M immediately responded.

The intelligence department sent a large number of spies to sneak into Taklimakan and bring back more detailed and accurate pictures and information.These pictures and materials have excited the top officials and scientists of country M.However, the foreign affairs department actively contacted Huaxia many times, but the results were frustrating. Huaxia categorically rejected the request of the United States without hesitation.Later, this situation was brought to the Congress for analysis, and more than [-]% of the members and dignitaries believed that the reason why the Chinese people did not give face to the people of country M was because the foreign policy adopted by country M towards China was too radical.

Country M is a country that pays attention to efficiency. After realizing the problem, it immediately launched a series of changes.Many plans that China could not realize due to obstruction by M country have come out of the predicament one after another, and gratifying changes have taken place.Even on the issue of the islands, the people of country M have begun to relax.The M country fleet cruising in the island strait has already begun to plan the timetable for evacuation.Although this was met with strong opposition from some quarters, the M country people were determined to ignore it this time.Of course, the Huaxia government welcomes the series of changes made by the government of country M, but whenever the people of country M mention the transfer of desert control technology, the Huaxia side always avoids talking about it, making the high-level officials of country M They were mad.

The last time Powell had a phone call with the head of the family, he learned that country M had begun to adopt a policy of comprehensive concessions to China in terms of diplomacy.Powell was shocked at the time, but he never thought that this so-called comprehensive retreat would actually retreat to such an extent.Regarding Powell's request, the head of Powell's family immediately reprimanded him severely, saying that he was adding to the chaos by making such a request at this juncture.Even if Powell claims that if this continues, all the rights and interests of country M in Saudi Arabia will be lost, and the attitude of the head of the family remains flat.It was only then that Powell realized that in order to obtain the technology for desert control, the government of Country M was going all out.

However, at the end of the call, the head of the family told him euphemistically that obtaining desert control technology through diplomatic means and government negotiations was only one of the methods currently adopted by country M.Alluding secretly, in order to obtain this technology, the people of country M have also taken other measures, and these measures are likely to be shady.In short, once the people of country M have mastered this technology and successfully applied it to the governance of their own desert, then everything will be another matter.Let Powell be patient at this extraordinary time and save it for a later date. !
Although the head of the family has repeatedly warned Powell not to mess around at this time, let alone anger the Huaxia people.But with Powell's outburst of temper, he couldn't bear it any longer when he thought that the Huaxia people would ride on his neck.While Powell was upset, Rick pushed the door open and walked in.Powell raised his eyebrows and asked in a deep voice: "You are not busy with your business, what are you doing here?" Rick smiled bitterly and said: "Now we have no advantage at all compared with the Chinese people. All the business has been snatched up by the Huaxia people, where is there any business to do?" "Huh! You are also trash! At the beginning, the Huaxia businessmen were in the same situation as you are now, and their business is not as prosperous. But now it is you , you can’t do it, it’s really disappointing!” Powell said angrily.

There was a bitter smile on Rick's face, Powell was telling the truth, and he had nothing to say.After a few dry laughs, Rick suddenly said with a smile: "Mr. Ambassador, I brought you an interesting guest today." He rushed to the door and called, "Come in!" As soon as Rick finished speaking, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. Kidom lowered his head and pushed the door open and walked in.Seeing Kidom, Powell was not surprised.The number one prodigal son in Saudi Arabia, he has had some dealings with him.But seeing Kidom's bruised nose and swollen face, which could be seen from a beating, Powell was a little surprised.Who doesn't know that Kidom is the crown prince of Saudi Arabia. How many people in the world want to curry favor but can't? Who is so courageous to beat him up?
"Kidom? It's really you! did you become like this?" Seeing Kidom's funny look, Powell tried not to laugh out loud.Reagan is a businessman. If he wants to start his own business, Rick is very generous to the Saudi dignitaries.Kidom took a lot of dollars from him, of course, the money is not worth mentioning compared to the convenience Kidom did for him.As the saying goes, they are like-minded, and the relationship between Rick and Kidom is pretty good.On the way to Powell's place, Rick ran into Kidom coming out of the hospital by chance, so he pulled him here.

Kidom is arrogant, but not brainless. It is clear that people from country M cannot provoke him, so he has shown enough respect to Powell and Kidom.With a wry smile, he said, "Mr. Powell, I made you laugh." Powell shook his head and asked curiously, "Kidom, who beat you like this? I asked some of my bodyguards to help You take revenge!" Kidom said in a bitter voice: "Forget it, it was my father who hit you." "What? Your father hit you! Why? Why did he hit you, and he shot... so... cruel ?” Powell asked curiously, his heart moved.

Kidom gritted his teeth full of hatred, and said, "My father actually wanted me to apologize to the Chinese people, of course I refused. As a result..." Powell's heartbeat accelerated for a while, and he faintly smelled that it seemed There are articles to do.He hurriedly pulled Kidom to sit on the sofa, and said slowly: "Don't worry, what's going on, please tell me in detail." Kidom frowned and told the whole story Once again, with deep dissatisfaction at the end, he said in a deep voice: "I don't know what's wrong with my father. Seeing a Chinese is like a slave meeting a master. It's really disgusting! And that Baba Raku is also booing, hum, sooner or later I won't spare him!"

Powell chuckled, glanced at Rick, and then said to Kidom seriously: "Do you know why your father bowed to the Chinese people so much, and even forced you to apologize to them?" Kidom said full of doubts : "I don't know, it's really weird. It's been a long time since I came back from Huaxia, and this matter should have been exposed long ago. I really don't understand why my father wants to bring up the old thing again and let me Apologize to the Chinese people in front of the whole world." "You don't know but I do!" Powell said with a sneer as he leaned back on the comfortable sofa.

"Oh? Why is that?" Kidom asked anxiously, his heart shaking.Powell frowned, sighed a long time, and then said quietly: "Speaking of this matter, you can't really blame your father. If you want to blame, you can only blame the Chinese people for being too domineering!" "The Chinese people? What did they do?" Kidom asked with a cold face.Powell looked at Kidom and said: "Well, since you want to know, then I will tell you, you are not too young, it is time to solve your father's problems. This matter can be traced back from The grudge between your father and Chinese Ambassador Shen Zhenxin started."

"My father has an enmity with the Chinese ambassador? How is this possible? Why have I never heard of it!" Kidom asked in surprise.Powell smiled and said, "How could your father tell you such a thing easily? Even I learned about it through many channels. As for why the two got into a grudge, you don't have to ask. I don't care if you ask." He would say, because it involves confidentiality. In short, all you need to know is that in the enmity between your father and Shen Zhenxin, your father made Shen Zhenxin lose face a lot. For this matter, Shen Zhenxin has always had a grudge against your father. Take revenge on him. So Shen Zhenxin took advantage of his relationship as a diplomat to constantly speak ill of your father in front of Huaxia's senior management, which eventually aroused the dissatisfaction of Huaxia's leadership."

After a pause, Powell saw that Kidom was listening to his story with great attention, and he felt a little joy in his heart, and then said: "Shen Zhenxin's slander made Huaxia's leadership finally start to think that your father is the president of Saudi Arabia. Unfavorable. So a conspiracy against your father was launched. While supporting Vice President Alpha to confront Du Ziji, the Chinese sent a large number of agents to infiltrate Saudi Arabia to collect extensive information that is not good for your father. People are not sages, and no one can do anything wrong. Finally, they have a lot of black material that is not good for your father. If these materials are released to the public, your father will be kicked out of the presidency immediately. And these black materials are now It's in Shen Zhenxin's hands, so your father has to bow down to them."

"Is that so!?" Kidom was furious when he heard that, and roared repeatedly.However, after Kidom calmed down, he realized some problems, and asked full of doubts: "But isn't Alpha a standard pro-American? How could he become a minion of the Chinese people?" Powell frowned, He said in a concentrated voice: "This is just the superficial phenomenon you see. In fact, Alpha is a standard pro-China element. Otherwise, how could he listen to the words of the Chinese and oppose your father? Besides, Alpha has been coveting the position of president for a long time, so who is it?" He will listen to anyone who can help him become president. I think the Huaxia people must have made some promises to him to make him so determined."

(End of this chapter)

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