The strongest peasant city

Chapter 967 Touching Long Sihai

Chapter 967 Moved Long Sihai

"Who do you think you are? A gentleman of Desheng Land! Pooh!...cough cough..." Long Sihai suddenly became extremely excited, and coughed loudly uncontrollably without saying a few words.Li Xiaogang hastily dropped the fruit basket in his hand, ran to Long Sihai's side and beat his back for him.With the help of Li Xiaogang, Long Sihai finally regained his strength.He continued: "If you are really a gentleman, you shouldn't let my daughter run the Longquan Group for you, and you shouldn't put me and my daughter on the same battlefield, we are connected by flesh and blood! Li Xiaogang, you know Well, you are committing a crime by doing this!"

Long Sihai's words were like steel needles, their roots pierced Li Xiaogang's soft heart, making him feel ashamed.Long Sihai's strength was exhausted after a fire.Long Sihai waved his hands weakly and said to Li Xiaogang: "Go, I don't want to see you anymore! You go!" Li Xiaogang did not leave, but walked slowly in front of Long Sihai, bent his legs, and knelt down with a plop When he got down, he yelled "Dad!" Li Xiaogang's father made Long Sihai's heart tremble, making Long Sihai's heart feel like it was filled with water, and it was difficult to calm down.Staring blankly at Li Xiaogang, Long Sihai asked in amazement: "You...what are you calling me?"

"Dad!" Li Xiaogang yelled again, and said, "Dad, Linger and I really love each other, and we will soon form our own family. You are Linger's father, and you are my father. Let Linger Being the president of Longquan Group was indeed my negligence, Li Xiaogang. For this reason, I have nothing to say if you scold me or beat me. I should be responsible for all these crimes as a matter of course. But Linger is innocent, It's all because she loves me that she and you are in this situation, and the culprit is me. I blame me for being too negligent and stupid. If you want to blame it, blame it on me alone! "

Li Xiaogang's attitude was very sincere. Facing Li Xiaogang like this, Long Sihai softened even though his heart was as hard as iron.With a long sigh, Long Sihai said quietly: "It doesn't matter whose fault it is, it doesn't matter anymore. Now that I'm terminally ill, I don't have much time left. I just want to be alone quietly. Spend the rest of the time. You go, just pretend that you have never been here before, just... you and I never knew each other..." Seeing Long Sihai's expression of fear, Li Xiaogang's With a pain in my heart, I said: "Dad, don't worry, as long as I am here, you will not die! Not only will I not let you die, but I will also assure you that after you recover, I will formally merge Longquan Group into You are fully responsible for Qingquan Group! From now on, there will be no Longquan Group in this world, and Qingquan Liquor will always be the sole overlord of Huaxia Liquor!"

"Ah!?" After hearing Li Xiaogang's words, Long Sihai couldn't help being taken aback. He looked at Li Xiaogang in amazement, and said, "You...are you crazy? The annual net profit of Longquan Group is thousands of yuan. Billion, the brand of Guanglongquan fine wine is worth tens of billions, and you... gave it to me without blinking an eye?" Li Xiaogang said boldly: "If a mere Longquan Group can exchange our family's Harmony and kinship, I earned it!" Just when Long Sihai was shocked by Li Xiaogang's arrogance and sincerity, Li Xiaogang took out a contract from his suit pocket, handed it to Long Sihai and said, "Before you come, , I have already drawn up the transfer contract, please take a look at it first."

Long Sihai took the contract and read it carefully. Sure enough, it clearly stated in the contract that Li Xiaogang voluntarily donated Longquan Group to Long Sihai, and Li Xiaogang had already signed and stamped his fingerprints at the signature at the end of the contract.Holding such a contract in his hand, Long Sihai had mixed feelings in his heart, and burst into tears.Li Xiaogang's heart tightened, and he thought he had done something wrong, so he hurriedly said: "Father, if you have any dissatisfaction, tell me, and I can modify it! As long as you and Linger can go back to the past , even if it means killing me, Li Xiaogang, I will say nothing!" So far, Long Sihai was completely moved by Li Xiaogang, and couldn't help holding Li Xiaogang and crying bitterly for a while.

Looking at Li Xiaogang's generosity and sincerity now, and thinking about what he did in the past, Long Sihai was so ashamed that he could hardly contain himself.The emotions that had been suppressed in his heart over the past few years flooded like a flood that broke a bank. Li Xiaogang was stunned for a moment, and then a gratified smile appeared on his face.While patting Long Sihai's back, he comforted him in a low voice.Long Sihai, the overlord of China's wine world, would hold Li Xiaogang and cry like a child. If it gets out, I don't know what kind of uproar it will cause.After crying heartily for a while, Long Sihai slowly held back his tears and let go of Li Xiaogang.Looking at him with tears in his eyes, he slowly gave him a thumbs up, and then tore the contract in his hand to pieces.

Li Xiaogang looked at Long Sihai and asked: "Father, what are you..." Long Sihai said with a smile: "I, Long Sihai, am old, but I am not old and confused. I am not the kind of bastard who doesn't know what to do." After speaking, Long Sihai sighed a long time and said: "I, Long Sihai, always thought that one must be generous in doing business. A petty person will never be able to achieve a successful career. So I kept telling my subordinates, Let them open their minds and be able to accommodate the sea and the mountains. But now I realize that this is easier said than done.

Xiao Gang, it was you who taught me this lesson, and made me finally understand how ridiculous and even hateful my previous actions were.You were right in everything you said just now, except for one thing, the culprit of all this is not you, but me!Thinking about it now, I seemed to be in a daze at the time, and all I could think about was how to turn Longquan Group into my own.Ling'er is right, it's because of me that our relationship has become so rigid.Now God let me get lung cancer, which can be regarded as retribution for me.But before I died, I was very relieved to see that Linger had such an excellent man like you. "

After listening to Long Sihai's words, Li Xiaogang let out a long breath, and it took a lot of trouble, but he finally opened up Long Sihai's heart knot, and finally had a good start.

Li Xiaogang chuckled a few times, and said, "Father, I am also very happy if you think so. I think Linger will be happier than me!" Long Sihai nodded with a smile, and then his face became serious again Get up, hold Li Xiaogang's hand and say: "Xiaogang, Ling'er's mother passed away early, I am a big man, it is inevitable that I am careless, she must have suffered a lot of grievances. Now it is hard work, I met you, you have to promise me , take good care of her for me, for the rest of my life! I can close my eyes even under the Nine Springs!"

Li Xiaogang laughed a few times, and said anxiously: "Father, what are you doing there? I heard it's very cold there, I'm afraid you can't stand it, I think you should not go? Hehe...stay here in Jiuquan Above all, wouldn’t it be nice to spend your old age peacefully and have fun with your grandson?”

Li Xiaogang's words made Long Sihai smile wryly, glared at him, and said, "I'm telling you seriously, don't be joking. The doctor said I only have half a year left, so I have to hurry up!" Li Xiaogang smiled Said: "You believe what the doctor said, your brain is not squeezed by the door, right?"

Long Sihai stared and said, "It's not big or small, I don't believe in doctors, can I still believe in yours?" Li Xiaogang chuckled a few times and said: "Of course, my words are much more reliable than doctors! I can live another 50 years, or even longer, believe it or not?" Long Sihai smiled wryly, and said, "Don't say 50 years, I would be grateful if I could live another [-] months. My own body, my own You know, Xiao Gang, I really don't have much time left. Qingquan Liquor is my life's painstaking effort, and after I die, I will leave it to you and Ling'er to take care of..."

Li Xiaogang said: "I'm sorry, I don't have time to help you, I have too many things on hand!" Long Sihai looked at Li Xiaogang full of annoyance and shouted: "You brat, I saw you as a good person just now. Why are you becoming more and more like a jerk? These are the last words of an old man who is dying, please be serious, can you be serious?" Li Xiaogang coughed and said: "Okay, I will be serious now Dad, I just told you that what you have is just a minor illness, it seems that you don’t believe me.” Long Sihai glared at him, and said angrily, “It’s not that I don’t believe you, it’s that I’m not crazy yet!”

Li Xiaogang smiled wryly, and said quietly: "The feeling of not being believed by others is really painful enough. In order to prevent this from continuing on me, Dad, I'm sorry." "You...what do you want to do?" Long Si Hai was taken aback and asked loudly.Li Xiaogang laughed strangely, grabbed Long Sihai's arm fiercely, before Long Sihai could react, Long Sihai's body suddenly lightened, and floated into the air like a cloud. "What... what's going on here!?" Long Sihai was so shocked that he was about to lose his breath.It was as if there was an invisible large tray supporting him, and his body was fixed in the air like that, neither floating nor falling, which seemed really weird.

"Stinky boy, what did you do to me?" Long Sihai shouted at Li Xiaogang in astonishment.Li Xiaogang chuckled a few times, and said, "Father, just close your eyes and enjoy yourself!" As he spoke, Li Xiaogang folded his hands together, rubbed them together, and pushed his palms toward the sky at the same time, a piece of crystal and magnificent purple light followed. The palm gesture burst out, forming a purple chrysalis cocoon under Long Sihai's body, wrapping Long Sihai's entire body tightly.This feeling is so comfortable and wonderful, like soaking in a stable hot spring, more like lying on a girl's soft chest, that wonderful feeling made Long Sihai close his eyes involuntarily, There was a vague moan from his mouth.

While Long Sihai was enjoying this rare and wonderful taste, Li Xiaogang was carefully manipulating every strand of Nuwa's divine power to travel through Long Sihai's body, rounding up and killing cancer cells.Under the doctor's scalpel, these cancer cells are clever and difficult to deal with, but in front of Li Xiaogang's psychic Nuwa divine power, they are like idiots, letting them be dealt with.But Li Xiaogang also knows that the division speed of this cancer cell is astonishing, as long as there is only one left, it will split into a bunch in a short time that makes you crazy, so Li Xiaogang searched very carefully, and the progress was a little slow because of this, Actually fell asleep, and let out one or two pleasant snoring sounds from time to time, making Li Xiaogang dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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