The strongest peasant city

Chapter 984 Baraku's Hidden Pain

Chapter 984 Baraku's Hidden Pain
Du Ziji glanced at Lightning suspiciously, took the file bag and carefully opened it, and took out a pile of densely written materials from it.Lightning said lightly: "Take these to meet those congressmen, I believe they will definitely change their minds!" Du Ziji hurriedly took out one, and read it carefully. After reading only a few lines, Du Ziji's face suddenly changed , and hastily flipped through other documents, the more he scrolled down, the uglier Du Ziji's face became, and finally he looked at Lightning with some horror, and asked, " everything said in these documents true? Lightning nodded and said, "It's absolutely true!"

"It's unreasonable, these hateful moths!" Du Ziji roared, and threw the materials heavily on the table.Baraku took it over, glanced at it a few times, with a look of shock on his face, and murmured: "I've heard that our Saudi's upper peak has bad problems, and I've always been unwilling to believe it. I’m afraid I won’t believe it.” He looked at Du Ziji and said, “Du Ziji, the most urgent task now is to use these materials to control those defecting congressmen, and when Alpha is overthrown, we will settle accounts with them one by one.” Du Ziji held back the anger in his heart, nodded, and asked Lightning: "Mr. Lightning, why is there no material about Alpha in it? If he is clean, I wouldn't believe it even if he was killed!"

Lightning frowned, and said: "I also think that Alpha is not clean, but my people have tried everything, but they can't find any flaws in him. If Alpha is not clean, then his subordinates must have An accountant who is extremely good at making accounts can make the accounts so seamless that no one can see the slightest flaw." "Could it be Portis?" Du Ziji's expression changed, and he glanced at Baraku and said.A sad expression suddenly appeared on Baraku's face, and he said sadly: "No, even if Portis is still alive, she will definitely not help that old bastard Alpha..."

Seeing the difference in the expressions of Duziji and Baraku, Lightning asked curiously: "Who is this Portis you are talking about?" Duziji sighed, and said, "You should tell Baraku." Baraku nodded, and said in a deep voice, "Portis is my wife..."

"What? Your wife? Haven't you always been single?" Shen Zhenxin was surprised after hearing Baraku's words, and couldn't help asking repeatedly.Baraku said bitterly: "I was married ten years ago, and I married Portis. Portis is a very gentle, beautiful and extremely intelligent woman. She has an unusual talent for numbers, No matter how difficult the accounts are in her hands, she can straighten them out within a few hours. She is a genius in the accounting industry. At that time, I just became the oil minister. It was a mess and a mess, and it took Portis three days and three nights to sort out the entire account, calculate the profit and loss, and pave the way for my future career..." While saying these words, There was deep gratitude and deep love in Baraku's tone, which was touching.

"Then where is she now?" Shen Zhenxin asked. "Missing, disappeared into this world like the wind, without a trace, life and death are unknown." When mentioning this, Baraku's face was not only sad, but also deeply tired. For ten years, he He never gave up looking for Portis for a moment, and he might be really tired by now. "Missing? What's going on?" Shen Zhenxin became more and more puzzled.Seeing Baraku's sad expression, Du Ziji said: "Let me say this! Portis's financial talent was quickly exposed to the public, and everyone knows it. Many big consortia and big companies in the world want to hire Portis served as their bookkeeping director and promised her a huge profit. However, facing the temptation of these money, Portis always insisted on her love for Baraku, and refused all these requests without the slightest nostalgia But one day, Portis went shopping and never came back. I sent the police all over the country to search, but there was no news, no one was alive, no dead body!"

After listening to Du Ziji's words, Lightning almost instinctively felt that Portis's behavior was always strange, and it would not be simple. "Then why do you suspect that the person who will help Alpha with the accounts will be Portis?" Lightning asked keenly.Du Ziji frowned, and said: "The reason why I have such doubts is because apart from her, there is probably no other person in the world who can cover up Alpha's greed so well that you can't even notice it. And The second reason is based on my understanding of Alpha's character. Alpha is a person who will use any means to achieve his goals. As long as he succeeds, he will dare to use any method. Among the people who invited Portis back then, there was also Alpha, and he was the most eager. I found Portis three times, but was rejected three times. Baraku, do you still remember that the day before Portis disappeared, Alpha came to look for Portis, and ended up pushing Portis into a hurry, and even quarreled with him? up."

Baraku frowned, and said, "I remember! But what does this mean? Could it suspect that Alpha kidnapped Portis in order to help him with these shady accounts?" Du Ziji pointed heavily He nodded and said: "I started to suspect a long time ago, and I also sent undercover people to Alpha, but these people either disappeared or were shot dead, and no news came back." "Damn, this old bastard, I'll ask him right now!" Baraku felt impulsive, gnashing his teeth and was about to rush out the door.

Du Ziji grabbed him, and said bitterly: "You have no proof now, even if you go, Alpha will not admit it. If Portis is really in his hands, if you do this, you will startle the snake. , it is likely to bring great danger to Portis!" Du Ziji's words made Baraku calm down a little, and he said with pain in his arms: "Then what should I do? Don't do anything, just watch Do you want Portis to be bullied by that old bastard?" Du Ziji smiled wryly, and said, "Don't be like this, Baraku, I was just guessing just now, maybe Portis is not in Alpha's hands?"

Lightning frowned, and said in a deep voice: "I'll find out if I'm here or not. Your task now is to take these materials to find those congressmen. It's getting late now, and we don't have much time!" Du Ziji told Bala Ku said: "Mr. Lightning is right. Tomorrow's Congress is the top priority. Baraku, as long as we bring down Alpha, are you afraid that you won't be able to pry his mouth open and ask Portis' whereabouts?" Raku gritted his teeth, nodded heavily, and said, "Yes, let's find a way to get him off the horse first. Once he loses power, let's see how I can kill him." He looked at the materials in Du Ziji's hand, feeling a little worried He said: "These materials may involve hundreds of congressmen. Even if we split up and search for them one by one, it will take three days. I'm afraid it will be too late."

Lightning sneered and said, "It doesn't matter, you two will convince the important congressmen, and I will leave the rest to me. My people will find a way to get them to support you, President!" These black materials involve many congressmen If the secret of the secret is grasped by someone with a heart, it may cause big trouble, so Du Ziji dare not hand over these materials to his subordinates easily, and sent his subordinates to persuade those congressmen.When I was worrying, I couldn't help but feel happy when I heard the words of Lightning. It is undoubtedly the most appropriate for this matter to be taken care of by the thorns. It is effective and there is no need to be afraid that the materials will be leaked. More importantly, the efficiency can be greatly improved. .

Du Ziji looked at Lightning gratefully, his voice was full of excitement, and said: "Mr. Lightning, Mr. Shen, thanks to your great help this time, without you, I, Du Ziji, would probably be kicked out of the stage by Alpha in embarrassment. Your I, Du Ziji, will always remember this kindness in my heart, and I dare not forget each other!" Lightning said with a chuckle: "Mr. President, there is no need to do this, and it is not too late to wait until you are done!" Du Ziji nodded and said: "Now the time It's urgent, let's split up. Baraku and I will select some of these materials, and the rest will be handed over to your thorns!" As he spoke, he selected more than a dozen of the black materials in Congress. Half of the materials of the high-status councilors were handed over to Baraku, and he hurried out of the office.

Baraku had just walked a few steps, and suddenly stopped again, his eyes flickered, he looked at Lightning pleadingly, and said in a deep tone: "Mr. Lightning, Portis is my true love, I always hope that she can Come back to me. But my strength is limited, my heart is powerless, I... I can only entrust all of this to you, sir. I hope you can find Portis and bring her back..." Lightning nodded , said: "Don't worry. As long as your wife is still alive, I will definitely find her back!"

After Du Ziji and Baraku left, Lightning handed over the remaining materials to Gao Feng, and asked him to assign them to the sky thorns, and launched operations at the same time.Today, a mysterious guest appears in the home of almost every Saudi MP. They seem to have descended from the sky, and they bring gifts that make these MPs shudder. They seem to be the messengers of the legendary devil Satan. , Mentioning everything that happened today, I still have lingering fears, like a thorn in my back, restless.With these materials, Lightning felt at ease, and was not at all worried that these councilors would not submit obediently.Now the name Portis is circling in his mind...

Seeing that Lightning kept frowning and remained silent, Shen Zhenxin knew what he was thinking, and couldn't help but said: "Du Ziji sent people to investigate for more than ten years but failed to find any clues. I don't think it takes a day or two to find Portis. You don’t have to worry too much about it.” Lightning smiled wryly, and said quietly: “Didn’t you see Baraku’s expression? He loves Portis so much, if I can’t help him If we find Portis back, he may live in the abyss of pain for the rest of his life. If we want to really get Baraku as a friend, we must find Portis back!" Shen Zhenxin frowned: "What you said I understand, but this matter is much trickier than it appears on the surface, and I'm afraid it's not that easy."

(End of this chapter)

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