The strongest peasant city

Chapter 993 Reunion

Chapter 993 Reunion

Lightning smiled and said, "Those who are able should work harder! By the way, it's almost time for lunch. If you have time at noon, I'll treat you to a meal!" Baraku laughed and asked, "Please let me What's the reason for eating?" Lightning said: "The Saudi oil production reduction plan you drafted helped our Longteng Group solve a big problem, and I should set a table to thank you for this matter, shouldn't I?" Raku said sincerely: "Obviously, cutting oil production is detrimental to Saudi Arabia's national interests, but in the long run, it is a great thing for Saudi Arabia. You don't need to thank me!"

Lightning said: "Eating is eating, why do you have to find so many reasons. Are you coming or not?" Baraku smiled wryly and said: "It stands to reason that if you invite me to dinner, I must go, but the work in hand It's too much and too complicated, I really can't find time..." Before he could finish speaking, Lightning interrupted him and said, "I don't believe it, you took the time to have a meal with me, Saudi Arabia This country will perish. Don't talk anymore, I will reserve a box at the King Hotel to wait for you at noon, if you don't go, I swear to your Allah, you will regret it for the rest of your life." Raku had the opportunity to speak, and quickly hung up the phone.After hanging up the phone, Lightning called Gao Feng again, gave him detailed instructions, and then leaned back on the sofa contentedly, secretly laughing.

Looking at the lightning who couldn't help smiling, Shen Zhenxin said with a smile: "I really can't see that a serious person like you can play like this sometimes." Lightning touched his face, frowned and asked: "I ...does it look very serious?" Shen Zhenxin smiled and said nothing, but he was thinking in his heart, the leader of the majestic thorn, just hearing the name can scare many people, it is more than just being serious...

Hearing that Lightning said that he would regret not going, Baraku didn't dare to neglect, he hurriedly packed up the work at hand, and arrived at the box that Lightning said earlier than the appointed time.Sitting alone in the box, Baraku was a little restless, his heart was beating inexplicably, as if it was about to jump out of his throat, and he always felt that something was about to happen.As time went by, this feeling became more and more intense, to the point that Baraku couldn't even sit down in his chair, and paced restlessly around the huge dining table.

While Baraku was fidgeting in the box, under the guidance of Gao Feng, the convoy slowly stopped outside the door of the King Hotel.Seeing the car stopped, Portis stuck her head out of the window curiously, and saw that it was the King Hotel, Portis couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement in her heart, recalling that ten years ago, she and Baraku came here to enjoy the The romance between the two of them brought tears to their eyes, and a strong longing in their hearts, longing to see Baraku now.Looking at Gao Feng with tears in her eyes, Portis said sadly: "Sir, no matter who you are, no matter what you want me to do, I only hope that you can let me see my husband, even if it is far away. Just looking at him makes me happy."

After hearing this, Gao Feng made a troubled expression on his face and said, "Well... I'm sorry, I can't make the decision. I have to ask Shangfeng for instructions!" I'll see Baraku, and I'm willing to do anything!" Portis said impatiently to Gao Feng.Gao Feng smiled wryly, and said faintly: "I know you are eager to see Baraku, but you are not in a hurry. Why don't we eat first, and after we finish eating, I will ask Feng for instructions..." "No! I want to see Baraku right now, I don’t want to eat anything! Otherwise, you will kill me now, or you will never think that I will go with you!” Portis stubbornly yelled at Gao Feng.

Gao Feng picked his ears and said calmly: "Miss, I'm afraid you can't decide now, right? Or come in with me for dinner, or else, you will never see your husband again in your life!" "I..." Look Going to the peak, she didn't like her at all. Portis was a little speechless, and walked towards the hotel full of helplessness and frustration. He brought her to the door of the box that Lightning had reserved earlier.

Baraku in the box waited and waited. Seeing that the time agreed with Lightning had passed, but he still didn't see Lightning, he was a little anxious and was hesitating whether to call Lightning when he suddenly heard a call from the door. There was a sound of footsteps outside, thinking it was lightning, he hurriedly stood up from his seat, and straightened his suit and tie.With a soft creaking sound, the door of the box was slowly pushed open. When the door was opened and Portis's pretty face was revealed, Baraku seemed to be hit hard with a sap. , the whole head went blank with a buzzing sound, and time seemed to stop at this moment...

The shock that Portis received was no less than that of Baraku. When she cast her gaze into the box, her sharp eyes immediately caught the very familiar figure of Baraku. Portis clearly felt that at this moment, she His heart missed several beats.The pupils dilated little by little, and the longing that had been suppressed in her heart for the past ten years was instantly released, making it difficult for her to control herself, so she tightly covered her mouth to prevent herself from screaming.However, the voice can be covered, but the tears cannot be covered.The tears gushing out like a fountain rolled down the cheeks. There were sweetness and bitterness in the tears, astringency and the joy of reunion. Every drop was full of the most sincere affection.

Looking at this scene, Gao Feng felt relieved in his heart, leaned into Portis's ear, and said softly: "Didn't you ask me, who is your buyer? No, it's him!" Shocked, he looked back at Gao Feng in surprise. Gao Gao had a bright smile on his face, and there were endless blessings in the smile, so he looked extraordinarily bright.After waving at her, Gao Feng slowly closed the door of the box. At this moment, the world only belongs to Portis and Baraku...

"Hey, why are you closing the door? I'm hungry too, and I want to eat too!" Fest, who came after him, didn't know what happened in the box. When he saw Gao Feng was about to close the door, he felt anxious and rushed up yelling.Gao Feng rudely pulled him aside, and said in a low voice, "Don't you know that being a light bulb is going to hell?"

"Bulb?" Fester was stunned for a moment, then suddenly came to his senses, pointed to the box, and murmured, "What's inside..." Lightning nodded heavily, and said, "Aren't you hungry? Let's go." , go to the next door and I will treat you to a meal! I also want to know who you are, and why you are locked up with Portis." Fesd laughed and said: "That's really great, I I also want to know who you are? I have never seen such a powerful Chinese Kung Fu in movies, I guess your background must be amazing!" After finishing speaking, the two of them hooked their shoulders and walked towards the next box in a somewhat wretched manner. ...

"Portis..." In the box, Baraku couldn't believe his eyes, and rubbed vigorously. When he confirmed that Portis was still standing there, Baraku finally couldn't help it, and ran towards her. Passing over, he hugged her tightly in his arms, and big drops of heroic tears rolled down, pouring out ten years of lovesickness.Portis is not like this. When she was embraced by Baraku, the longing and grievance that had been buried in Portis's heart for ten years burst out at the same time in an instant. The tough woman who dug the escape route in time, became a woman made of water, delicate and fragile, who needed someone to take care of her.

Hearing Portis cry bitterly, Baraku was filled with guilt, hugged Portis even more tightly, and murmured, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." He hated himself for being so incompetent that he let his woman suffer. Ten years of suffering, life is short, and there will be several decades.Thinking of the scene where Portis shed tears every day, Baraku wanted to slap himself a few times.Gently holding Portis's face, Baraku stared at her affectionately, then slowly covered her lips, and kissed Portis with all his tenderness.

At this moment, the two have been dreaming for ten years, and now the dream has finally come true. In the fiery kiss, the emotional gap of ten years has been perfectly filled, love is sublimating, love is burning, and the whole box is covered Shrouded in deep love, warm and sweet... After an affectionate kiss, the two sat on the sofa holding hands and talked about their experiences in the past ten years.Hearing that Portis was living a life like a prisoner, Baraku was heartbroken to death, and at the same time, a monstrous hatred arose spontaneously. He wished he could go to Alpha right now, but fortunately, Portis desperately pulled him back.

Baraku looked into Portis's eyes full of guilt, and said affectionately: "Portis, I am really useless, I made you suffer so much, but I did nothing for you... Portis shook her head and said: "No, you have! At least you miss me every day, care about me, love me, that's enough." Hearing Portis's words, Baraku was moved and Portis's tolerance is for her strength.Holding Portis's hand tightly, he said slowly: "All disasters are over. Thank you, Allah, for sending you back to my side. Our life is still long, and in the years to come, I will I must hold your hand tightly and never let go."

Portis smiled sweetly, leaned her head lightly on Baraku's chest, and murmured: "We should indeed thank Allah, but what we should thank more is those who rescued me. You I don't know, if they come one step later, maybe I... I will never see you again." Speaking of the situation at that time, Portis still had lingering fear, and her face could not help showing panic.Baraku nodded and said, "This must be Mr. Lightning's masterpiece. No wonder he said, if I don't come to eat this meal, I will regret it forever, hehe..."

(End of this chapter)

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