The strongest peasant city

Chapter 999 The mantis catches the cicada, the oriole is behind

Chapter 999 The mantis catches the cicada, the oriole is behind
Alpha said lightly: "I'm not as crazy as you think. It's true that these people are the marines of country M, but their mission is to save me from Saudi Arabia. This is the filial piety of my daughter and son-in-law. How can I Do you not accept it?" "The Marine Corps of country M sneaked into Saudi Arabia secretly, which is itself a provocation. It even killed and injured many soldiers in Saudi Arabia. I want to see what kind of explanation the M Congress will give this time!" Baraku road.Alpha pursed his lips, waved his hand and said: "There is no need to explain at all, because what happened today will never be leaked!"

Alpha's words shook Baraku's heart, and he looked at him incredulously, and asked in a deep voice: " you want to kill people to silence?" Alpha said with a tut: "Actually, in my plan, originally You two shouldn’t be there. But Portis is going to die, and I can’t do anything about it. Don’t blame me when you get to the underworld. If you want to blame, you are too stupid, and luck is so bad That's bad enough!" After hearing what Alpha said, Portis almost fainted out of breath, her pretty face was bloodshot with anger and turned bright red.

"Do it!" Alpha shouted coldly, and a burst of gunshots rang out immediately, and the soldiers escorting Alpha immediately fell into a pool of blood.Watching several lives disappear in an instant, Portis couldn't help but feel a burst of sadness in his heart, and two lines of crystal tears flowed from his eyes.Seeing that Portis was crying, Alpha laughed and said, "Don't cry too soon, it's better to save your tears and use them when you are about to die." After speaking, he pushed Portis into the arms of a marine from M country , said in English: "Don't kill them yet, it may be useful to keep them!"

Under the leadership of the marines, a group of people ran quickly towards an open space near the cemetery.

Portis and Baraku struggled desperately, trying to slow down their speed, but facing the tall and strong M country marines, it seemed that all resistance was futile.There was a sudden buzzing sound of propellers, and Alpha hurriedly looked up, only to see a heavily armed military helicopter slowly appearing in everyone's sight.Seeing the helicopter, Alpha's heart couldn't help but relax, a smile appeared on his face, and he said: "I, Alpha, have no scruples in my life, how can I just fall down when I say it? Hmph... just wait, when I get to country M, I will definitely I will find a way to come back, and by that time, I will definitely let Du Ziji die without a place to bury him!"

Watching the helicopter fly closer and closer, Alpha's laughter became more and more arrogant, while Portis and Baraku became more and more desperate. Once Alpha got on the plane, it would be easier than going to heaven to catch him again Not much.Seeing that Baraku's anxious eyes were red, Alpha was very happy, and laughed haha: "Baraku, so what if I imprisoned Portis for ten years? What can you do to me? You must hate him now. Me, you can hate, who let hate be the power of the weak! Haha..." "Alpha, I will fight with you!" Baraku was completely enraged, and recklessly bumped his head at Alpha.Alpha swiftly dodged to the side, but Baraku was ruthlessly knocked to the ground by a fist that flew out from a slanting stab.

"Damn it, if you're dishonest again, I'll have someone kill you right now, anyway, we still have Portis, one hostage is enough!" "Okay, you kill me, kill me!" Bara Ku was so ashamed and angry that he wished he could bump his head to death.Alpha pinched his neck with his hands, and said coldly: "It's not easy to kill you? I just need to hook my fingers lightly. But you still have a lot of use for me, and I can't bear to kill you." Seeing the sinister sneer on Alpha's face, Baraku's heart seemed to have fallen into a cliff and sank all the way down. He asked in surprise, "You...what else do you want?"

Alpha smiled lightly and said, "It suddenly occurred to me that Portis is a rare genius. Wouldn't it be a pity if she just died like this? I want her to continue working for me and create wealth for me, but she is so stubborn , I still rely on you to convince her for me, hehe..."

Hearing Alpha's words, Baraku couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. In his eyes, Alpha suddenly turned into a terrifying poisonous snake.Gritting his teeth, Baraku said with resentment: "Don't even think about it, even if our husband and wife die together, we will never be used by you again!" Alpha said lightly: "It is really impossible in this world to What happened? I, Alpha, never believed it. You all thought I was doomed this time, but I still turned around? Don’t worry, when we arrive in country M, we have plenty of time, and I will always make you change your mind, haha Ha ha……'

"Mr. Alpha, the helicopter is about to land, and it's time to get ready for boarding!" A Marine from Country M came over and said to Alpha.Alpha looked back, and the helicopter was indeed very close to them. Portis and Baraku couldn't help feeling a surge of despair. They never expected that Alpha would be the winner at the end of the game.It is said that evil can prevail over good, but here, why is it that the person who laughs last is a bad person?
Baraku's heart was full of unwillingness.His eyes were full of hatred and curse, staring at the slowly flying helicopter.Seeing Baraku's expression, Alpha said with some amusement: "Dear Baraku, you don't want to destroy my helicopter with your eyes, do you? Hahaha..." Alpha looked up to the sky and laughed, but not After he laughed a few times, he heard a loud bang coming from the sky, and a strong wave of air threw him to the ground fiercely.Alpha didn't care about the broken bones, and hurriedly looked back in astonishment, only to see that the helicopter, which was still in good condition just now, had turned into a big fireball and fell from the sky roaring.

Alpha was stunned by this scene, as if he had seen a ghost, his eyes widened to the maximum, and he looked at the flaming helicopter stupidly, then as if he had reacted, he subconsciously looked at Baraku look.Baraku's expression was the same as his, he was also stunned and petrified. "No... no way..." Alpha was about to go crazy, and murmured blankly, Wu Luan couldn't believe that the plane was 'glared' down by Baraku. "Mr. Alpha, be careful, there is an enemy attack!" Just when Alpha felt incredible, a marine from M country rushed over, lifted him from the ground, and said loudly.

Only then did Alpha come back to his senses, and suddenly realized that at some point, a group of mysterious men in black appeared and surrounded them at an extremely fast speed. "The praying mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole follows?" Alpha immediately instinctively flashed these eight words in his mind. "It's Mr. Gaofeng!" At this moment, Portis saw the face of one of the men in black clearly, and couldn't help but screamed loudly. Jump up, go to meet him, and kiss Gao Feng fiercely.

When there is complete despair, hope suddenly comes without warning, that feeling is believed to be enough to make people cry with joy.After Du Ziji realized that he had been duped, he immediately called Lightning. He understood that at this critical moment, it was meaningless to count on the army and the police.Hearing Portis' shout of surprise, Alpha shouted anxiously: "Shoot and kill them!" In fact, the guns in the hands of the marines never stopped for a moment, and the bullets shot at Gao Feng and the others as if free of money. .But the bullet seems to have eyes, always avoiding the peak intentionally or unintentionally.No matter how accurately they aim, the result is always a little bit worse.This feeling is extremely depressing and driving people crazy.

Just when the marksmanship of the marines from country M had collective problems, the sky spurs led by Gao Feng were getting closer and closer to them. "Damn it! Who are they!" The marine captain let out an angry roar, dropped the gun in his hand, took out a sharp saber from his waist, and slashed at Gao Feng fiercely.Gao Feng snorted coldly, and moved his body slightly to the side, dodging his blade, and at the same time punched like lightning, hitting his chest with the force of a thunderbolt.The strength of Gao Feng's punch was so fierce and powerful. The Marine Captain's body, as strong as cast iron, couldn't even withstand this punch.

His last cry sounded the death knell for his men.Accompanied by the shouts, the Sky Spikes launched an attack at the same time, flocking to the M country marines from all directions.Although these marines have received good training and experienced the test of bullets and bullets, they can be called real soldiers, but in the face of the wolves and tigers, their vulnerable side is vividly displayed.The Sky Spike's attack was fast and effective, and often before the marines could react, their bodies were severely injured and they lost their fighting ability instantly.

Seeing the five big and three rough marines fall down one after another like cutting wheat, the shock in Alpha's heart was like a crazy tsunami, drowning him in an instant.His hands and feet became cold, and nothing but fear was on his face.There were no screams, because the sky thorn's attack was too fast, and there was no time for these marines to scream.There was silence all around, only the swishing sound of clothes breaking through the air, and the muffled sound of fists and feet hitting human flesh from time to time.It was a silent hell, and there was terror in the air.Portis had already seen a terrorist attack from the sky thorn, she was the calmest among the three of Alpha and Baraku, but at this moment she couldn't hide her excitement, her face was flushed.

Baraku was ten times more surprised than Portis.As a senior politician in Saudi Arabia, Baraku has long heard of the sky thorn.But it's just rumors, knowing that the Sky Spike is a terrifying organization that cannot be provoked, but they have never really seen the terrifying side of the Sky Spike.Now the opportunity has come, the erupting sky thorns are really in front of his eyes, the shocking visual effect makes Baraku's heart feel like a dead leaf in the stormy waves, it is hard to move up and down calm.

(End of this chapter)

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