The general has a cute wife

Chapter 168 Listening to Their Arrangements

Chapter 168 Listening to Their Arrangements

Thinking of the past, Su Puzhen still felt a little sad: "Listen to their arrangements? You really treat us as pawns. If you listen to Jiang Ze, maybe he will ask you to divorce your wife right away, will you listen?"

He definitely won't listen, Yu Linsheng will kill anyone who dares to divorce his wife.

Speaking of the little girl, Su Puzhen's eyes were full of deep meaning: "You boy, I have reminded you, your wife is too young, you can't stand her, young man, you have to be restrained."

The blue veins on Yu Linsheng's forehead were throbbing: "You don't need to worry about this matter."

Hehe, I'm not happy anymore, it seems that I have just tasted the sweetness of intercourse, and I am reluctant to break it off, as someone who has experienced it, he expresses his understanding.

Lowering his voice, he leaned over: "The medicine I gave you, you have to remember to give it to your little daughter-in-law. Don't accidentally give birth to a child. It will be you who will suffer then. Take care of two children at once."

Yu Linsheng stood up and said, "Let's go, I'm still busy."

Su Puzhen smiled hippie: "I understand, I understand, you are busy, your wife is still inside, isn't she? Go ahead, I'll leave right away, hey, don't push me, I will walk by myself."

Throwing him out and closing the door, Su Puzhen was still knocking on the door outside, explaining in a long-winded manner: "Take it easy, don't hurt anyone, remember to take medicine, and be gentle."

Alas, Yu Linsheng took a room, which broke his heart.

What this brother did was really loyal.

After silently praising herself, Su Puzhen left slowly.

Back in the house, the little girl had already gotten up, she was sitting at the desk with a book reading, when she saw him come in, she looked up and then lowered her head to continue reading.

Yu Linsheng sat over and looked at her for a while before speaking: "It's a good thing to study hard, but don't read it every day, be careful to become a nerd."

The little girl lowered her head and said in a very low voice, "No way."

Put her book away and pull her up: "Stop reading, I'll take you to ride a horse."

Over the years, he has taught the little girl a lot, almost everything he knows. Of course, except for martial arts, the little girl is afraid of pain and unwilling to learn, so he doesn't pay much attention to teaching.

With him here, there is no need for the little girl to learn martial arts.

He carried the little girl onto the big black horse, wrapped her in his arms, and swayed slowly to relax. He didn't hear her speak along the way, and he didn't know what she was thinking.

Yu Linsheng looked down at her: "What are you thinking?"

Xiao Wan's ears turned red: "I heard Brother Su said that you have become the chief soldier, is it true?"

Yu Linsheng was silent for a while before nodding: "Probably so."

"Then you have to go back to Xianyang to thank you?"

"This is natural, what's wrong? Homesick?"

Xiao Wanqing nodded: "That year, I left with you and haven't gone back for so many years. I miss my mother and brother."

He tightened his arms a little, and hugged her tightly: "Then we will go back after the imperial decree."

With Jin Wang Jiang Chun's guarantee, Yu Linsheng's appointment as the commander-in-chief will soon be settled. After the edict was announced by the edict, Yu Linsheng took two days to hand over everything. Yuan and Linlang's younger sister, Linglong, went on the road with them.

Everything in Xianyang remains the same, but the people who meet at the gate of the city have changed a lot.

The year before last, Jiang Yan married Li Xuehua, the younger sister of Li Anqing, the second daughter of Li Yun, the prince of the dynasty, as the concubine of the crown prince. He strengthened his power and reversed the defeat in the process of seizing the throne.

Today, Li Anqing and the others came to welcome Yu Linsheng, and Jiang Yan also came, but not for Yu Linsheng.

 I saw the comments of the cuties yesterday, and I wanted to reply one by one, but the system is too fucked up to say that I operate too frequently, and I can’t get a single reply, which is embarrassing, so I’m here today. , Shizheng will continue to work hard.

(End of this chapter)

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