Chapter 191 Yulang
Yu Linsheng pursed her lips: It's over, I guess this girl guessed what she did, what should I do?
Sitting silently facing each other for half a stick of incense, Yu Linsheng jumped down with bare feet, clasped him in his arms, hugged him and went to the couch, pulled the quilt and wrapped the two tightly together, with the tip of the nose touching, breathing entangled.

Xiao Wanqing looked at him with a flushed face, her voice trembling slightly: "What are you doing?"

He leaned over, followed by the warmth and wetness of the corners of his mouth, Xiao Wanqing felt as if she had been shocked by an electric shock, her whole body went numb for a moment, and the hand holding his clothes subconsciously tightened.

He actually kissed the corner of her mouth.

Yu Linsheng walked away for half a minute, rubbed the tip of her nose with her, and said in a hoarse voice, "I have already established a crown, and you should too, grow up faster."

He tightened his arms, clasped her tightly in his arms, and buried his face in her neck. The hot air he exhaled made Xiao Wanqing burn like a fire, and his whole body was numb and weak.

His embrace was very hot, and he could feel the scorching heat even through the clothes. Xiao Wanqing didn't dare to move, and tightly grasped the clothes on his waist. After using too much force, the bones of his hands were a little sore, so she couldn't help but relax. Come down, slide over slowly, and hug his lean waist.

Yu Linsheng trembled slightly, and added some strength, as if she was very unwilling but trying to endure.

"Go to sleep, it's getting late."

He seemed to have really fallen asleep, his breathing gradually became even between Xiao Wanqing's neck, and the strength of his arms also became weaker.

Guessing that he must be fast asleep, Xiao Wanqing opened her eyes and withdrew lightly, laying her pillow on the side and watching him carefully, her small hands gently covering his face.

"Lin Sheng." She called out tentatively, paused, and called out again tentatively, almost inaudibly: "Yulang."

Still no response, must be asleep?

Rubbing his face carefully, it seemed that many things were slowly churning.

He has no power, power, or wealth. He is a well-known dandy in Xianyang.

At that time, King Ji did his duty, and concubine Yugui's mother and son looked at Jiang Run and Jiang Yan's fiery fight indifferently, and did not show any intentions. The queen was pushed by Jiang Run, and mistakenly thought that King Ji could win her over, so she thought of getting married. , Originally, she wanted to marry Jiang Ze, but Xiao Jian never let her go.

But Xiao Quan is determined to win over Jiang Ze for Jiang Yan, and no one can change it.

For this reason, parents quarrel, father and brother separate, and father and daughter separate.

In the end, Xiao Jian made a compromise, carefully screened the relationship with Mrs. Xiao in Jiang Ze, and fell in love with Yu Linsheng, a notorious and powerless playboy far away from the border.

He is Jiang Ze's cousin. He is eighteen years old and has made great military achievements. He is not yet married.

She had heard about him from the maid, he loved to drink flowers and wine, he did not plan for a career, he was a slutty son.

On the day before her marriage, the most news she heard was how many enemy soldiers Yu Linsheng had killed.

She was terrified and curious about what kind of person that dude would be.

According to the servant girl, the person she is going to marry looks as handsome as a fairy, with a frivolous and unruly personality.

Xiao Jiancong said that it was thanks to Yu Linsheng's help that he was able to become the censor of Yanyan.

At that time, Xiao Jian had just returned from his study tour, and rushed back to Xianyang to participate in the Golden Palace Examination via Qingzhou. On the way, he met many killers, all of whom prevented him from returning to Xianyang.

But he met a guard named Su Jin, who said that their general could not understand those people bullying scholars, and told him to escort him back to Xianyang. Along the way, Su Jin tried his best to send him back to Xianyang safely.

Before leaving, Xiao Jiancong asked him: "Who is your general?"

(End of this chapter)

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