Chapter 196

When they went to the banquet that day, Mrs. Xu watched them get off the car from upstairs, Xiao Quan, who used to be rigid and pedantic, helped her down with care, and even asked someone to take a cloak and put it on her personally.

But she seemed to be losing her temper, she pushed Xiao Quan away, and helped Xiao Jian to come in, Xiao Quan was not annoyed, he chased after her and put the cloak on her body, took her hand and led her in.

When going upstairs and entering the door, Xiao Quan came in first, and she staggered half a step and followed behind Xiao Quanquan. The candlelight in the room was very bright, and Xu Shi could see clearly.

She looks to be in her late thirties, with a delicate face, and a royal blue dress fits her very well. She is gentle and majestic, and she looks like a good-natured person.

During that meal, Mrs. Xu was somewhat stimulated. Xiao Quan and Yu Cheng'an were drinking and talking, and they didn't forget to pick some vegetables for Mrs. Xiao, and carefully picked out the shredded ginger. Let someone go to warm her up with rice wine and come over to warm her up. Such a caring attitude makes people jealous for no reason.

During the dinner, she seldom spoke, but she always had a gentle smile on her face, and she behaved politely in every way, which made people feel good.

Today she was the same, but she was dressed more plainly. As soon as she entered the door, she first greeted the wives with small salutes, then walked to the Buddha statue, worshiped devoutly, and then came over to salute one by one.

Because they are in-laws, Mrs. Xiao was the first to come over and talk to Mrs. Xu.

Mrs. Xu is not rude, she still asked with a friendly smile: "Is my mother-in-law feeling better?"

"My body is like this, and my mother-in-law is worried about me."

After a few words of politeness, there was nothing to say. After all, they were not very familiar with each other. Fortunately, everyone came to pray for blessings. After setting up tables and chairs, they began to recite Buddhist scriptures together.

It was getting late, and it got dark after a while. Taking advantage of the break, Mrs. Xiao said, "I heard that Qing'er also came together. Why don't you see her also come to chant scriptures? But her mother-in-law is spoiled by her and let her go to play." ?”

These words blocked Mrs. Xu completely. Mrs. Xu didn't come because Mrs. Xu refused to let Xiao Wanqing play by herself, so that she could say a few ignorant words in front of Mrs. Xiao, but now Mrs. Xiao Once said, how would she answer?

I had no choice but to laugh dryly and said: "The child is still young, so she can't sit still here, so I'll let her go and play around, so it's good to get a taste of Buddha."

Mrs. Xiao's eyes were full of calmness, and she smiled gently: "My mother-in-law really indulged her too much, I will definitely say a few words to her later."

If this is the case, Mrs. Xu will definitely accept it: "Don't, don't, that child is Lin Sheng's treasure, no way."

What she said was also extremely clever, and she made it clear that Xiao Wanqing was protected by Yu Linsheng, no one could say anything, not even her mother, and she seemed to be telling everyone what she meant just now.

Your daughter is being protected, and even my mother-in-law can't say she can't control her. She can only let her play. After all, she is still saying that Xiao Wanqing is disobedient.

Mrs. Xiao naturally understood what she meant, and still smiled: "I told Linsheng a long time ago that he should not let him go. It seems that he didn't listen to my words, and I have to let Jane Cong speak."

Xu's heart was startled, how could her son let someone else's son teach her a lesson, so she immediately said, "My mother-in-law misunderstood, I told Linsheng not to restrain her, and let them do whatever they want. "

Mrs. Xiao took her hand and said with a smile: "My mother-in-law loves me so much that I, my mother-in-law, feel embarrassed. It's getting late, let's go back."

The high hat must be suppressed, and Mrs. Xu can't say anything to slander Xiao Wanqing, so she has to go back with Mrs. Xiao.

(End of this chapter)

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