The general has a cute wife

Chapter 20 She Kissed Him?

Chapter 20 She Kissed Him?

Yu Linsheng was not happy to be pulled by her: "Why?"

"Squat down a little, or I won't be able to reach you."

Yu Linsheng knelt down and looked at her, Xiao Wanqing smiled, hugged his neck, and kissed him lightly on the face, soft and soft like a dream, the tip of her nose was slightly cool, touching her face On, like a feather from the tip of the heart.

Yu Linsheng's heart missed a beat, and she squatted on the ground in a daze, her ears turned red like fire.

Xiao Wanqing knelt down and looked at him with her chin in her hand, "What's wrong with you?"

What's wrong?I'm ashamed, although he can drink flower wine, but no one has kissed him yet.

Soft little hands touched his ears: "Your ears are red."

Yu Linsheng immediately dodged, stood up and coughed a few times, Xiao Wanqing was still tugging at the corner of his clothes.

She is no longer as impatient as before, but has a little more shyness that a young man should have: "What are you doing?"

Xiao Wanqing shook the corner of his clothes coquettishly: "I want to eat ducks, the roasted ones, can you go and catch ducks and give them to me?"

Being rocked back and forth by her, coupled with a begging voice in a soft voice, Yu Linsheng nodded with a rare temper: "You wait, I'll go back and get something, don't run around."

Xiao Wanqing nodded immediately: "I'll wait, you go quickly."

Yu Linsheng was still a little confused, went back to get the bow and arrow, and ran into Su Puzhen just as she came out.

"What are you going to do?"

Yu Linsheng spoke in a rare kind voice: "Go get something."

"Hey, where's your little lady? Isn't she still inside?"

Yes, the little girl is still waiting.

Yu Linsheng immediately pushed him away: "I won't go to the training this morning, you can help me to see it."

As soon as the voice fell, it disappeared.

Xiao Wanqing saw him from a distance and immediately ran over, "Wow, are you going to shoot an arrow?"

Yu Linsheng tied a piece of thin rope to the feather arrow, put the bow on the arrow, and aimed at the wild duck that was still swimming in the water, holding his breath and concentrating.

Xiao Wanqing looked at the wild ducks in the water and then at him, his gaze was attracted by the arrow tip glowing with cold light, all the way to the thumping ducks, the rest of the wild ducks fled the water, and there was no shadow on the water surface.

Yu Linsheng pulled the rope to pull the wild duck back. The wild duck was limp and dying. Xiao Wanqing looked at the arrow that was as big as her palm, very curious.

"Why is that thing so big? It's different from what I usually see."

Yu Linsheng put the arrow in front of her eyes and twirled it around before saying: "The bigger the arrow, the easier it is to kill people."

Xiao Wanqing was startled, and kept her mouth shut.

Yu Linsheng carried the wild duck to the distance: "Follow quickly, don't lose it."

Xiao Wanqing trotted to catch up with him, and followed him obediently.

"Where are you going? Are you going to roast duck for me? But you don't have anything, can you roast it?"

Little girl has so many questions!
When we arrived at a small hut, it seemed that someone lived there. There was a wooden bed and many wine jars.

Yu Linsheng took the ducks to clean up, Xiao Wanqing walked around the house by herself, Yu Linsheng came back after a while, dipped the ducks in a jar of wine, and then went to light the fire.

Xiao Wanqing looked at him with her chin: "Well, that, when are we going back?"

"In a few days."

"Then shall I hide in your little tent all the time?"

"Yes, just stay there."

"If someone finds out, will I be beaten?"

"Don't worry, it's hitting me, not you."

"Then I might as well live here, so you won't be beaten."

Yu Linsheng raised her head and looked at her with a smile: "What? Wanwan doesn't want me to be beaten?"

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(End of this chapter)

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