The general has a cute wife

Chapter 212 Let Madam Do What She Wants

Chapter 212 Let Madam Do What She Wants
At this moment, seeing him marinating the meat, there was a slight sweetness in his heart, maybe because he felt her gaze, Yu Linsheng looked up, smiled at each other, and turned their eyes away.

When the roasting started, Xiao Jian also sent the iron racks he had ordered to be cleaned, put them on the charcoal fire, and put the marinated sheep on it.

Ning Shu couldn't stay idle and insisted on brushing the oil by herself, Xiao Jiancong didn't let her do it, and even encouraged her, saying that if it was burnt, there would still be more, it was purely for practice.

Seeing them busy there, Yu Linsheng slacked off and stood aside. On such a hot day, he didn't like to join the fire.

Xiao Wanqing walked over and took out a handkerchief to him: "Wipe, your forehead is covered with sweat."

Bending down to look at her: "I haven't washed my hands yet, please wipe them for me."

Knowing that he couldn't do it by himself, she tiptoed to wipe it for him, got someone to fetch hot water, washed her hands, untied her waistband, and led Xiao Wanqing to hide under the grape arbor.

After taking the chess piece, Yu Linsheng smiled and said, "Let's play a game together."

Xiao Wanqing gladly responded, "Okay."

"It's just that it seems better to have a lottery."

Xiao Wanqing became vigilant: "What kind of prize?"

Yu Linsheng looked at her with a smile: "Madam, how about giving me a sweat towel? I want you to make it yourself."

Xiao Wanqing breathed a sigh of relief: "That's easy to say, but what if you lose?"

Yu Linsheng moved closer, and whispered with a smile: "Let Madam do whatever she wants."

Xiao Wan blushed blushingly: "Erpilian, don't be shy."

Yu Linsheng raised her eyebrows, and walked away with her one move after another. After three rounds, Xiao Wanqing easily won.

Yu Linsheng played with the chess pieces and said with a smile: "It seems that Madam wants to do whatever she wants with me, I don't know what Madam wants to do with me?"

Xiao Wanqing took a sip of tea and glanced at him: "I'm not talking about you, but with your chess skills, I can win ten of your moves, so don't talk to me about God's will, yes You couldn't beat me."

Yu Linsheng: "."

Ma'am, can we still talk properly?

Xiao Jian laughed loudly and said: "It's baked, pack up and eat quickly."

Xiao Wanqing stood up, slapped Yu Linsheng on the head, and ran away laughing. Yu Linsheng followed, and like them, sat around on the low table in the corridor, washed her hands and waited.

A servant girl cut the meat into pieces and arranged them, and cut them into small pieces on the plate. They also brought olive rose juice and ebony juice to relieve the fat.

Xiao Jian never said that Ning Shu eats a lot, but Yu Linsheng didn't believe it, but seeing Ning Shu easily ate three plates of meat, and when she was waiting for the fourth plate, Yu Linsheng was still shocked, Glancing at Xiao Wanqing who hadn't finished eating a plate, she suddenly felt very sorry for Xiao Jiancong.

No wonder the uncle was easily thrown, there is a reason for this.

After eating, they stayed to play until evening, and then brought Xiao Wanqing back to the General's Mansion. Xiao Wanqing was a little stuffed, leaning against Yu Linsheng's arms, stroking her round belly and hiccupping.

"I'm a bit tired of eating mutton today. I'm going to hunt tomorrow. It's probably meat. Thinking about it makes me a little sick."

"Go back and drink some hawthorn sauce, otherwise you will accumulate food."

"Oh, I see."

It was already very late when I returned home, I went to my own yard, cleaned up, asked someone to bring hawthorn sauce, let her drink it, and sat with her for a while before falling asleep.

On the second day, they still went to court, and when they came back from court, the two changed their clothes and went to the manor of Mingfu.

(End of this chapter)

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