Chapter 219
After coming out of the old man's house, he went to the main hall to meet Yu Cheng'an and Mrs. Xu.

Mrs. Xu was holding a half-year-old baby in her arms, who she said was Yu Linze's second son.

After paying their respects, Mrs. Xu looked at Xiao Wanqing. She hadn't seen her for a year, but she was getting more and more beautiful. She was wearing a lavender cotton dress and a snow-white fox fur, which looked good when standing beside Yu Linsheng.

Mrs. Xu said slowly: "Linsheng is already 22, he should be old enough to have children, and you are almost fourteen years old. It is time to prepare, and it is time to prepare."

Xiao Wanqing nodded politely: "Yes."

Mrs. Xu didn't want to talk to her any more, so she ignored her. Yu Cheng'an asked them a few words, and then let them go to rest. They went all the way to the bedroom, and Yu Linsheng held her hand.

"Is it too cold? Are your hands so cold?"

Xiao Wanqing shook her head: "That's not true, it's just that I just got out of my sleeves and let out the wind."

When she arrived at the bedroom, the brazier had already been set up, and she took off her coat. Xiao Wanqing looked at it carefully, but looked at the slingshot on the wall and said nothing.

Yu Linsheng gave her the stove: "What are you looking at?"

She laughed suddenly: "Yulang, I have been married to you for four years."

Yu Linsheng also smiled, sat down and hugged her: "And then?"

She leaned on his shoulder and bit her lip and smiled: "Well, it's so fast, do you think it will be difficult to take me with you?"

Yu Linsheng frowned on purpose and thought for a while: "Well, actually, I think the most difficult thing is when I just married you, and I didn't do anything but trouble me."

The little mouth pouted: "Huh, who didn't have a childhood, besides, I was innocent and lively, and I was a child by nature. You can be content when you meet me when I am the cutest. I remember that you were just teasing me at that time." For fun."

Yu Linsheng raised her eyebrows: "That's right, when I'm with Madam, I really don't have any troubles."

Xiao Wanqing pursed her lips and smiled softly, hugged his waist and leaned on his shoulder without speaking.

When it was time for dinner, the two of them took a shower and changed clothes to wash away the dust from their bodies before going to the main hall together.

The meal was a bit lively, Yu Jinyang and Yu Jinyuan were already fifteen or sixteen years old, they would drink after pulling Yu Linsheng, Yu Chengan didn't care.

Taking advantage of Yu Linsheng's drinking, Mrs. Xu called Xiao Wanqing to the small tea house next to her, where an elderly nanny waited.

Mrs. Xu sat down in the front seat and looked at Xiao Wanqing: "I know, Lin Sheng touched your body when you were 13 years old. It has been more than a year now. You haven't made any movement until now, so I am also worried. , the old man was looking forward to holding Linsheng's child, and your stomach is too disappointing, so I invited a nanny from the palace to show you."

Xiao Wanqing met the ceremony: "Mother-in-law, daughter-in-law has not yet had menarche, and she is still a perfect body."

Xu stared at the boss: "What are you talking about? You are 14 years old, and you still have menstruation?"

"Mother-in-law, it's because the daughter-in-law is not in good health, so it will be later. Moreover, the husband cherishes the fact that the daughter-in-law is still young, and said that he is waiting for the daughter-in-law to grow up, and he said he is not in a hurry."

Mrs. Xu slapped the teacup on the table: "No hurry? He's 22 and he's not in a hurry. Whose 22-year-old son isn't the father of two children?"

Xiao Wanqing muttered in a low voice: "Master Ming Jiang is only 25 before he wants to marry a wife?"

Xu choked for a moment, stood up and was about to hit someone: "How dare you talk back."

 Here I want to tell you something.

  Due to the start of a new round of internet cleansing activities, the cute wife who picked up the zither played a side ball. In order not to hinder everyone from reading, when the heroine Xiao Wanqing married the hero, the opening age was changed to ten years old. It was the first time she went to Qingzhou The time has been shortened from four years to three years. When the heroine returned to Xianyang for the first time, she was a 13-year-old girl. Since there are always differences between seven-year-old dolls and ten-year-old dolls, many places will appear childish. Please also Forgive me, there are more than 20 words, Shizheng really can't make revisions while coding the new draft, so I just adjusted it for each age group.I also ask for your understanding, thank you little cuties.

(End of this chapter)

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