Chapter 224

Linglong and Cheng Jing also got angry. Taking advantage of the confusion, they kicked Yang Ke a few times, who hadn't gotten up yet, and pushed Xu Shi several times.


With a loud shout, someone immediately came up to separate everyone, Yu Linsheng hugged Xiao Wanqing and retreated to the side, Linglong and Cheng Jing were also dragged by Bai Yuan, Xu Shi was supported by a group of women and maids, and her bun fell apart , with disheveled clothes, no different from a mad woman.

Yu Chengan stood at the door with a face and hands behind his back, Yu Jinyuan and Yu Jinyang hurriedly helped Su Xiaomian and Liu Yingge, and the women and maids in the yard were afraid to speak.

Yu Cheng'an swept over them and threatened: "The mistress and daughter-in-law are fighting at the main entrance, you are so powerful, are all of us dead?"

No one dared to speak, Yu Cheng'an seldom got angry because of things in the inner courtyard, but once he got angry, it was impossible to break a few people.

Xiao Wanqing turned her head away, leaned into Yu Linsheng's arms and wept silently, Yu Linsheng half hugged her, swept around the yard, her eyes fell on Yang Ke who was in a mess, cursed secretly, then retracted eyes, coaxing the person in his arms in a low voice.

Mrs. Xu pushed away the mother-in-law who was supporting her and yelled: "That little fox, she called me an old man and wanted to move my entire general's mansion to Xiao's house. If I said a few words to her, she would beat me. Argue with me, can I even clean her up?"

Xiao Wanqing choked back: "You were the one who cursed my parents first, and your own words are vulgar, so forget about me. Why do you scold my parents?"

Yu Linsheng immediately patted her on the back, Xiao Wanqing couldn't hold it back, and cried out with a choked-up sob.

Xu wanted to say something, but she was scolded by Yu Chengan: "Enough, when will you be able to say something nice? If you can't control your mouth, you can drink dumb tea by yourself, so as to save the noise .”

Yang Ke boldly said: "Uncle, it was my cousin who was wrong today, so don't blame my aunt."

As soon as Yu Cheng'an glanced at Xiao Wanqing, Yu Linsheng said, "Yang Ke, it's best to speak clearly."

Yang Ke was startled, and after thinking about it, she opened her mouth: "My cousin is going to bring some things back to Xiao's house today. My aunt said that it's unlucky to move things outside during the Chinese New Year. The maid next to my cousin said that my cousin's things belonged to me. It's not from the General's Mansion. I didn't expect that the cousin not only didn't scold, but also said that the maid was right, and even said that she didn't bring anything from your cousin, and asked my aunt to check the booklet if she didn't believe it. The aunt got angry and said I said a word to her, but my cousin satirized my aunt's background when she opened her mouth. My uncle and cousin should know that a low family background is not what my aunt wants. The cousin mocked her mother-in-law just because of her background. If you say angry words, who would have thought that my cousin would beat someone up."

Before she wiped her tears, Xiao Wanqing asked, "Yang Ke, how dare you say all the things you scolded me about, what's the point of avoiding the serious and taking the light?"

Yang Ke still lowered her eyebrows: "Cousin-in-law, your aunt is your mother-in-law. What she said to you is also a lesson that elders should teach younger generations. How can you curse your aunt to die?"

This time Xiao Wanqing spoke before Yu Linsheng said: "Yang Ke, it seems that you were abandoned by your in-law's family for a reason. With your sharp mouth, it's no wonder that your in-law's house is restless."

Yang Ke's complexion changed, seeing that Yu Linsheng couldn't speak a word, her face was red and white, it turned out that these things she did made her cousin look down on her even more, thinking that she was making troubles in the house Is it a disaster?

Seeing Yu Linsheng's icy eyes, it seemed that all his warmth was only for Xiao Wanqing, Yang Ke felt more and more uncomfortable, wishing to bump his head to death, maybe he could still leave an impression in Yu Linsheng's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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