Chapter 405

Now that there is still a lot of money left, Mrs. Xu found a big bag, put all the money in it, and packed a big bag of valuable jewelry, then ran to the warehouse, packed the valuables in a big bag, and carried He left with three bulging bundles.

If Yu Chengan sleeps with her, then she will take all her belongings away, so that Yu Chengan can't take out a single thing.

Her plan is very good, take the money to go to Luzhou to find her sister and nephew, and worry about no one to take care of her.

Yu Chengan didn't find Yu Linze and the others, and he didn't know where Yu Jinyuan took them. When he came back in a daze, he heard that Mrs. Xu had taken away all the money from the house. Yu Chengan's blood rushed and his eyes went black Just passed out.

Yu Linsheng heard about the news that Mrs. Xu was taken away by Hugh and all the money from the Yu Mansion was taken away while she was still asleep.

While combing Xiao Wanqing's hair, Linglong said, "Someone saw her carrying three bulging bags, and I don't know how many valuable things she packed."

Xiao Wanqing looked at Yu Linsheng, who was sleeping with his head covered, from the bronze mirror and said deliberately: "It must be a lot, just the four of their father and son's regular silver for many years is a lot of money, and what jewelry is added, it is enough She bought a small yard and lived comfortably for the rest of her life."

Linglong took a peek at Yu Linsheng who deliberately didn't listen to them, couldn't help laughing, and then said: "Madam, where do you think Mr. Jin Yuan will take his parents?"

Xiao Wanqing shook her head: "He's only two years older than me. If he wants money or power, he probably needs to find a place to settle down."

They didn't continue to say anything, but Yu Linsheng remembered it in his heart.

After breakfast, Yu Linsheng said that he was going to look for Ming Jiang, Xiao Wanqing looked at him, and asked Linglong to bring out a purse of gold nudes and put them in his hands.

"The second house on Fan Street in Xicheng, the old courtyard where the second sister-in-law's family used to live, go."

Yu Linsheng paused and hugged her: "Wanwan."

"Second sister-in-law treats me better than my own daughter, and Jin Yuan and I also have a good time, so I can't just watch them lose their lives."

Yu Linsheng nodded, held her face in his arms and kissed her, and hurried out with Bai Yuan.

According to what Xiao Wanqing said, I found a house. The door was not closed. I opened the door and entered. There was a doll sitting in the straw pile in the yard, which was Yu Jinchu. Yuan lay on the ground and lit a fire.

Yu Jinchu recognized Yu Linsheng, and grinned: "Shanchu (third uncle), Shanchu (third uncle)."

He stood up unsteadily, ran over and hugged Yu Linsheng's leg, and Yu Linsheng picked him up.

Seeing him, Yu Jinyuan also stood up immediately, a little embarrassed: "Third Uncle, why are you here?"

Yu Linsheng looked around, the courtyard was already a bit dilapidated, and it hadn't been cleaned up in time, it was a mess, it couldn't be compared with Yufu.

"Where are your parents?"

Yu Jinyuan pointed to the room: "Inside, my mother is changing my father's medicine."

Yu Linsheng walked in, and there was a musty smell in the room, which was also messy, but the area around the bed was tidied up, Yu Linze was lying on the bed, and Liu Yingge was changing his dressing.

"Second brother, second sister-in-law."

Yu Linze was a little embarrassed: "You are here."

Liu Yingge hurriedly covered Yu Linze with a quilt, and moved a stool over to wipe it clean: "Sir, sit down quickly."

Yu Linsheng looked around, handed Yu Jinchu to Liu Yingge, sat down and looked at Yu Linze: "I've heard about everything, since I've come out, I'm afraid I won't be able to go back, second brother, what's your plan? "

 Here is a word, this is not Xu's ending, I will not let her have a peaceful life.

(End of this chapter)

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