The general has a cute wife

Chapter 452 She Is My Home

Chapter 452 She Is My Home

At night, there was still no movement in the room, only the voice of the midwife telling Xiao Wanqing to use force, and Xiao Wanqing's suppressed shouting and crying.

Yu Linsheng stood outside the door without saying a word, and listened to all the voices in the room. Father Luo had already invited him, went in to check his pulse, and asked people to prepare Guben soup, Zhixue powder, and ginseng soup .

When the sky was about to light, Bai Yuan ran in: "Master Hou, Jiang Lin and Jiang Zhuangbing are coming towards us."

Yu Linsheng regained her senses a little bit, but she was still in a trance: "You take people first, if you can keep it, then you will, if you can't, then you don't want it."

Bai Yuan was startled, and immediately went to send the order.

Yu Linsheng was still guarding, and the maid brought in ginseng soup to refresh Xiao Wanqing.

The midwife came out and said: "Ma'am's condition is not very good. Before the day came, she was suddenly frightened. The amniotic fluid has been broken for a long time. I'm afraid the pain will be unbearable when she gives birth."

Yu Linsheng's whole body was shaking, and her tone was unstable: "If you want something, tell me."

The midwife looked at Father Luo, who shook his head: "She can only rely on herself."

Many people came in noisily outside, but Zhang Qi and the others stopped them outside the hospital.

"Master Hou, the enemy is at hand, please ask Master Hou to lead us to meet the enemy."

"Hou Ye is not here, I am waiting for 10 horses, how can I fight against their 30 horses."

"Master Hou, please put on your battle armor."

Zhang Qi cursed angrily: "My wife is giving birth, what do you want Master Hou to do?"

Those people still ignored: "Master Hou, a man should put the overall situation first."

Bai Yuan also couldn't help it: "The overall situation, how many cities have been lost, we will fight back. If my wife is a little bit bad, who of you can afford it?"


The room began to panic, Xiao Wanqing screamed a little heartbreakingly, and the midwife hurried out to pull Lao Luo.

"See red, see red."

Father Luo turned pale in an instant: "Quick, Gubentang, hurry up."

Those people were stunned, and knelt down in unison: "Master Hou, the enemy is coming, you should defend the country first."

Yu Linsheng turned around and roared: "She is my home, and my wife and children are still inside. If I lose them, what does this world have to do with me?"

The maids ran in and out, Guben soup was brought in immediately, hot water was also brought in, and those people stopped talking.

There were many voices in the room, there were maids crying, midwives talking, and Xiao Wanqing screaming in pain, which made my heart shrink into a ball.

After a while, the midwife came out: "Okay, Madam has gained some strength and can see her head."

Father Luo patted Yu Linsheng on the shoulder: "It's all right."

In the afternoon, there was the sound of children crying in the room. Hearing the loud sound, Yu Linsheng almost lost his footing, and the dignified man burst into tears.

The midwife ran out and said with a smile: "Congratulations, Lord Hou, you are a young son, mother and child are safe."

Zhang Qi and the others breathed a sigh of relief, and Yu Linsheng wiped away her tears and turned to look at them: "1 troops go ahead to lure the enemy into Pingxi Gorge, 5 horses lie in ambush, and the remaining [-] troops are divided into two groups, all the way to intercept the rear, Build momentum all the way.”

Bai Yuan immediately knelt down: "The last general obeys."

He had already made arrangements, and the others followed suit, so they all retreated.

The door opened, and the wet nurse who had prepared long ago came out to show Yu Linsheng with the baby in her arms. The crumpled baby was a small red ball.

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  The title of the book is "All over the world, the farmer's doctor girl is not easy to mess with"

  Introduction: As we all know, Le Yi, the well-known Lord of Chang, is Dayan's God of War.

  And the only little lady in the house, who looked like a pear in the water, was snatched back by force!

  Oops, that one is the one I love most on weekdays—lawless!
  "Le Yi, I'm not finished with you!" The little girl who blew her hair slapped three shiny silver needles on the long case, and said through gritted teeth, "Let me go!"

  Le Yi glanced at her, and curled the corners of his lips calmly, "Oh, I burned down my house, slept in my bed, and want to leave now? It's too late!"

  "Huh?" The little girl was stunned for a moment, then she straightened her chest and said angrily, "How much? Big deal, I'll pay you!"

  "Okay," Le Yi squinted his eyes, and smiled wickedly, "It's just right for you to pay me!"

  Author: 545651986 (abbreviated as Digital King)

(End of this chapter)

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