The general has a cute wife

Chapter 476 Xiao Xuan Has a Brother

Chapter 476 Xiao Xuan Has a Brother

After resting for a while, Yu Jinxuan couldn't stay any longer, moaned and groaned at Yu Linsheng, and looked outside eagerly.

Yu Linsheng asked: "Wanwan, have you rested enough?"

Xiao Wanqing shook her head: "I'm a little tired, I want to sit for a while longer."

Yu Linsheng raised her hand and touched her forehead: "But what's wrong?"

Xiao Wanqing felt ashamed, and pulled his hand over to cover her lower abdomen, lowering her eyes and not speaking.

Yu Linsheng slowly showed surprise on his face: "You have it again?"

Xiao Wanqing nodded: "One month."

Yu Linsheng really didn't know how to express his mood at this moment, so he put Yu Jinxuan on it first, and came over to hug Xiao Wanqing.

"It's a good thing, why don't you say it?"

Xiao Wanqing was worried for a moment: "I haven't given birth for five months, and I'm still weak. I'm worried that this child will..."

Yu Linsheng hurriedly covered her mouth: "Don't talk nonsense, our child must be fine."

Yu Jinxuan looked at them moaning, Yu Linsheng laughed and touched her stomach again.

"You are really serious about hiding it. If you don't tell me, what should I do if I hurt you?"

"I have a measure."

After sitting with her for a while, the two of them left, and it was already late when they returned to the Military Marquis Mansion. Yu Linsheng sent the child to the nurse, and Xiao Wanqing was pregnant again, so the child could not kick her.

After lying down, Yu Linsheng hugged her very carefully, full of joy: "The eldest is still a baby, and I have a second child, I have to think about how to take care of the child."

"How to bring it? It's not like this."

Yu Linsheng laughed: "Madam, just take care of the childbirth, just leave it to me to take care of the child, and you can't be made a fuss about."

Xiao Wanqing glanced at him: "I'm not that delicate."

"That doesn't mean you have to take good care of it."

She couldn't talk about him, so Xiao Wanqing didn't continue talking, she found a comfortable place and went to bed first, Yu Linsheng rubbed her belly, happy to sleep until midnight.

During the day, Yu Jinxuan came to look for Xiao Wanqing as usual, but when Yu Linsheng saw her, she hugged her and refused to let go, no matter how much he hummed, she just refused to let him go and torture Xiao Wanqing.

Xiao Wanqing touched his face, then touched her belly and said with a smile, "Xiao Xuan is going to have a younger brother."

Can't understand, still humming to find her.

Yu Linsheng asked him to look at him: "You can't torture your mother, do you know? Just grind me more."

Yu Jinxuan glared at Yu Linsheng angrily, pouted her small mouth, and looked at Xiao Wanqing eagerly, Yu Linsheng snapped her fingers in front of his eyes.

"Ming Jiang and Su Puzhen said they want to get together, so they won't come back for lunch. You should have a good rest. I'll take this kid with me."

Xiao Wanqing nodded: "Okay, you can be careful, don't drink when the child is around."

In order to hug the child, Yu Linsheng didn't ride a horse, instead, he walked. Yu Jinxuan was very happy to go shopping with him, buying everything he wanted, and when she was happy, she forgot about Xiao Wanqing not hugging him.

Su Puzhen was waiting for him at the gate of Zuichun Building, and when she saw him holding a child, she began to tease: "You and Ming Jiang are two princes after all, why don't you have a nanny at home? I treat you to a meal and take the child away." hug."

Yu Linsheng looked upstairs: "What? Ming Jiang also brought the child here?"

"His son clings to him and cries as soon as he leaves, so he brings him here."

Yu Linsheng looked at Yu Jinxuan: "Did you hear that, he is clinging to his father."

Ignore it, and look at the street helplessly, wanting to go out.

(End of this chapter)

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