The general has a cute wife

Chapter 486 Abandoning the City and Fleeing, You Have to Look Like Abandoning the City and Fleeing

Chapter 486 Abandoning the City and Fleeing, You Have to Look Like Abandoning the City and Fleeing
Xiao Wanqing took out a pen and paper and said, "If Jiang Lin loses, will those soldiers be used by us?"

"No, they are all crazy masters."

Xiao Wanqing nodded: "That's easy."

She drew a square on the paper to represent Changshan Town, and drew many alleys in a haphazard manner.

"First use the urn city to separate the people in, then use the alleys to disperse the troops, and finally do it."

Bai Yuan picked up the picture, looked at it with the others, and felt that there was no objection, so he was busy preparing.

Only then did Xiao Wanqing rush to see Yu Linsheng, he was still asleep, but he seemed to be feeling something, Xiao Wanqing was strangled into his arms as soon as Xiao Wanqing touched him.

"Wanwan, Wanwan."

Xiao Wanqing couldn't help crying: "Yulang."

He was indeed having a fever, his whole body was terribly hot, but he was shaking.

"What kind of poison is in the prince? Have you found the antidote?"

The military doctor shook his head: "It's the poison of the snake wolf flower, and no antidote has been found."

Xiao Wanqing held back her tears: "Cheng Jing, go and invite Father Luo, hurry up, you must hurry up."

The snake wolf flower's poison cannot be delayed, so Cheng Jing rushed quickly.

Yu Linsheng had a high fever for many days, and from time to time he would open his eyes in a daze to look, and smiled when he saw Xiao Wanqing, and then continued to sleep, as if he was struggling to wake up just to make sure that it was her who was with him.

Xiao Wanqing scrubbed and fed him medicine, and quietly accompanied him every day. Bai Yuan and the others were very fast, and they were ready in a few days.

Xiao Wanqing asked them to release the news of their retreat, and made the signs of escape casual and natural, constantly letting the army sneak out at night and then quietly return.

Yang Yunran didn't understand her slow motion, and complained to Bai Yuan several times.

Bai Yuan appreciates it very much: "My concubine is smart. If you abandon the city and flee, you have to look like you are abandoning the city. If you want to go, you sneak and hide deliberately, so that the enemy cannot see it. You leave with a big swagger, not to tell Jiang Lin that we are Are you setting up?"

"But after such a hard time, when will Jiang Lin be brought in?"

The corner of Bai Yuan's mouth curled up: "Soon."

It was indeed very fast. As soon as Father Luo's carriage entered Changshan Town, Jiang Lin began to attack the city. It was quite difficult to capture the city gate, which made Jiang Lin relax his vigilance and let the army enter the city.

The soldiers and horses entering the city were stopped by the urn city, so they could only run towards a few dilapidated small city gates, and naturally entered a winding dead end. When almost everyone entered, the city gate controlled by mechanism gears was closed, and Jiang Lin's men stepped forward. Things are messed up.

The smell of blood was pungent and made people sick. Xiao Wanqing stood in the corridor and could clearly hear the sound of killing.

The military doctor brought out several basins of bloody water from the inside, and his heart felt cold when he saw it. Father Luo wiped his hands and came out.

"I released the poisonous blood, and I will make some blood-enriching things for him in the past few days, and he will be fine after drinking the medicine to clean up the remaining poison."

"Thank you, Papa Luo."

"Okay, you should go to rest too. A person with a body, not only loses weight, but also loses weight. This is not good for children."

Father Luo went to grab the medicine, and Xiao Wanqing went in to see Yu Linsheng.

He was lying on the bed, pale, and took his hand and put it on his stomach.

"Yulang, the child can move already, you can touch it."

"You need to get better soon, Xiao Xuan is still waiting for you in Yongcheng."

The shouting and killing outside didn't stop until midnight, Xiao Wanqing was pouring medicine for Yu Linsheng, Bai Yuan rushed in covered in blood, seeing her flushing, he immediately turned his back.

(End of this chapter)

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